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I don't like
That subject
It stings
Let's ignore it.
Feb 2013 · 702
Photographic History
I like to look
At the pictures of us
So I can see
Your smiling face
So that I can see
I like seeing those
Pictures because
When your away
I still get to see you
I can still see how amazing
You look
And remind myself
Your heart is even
More amazing
I love looking at those pictures
Because I remember
I was happy and giggling
When you took them
I love those pictures
Because they're the
Very beginning
Of our history as a couple.
Feb 2013 · 7.4k
Without you
The sunrise
Wouldn't look
As beautiful.
Feb 2013 · 863
I love you
You make
A part
Of my sad soul
Finally brighten
And see the light.
Feb 2013 · 199
Just Feeling Far From You
You'd think
This scare
Would bring
Us closer
Not be pulling
You and I farther apart.
Not really the scare just the distance and lack of comfort.
Feb 2013 · 671
Self Talk
I wish
You were here
To hold my hand
And tell me
Will be okay
Because without you
I'm not sure I believe it
When I tell myself.
Feb 2013 · 356
Losing Myself
I think
I've lost my talent
I think I've lost my motivation
I no longer feel able to fight
I think I'm losing strength
A strength I barely had at all.
Feb 2013 · 298
I love you so much
I cry

I cry because
I care

I miss you too
And I cry

Because I
Love you with such intensity

And those tears aren't
Always of sorrow

Sometimes it's
Because the love I feel

Sometimes overwhelms me
Sometimes I cry

Because you
Just make me so happy.
Know here
And now
I love you
With all that
I am
And ever have been
I hope you see
That you mean
Everything to me.
Feb 2013 · 394
Stronger Love
I wish
He understood
Just how much
I love him
How much he means
I wish he didn't
Feel distance
In my love
Because that's
As close
As we can be for now
I wish he could
That he
Is my everything.
Feb 2013 · 434
Crappy Feelings(10w)
The longer
We spend apart
The more empty
I feel.
Feb 2013 · 1.2k
Helpful Hand
I'm going to cry
To break
These emotions
But I know
You sure
Would be
Helpful right now.
Feb 2013 · 416
Needy (10w)
I need you
I wanna cry
And I need you.
Feb 2013 · 369
I'm falling apart
Your halfway across town
And I'm breaking
Something feels off
And I feel weak
I miss you
And it's worse
Than it has been before
I don't know what I'm doing anymore
But I know I need you
To make me smile
Hold me
So I can feel loved
I wish you were here
To kiss me
Tell me you love me
I miss you
And I'm a mess
Will you come
And hold me
If only in my dreams
If only for a moment
It's all I need.
Feb 2013 · 1.0k
What-Ifs (E.P.T.)
I was scared
We we're talking about
And those
Can be pretty scary
My mind
It fluttered
And the image
Later emerged
The test came out positive
We were gonna be parents
But we're too young
My body aches
From the baby
And the fear
I can't tell
I cannot
Finish school
Go to college
Raise this little baby
Cannot afford it neither
If you stay
You'll flunk
Find some ****** job
We'll be in a rough spot
And it won't change
The only
Good thing
Is we might be able
To marry sooner
But your mom will
Kick you out
My mom
Call me *****
But come to accept it
I know she'll cry herself
To sleep so many nights
So will I
But before I tell
I'd cut
My arms
So ruined
****** and scarred
My mom will bring me
Back to the hospital
And she'll ask
Why did I do this
And I whisper
I'm pregnant
And I'll watch
As she realizes
How much
I just ****** up my life
Things get better
I guess
I'm behind in school
You got your GED
I come home each day
And watch our child
I won't see you until
After work
We'll save up
And leave
Start our life
But it won't be easy
I don't know if we'll survive
But I know I need you
Who else would hold me
When I cry
Or when I break
Who else would stay up
To help with our kid
Our life was influenced
By passion
And I know
You'll tell me
It was Gods plan
His gift to us
But I'll just whisper
Haven't we had enough?
Haven't we endured enough hardships?
I already knew
We were meant to be
He didn't need to do this too
Nonetheless we go on
Lower class
But getting by
We're always in love
But sometimes I think
It's only because our child
We make it through
Because life
We were strong enough
For even this
No matter how scary it was.

What-ifs are scary
I just hope they
Don't come true.
Sorry it's long
We had a talk about what-ifs and
Fear generated.
Feb 2013 · 444
Obsessive (Don't Look)
I feel like her
That mutant girl
Who was
By everything
That involved
The very essence of you
You see
I wake up
With an aching
Missing you
Hoping to see you
Hear your voice
See your words
Oh how I
Would give anything
For some sign of
Your existence
I go through my day
Bored and hopeful
Searching for you
Hoping that every
Phone call is yours
Or every noise outside is
You calling me to be by your side
I fall asleep
I could be lulled
By your voice
Or something
Like an I love you
I feel like her
That monster that
Drove you away
And I'm afraid if I
Let on how badly
I need you
Or how scary things are
That you'll feel pressured
To stay
Which will
Make you want
To go away
I'm afraid of who I was
I can't handle this mutant girl
She's needy
Most when there
Is no one to help
And she falls apart
Pull one string too hard
And her whole structure
May collapse
I don't want to seem
I'm fine, I swear
*I swear
Feeling Horrible
Feb 2013 · 542
Agony Loves Company Too
This waiting
Is a retching
Eating away
At my insides.
Feb 2013 · 556
Speechless /Made For Me
Millions of words
Cannot express it
My words
The sweet
And passionate ones
They are nothing
To the feeling
In my chest
When you tell me
You love me
Can ever truly
Express my happiness
With you
Oh my love
Each time you
And I talk
About our life
I know we
Really were made
For each other.
Even my admirer said we're made for each other..
but this was written while thinking about our late night deep conversations which I love.
Feb 2013 · 506
Impatient Love
I hate
The distance
We're worlds
And I can't
Find my way home
I miss you
And it hurts
I need you
I worry
When your not
Here to comfort me
I can't wait
To be in your arms again.
Feb 2013 · 1.3k
Missing My King
Without you
I feel lonely
I cannot
Face these
Battles alone
I need you
By my side.
Feb 2013 · 536
Missing Home
Home for me

Has become

That place

On your chest

Where I sometimes

Rest my head

Home has become


The arms that hold me

The lips that melt into mine

The hand that holds onto my hand

The heart that has finally made

Love worth the fight

You my love

Have become home.
Feb 2013 · 365
Back To You (10w)

In the sweet


Oh how

I missed you.

Can say

A lot

About my


But why

Should I waste

My time

My words

And my effort

On a man

Who only makes

My life

Feb 2013 · 301
A Happy Ending?
I never

Believed in


But maybe

He'll prove me

Feb 2013 · 367
Colder Days
It's cold here

I'm cold here

Where are you

My King

I need you

Your warmth is

Feb 2013 · 350
My someone special
Even when
Things weren't
Easy between
You and me
I stayed
You never
Give up
One someone
That you love.
Feb 2013 · 437
Story Of Us
No one could
Ever love
The story
Of us
Like I do.
Feb 2013 · 168
There Is Lucky (10w)
I'm always

              Getting lost
                                        When your not
                                                                          Here with me.
The Fact Remains True
I Always Knew It Was You.
My mother said
It's not a real proposal
Unless he gets down on one knee

I rolled my eyes
And thought
**All that matters
Is that the look in his eyes
When he asks
And seeing
It's not fear but hope
And believing
You see joy instead of sorrow
Trying to look past his eyes
And looking into that beautiful soul
And if your lucky
Seeing how much he loves you.
Feb 2013 · 1.0k
First Kiss
I'm Always Surprised
When You Kiss Me
Because It Always Feels
Feb 2013 · 384
I miss you
I know it sounds
Sad and desperate
But *I miss you

Your not here
To hold me
And your not here
To kiss me as though
Your kissing away
All the pain I've ever felt
Your not here
And I know it's not your fault
But *I miss you.
Feb 2013 · 333
(10w) Mine
I know I'll be okay,
As long as your **Mine
Feb 2013 · 338
Teenager Angst
These chains
They hold me down
They're keeping me away
From you
Everything that
My life needs
Is out there
Away from these
That hold me back
I wait anxiously
For the metal to rust
And break
So I am freed
And my soul
Can once again feel alive.
Home *****
Feb 2013 · 179
Ending (10w)
I'm going off the deep
                    ­                     N

            ­                                                     *Will You Save Me?
Feb 2013 · 230
Hidden Behind Doors
I want honesty
And never ending

No more
No it's nothing's
No more
Forget it's
No more
No more
Feb 2013 · 283
I hope
That you don't
For the love-making
I hope you stay
You love me.
Feb 2013 · 414
Haunted Halls
Your sweet
And gentle
Has loved before
Will always
Always sever
A small part inside of me
But I can't change it
I can't say I hate you
Because I love you
And you know
I've done worse
Than just love
I've tried so hard
To erase the past
And not let
Eat away at me
But the algae of jealousy
And the atoms
Of our past
Come back to haunt us.
Feb 2013 · 213
And It Won't Be Me
You cannot
Deny the facts
You've loved before
*You will love again.
Feb 2013 · 654
Always And Forever
I love you
And I say it
With sincerity
I miss you when
Your gone
And I love it
When your near
My heart hates
All these other girls
The ones who cry on you
Because I like to do that when I'm sad
The ones who get to laugh with you
Because I envy the way they make you happy
But I am silent
Of my jealousy
So you don't think
I'm that crazy obsessive girl
Who once tried so hard
To cling to you
Like a magnet to metal
I want you
I want the rest of my life
To be spent with you
Because no matter
The people
Who want us
All that matters
Is that we only want each other.
Somewhere deep
Within my eroded
I believe
I am
Feb 2013 · 493
I'm smiling
As the image comes
Into play

I'm crawling into
A bed
Pajamas and all
Pulling back covers
And I turn to see
You looking at me
Watching me
And I laugh
Because I know
I'll be waking up
Into you
My hair
In crazy curls
And everything
We're content
And joyful
Because this is
The first of many
Memorable nights
We'll spend

**I'm smiling.
Feb 2013 · 252
Random thought 2
Is not
A good thing
And Appreciation
Is more important
Than you think.
Feb 2013 · 185
Mornings With You
After all
Was done
I wanted
To lay with you
Just as we were.

*If only we had time
Feb 2013 · 431
A Cutters War
It's a battle
We always fight
Because when
Even for a mere moment
We race back
To our blades
Our pins and knives
We crave it
The urges so hard to resist
We'll suffer the rest
Of our lives
To say
I'm stronger
Than a cut
Better than a burn
And yet
Our scars are proof
Of failures
Our battle is never over
We fight each time
We're upset
Each argument
Each tear
Each moment of negativity
We battle
And I just hope
I am
Than the pain.
Feb 2013 · 320
Valentines day (10w)
Kiss friends
On the cheek
Especially on
Valentines day.
Feb 2013 · 213
Hope Feels Pointless
If I close my eyes
Maybe this
Will all go away.
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
Always Reassuring
When affection
Was bred from
Those innocent looks
The first thing
I could muster was
I'm with him
And that is not
Going to change

And I meant it.
Feb 2013 · 378
I love you
That will
Never change
And I hope
Knows it.
Know right here
And right now
I would
Risk all we have
I wouldn't
Put our love
Our future
Our life
On the line
For a friend
With a pesky crush.
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