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Aug 2013 · 282
Here For You
I wish I could hold you in my arms
All day long
And just call you baby
Call you amazing
Call you my life
I wish your home
Wasn't so hard to live in
And I wish mine wasn't so stressful
I wish things were easier and everyday
Could be just us
I'm sorry I can't always help
But know I'm always here
Because I'll always be
My love is infinite
I'm not going anywhere.
I use to think in forms of poetry
Think of rhymes
Perfect lines
And what other poets might like
But being a poet
Is not about trying
Its about letting
The truth emerge
Letting everyone see the real you
Through the magic of words

*Set yourself free
I wanted to be a poet at nine
I remember writing then
Words about love
A forgein thing
I yearned to know
And I've discovered it now
Years later
But these words
They no longer seem right
Because my poetry
Is meh
I've seen myself grow into this person
One I've gotten at least a little comfortable
I just feel talentless
Like no matter what I say
Or what I do
Its not good enough for society
I'm sixteen
And the world has tossed me around
And I know liars who are better at life
And I know fakes that always get their way
But I work for it
And I know life's not fair
But I tried
And I dreamed
But I guess not all dreams come true
And no matter how long you never give up
The world never gives in
The world never gives chances
But I'm still trying to make them for myself.
This is more crap.  I just feel like a bad poet. And...ugh. I know it makes no sense
Jul 2013 · 1.4k
Tickle Monster I Love You
Meaningful laughter
That emerged from my lips
As the stubble of your chin brushed
Slowly against my shoulder
The goosebumps rising
Wishing you'd kiss my neck
And as always
You know what's on my mind
And your lips
Go for my neck
And I burst in joy and passionate intoxication.
Jul 2013 · 497
Fallin Makes No Sense
We fall
To break
To be swept up
To be put back together
To trust
To be happy
To have hope
To fall once more.
Not even I understand it.
Jul 2013 · 2.9k
Heart Wrenching Hope
I hate honesty
And I hate that no one likes my poems
And I hate that no one will understand this
But writing for me is like setting my heart free

I hate being away from him
Because at night after a long miserable day
I need him close
I just went on vacation
But it was only fun in between
The yelling
And swelling
And the pain
And today I imagined my arms
Cut up
And I hate those thoughts
And I hate feeling weak
I don't wanna watch this kid anymore
He's not mine
I don't wanna hurt
I wanna be with him
Whenever I want
And I want them to stop doubting us
I wanna feel free
To work toward my goals without
These things weighing me to the ground
I want him and school and my dreams
I want to work and be normal
At least a little
I want to breathe and not feel like a monster
I don't wanna be fat
But I don't wanna eat meat and eggs and salads
I want fruit and yogurt and nuts
And I want to smile
I want to smile
With hope all these things will come true
When in reality I'd settle for one
Just one.
Jul 2013 · 683
Love Story
Have always held my heart
That I can't deny
But one day you'll hold our child
And that
Makes me the luckiest
Because your mine
And forever
My first love
My first kiss
Will become my last
And that's a love story
That's our story.
I haven't written for a while so sorry it came out so Blah.
Jul 2013 · 509
Tunnel of Love (10w)
The light
At the end
Of every tunnel

Is You.
Jul 2013 · 508
A Plea
I need you
So stay strong
I love you
So don't cry
Just let yourself
Be forever mine.
Jul 2013 · 292
Five Hours Of Doom
I'm melting
Your not here
This place is becoming hell
And I cannot escape.
Jul 2013 · 468
Former Questions
I remember when I asked God the questions of life
And I was praying every night for you
I remember how the thoughts never stopped
And how it ached to be away
Then I remember when it started to fade
Because my heart had been soothed
By your proximity
By the site of just you
And suddenly I fought my love
After waiting so long
Because my mind was free
The questions no longer flooded my mind
They only went on in the background like soft static
I remember meeting for a kiss
One I remembered being perfect
One I knew could never compare to another's
And I remember how one surprise kiss
Led to this
Led to us and here and now
Everything is perfect
There is no more static in my head
No questions about this mysterious life
And I know its because of you
Because we are soul mates
And together we're better
Than we ever could be apart.
Jul 2013 · 340
Jumbled Love
I can get all messed up
I can say the wrong things
And in turn you say some too
But at the end of every fight
We just know our love is true and deep
For our hearts yearn to just be close
I love you so much
And I know that can be confusing when I'm crying
But at the end of every day
You are my soul mate
My forever
And we will spend our lives
Through good and bad
As long as our love lives on.
Jul 2013 · 476
Sick Of Fights 10w
I don't want or need
Just hold me.

Jul 2013 · 232
Day No. 11
The words from mind have run low
But no need to fret
The love in my heart is completely full.
Jul 2013 · 180
Day No. 10
I just cannot wait
To see those amazing eyes again.
Jun 2013 · 291
Day No. 9
I love you
I love everything about you

I love your scar
More than words can say

I love your lips
When they smile
When they laugh
And especially when their kissing mine

I love your hands
I love that their so warm in winter
I love that they're the same size as mine
And yet they look overpowering
I love how they move and touch

I love your neck
And I love that you let me bite it

I love your body
And waking up beside it
I love that it only took two minutes
For you to be deeply asleep

I love your heart
And how you care

I love your mind
Because I love knowing
Your thinking of our future too.

Well baby I think you know I just

Love you.
Jun 2013 · 547
Day No. 8
I'm sorry

I'm sorry I'm not perfect

I'm sorry I argue

I'm sorry I say the wrong things

*But I love you
And love makes you crazy.
Jun 2013 · 360
Day No. 7
And I miss you
Like its been months
Instead of a week.

I miss waking up to
And I miss waking you up

I miss your scar
And the way you kiss my freckle
And the way you kiss me

I miss your hugs
And I miss holding your hand

I miss being stronger because your near

I miss you
My heart misses you.
Jun 2013 · 420
Lost and Broke
Everyday feels like
That first day
That I realized
You weren't coming back.

Jun 2013 · 460
Day No. 6
I cannot take it

I've spoken to the darkside

I cannot take it

Because I just keep losing

I cannot take it

My heart aches

I cannot take it

As my poor heart is clawing its way out

I cannot take it

This pain grows and when I say unbearable

I cannot take it

Because you don't understand

I cannot take it

But my love tells me to.
Idk what this is just depressed.
Jun 2013 · 385
Day No. 5
I miss you

My heart is being torn

And fear has blossomed

But I love you

And that's impossible to change.

So for now

Know that when I say I miss you

I'm actually say

How badly I wish you were here.
Jun 2013 · 171
Day No. 4
Its day four
And I'm so scared

Please wake up.
Jun 2013 · 434
Day No. 3
Today I really miss your scar
And the way I'd run my finger over it

Today I'm realizing just how special
Our love is

Just how wonderful our love story is

Today I really missed you
Because my love told me

That I was suppose to be there

To always hold your hand.
Bad bad poem
Jun 2013 · 292
Day No. 2
I don't like this
Life without you
Is unbearable
I miss you
I need you
I wish you were here
To hold me
To make love to me
To just be close to me
Because I love you.

So much.
Jun 2013 · 378
Day No. 1
You've been gone only a day
And it feels like weeks
I miss you
miss lying in your arms
And the way you kiss my forehead
I miss the feeling of waking up to you
I cannot bare the distance
My heart aches
its trying to fight its way out
my heart is trying to find you
Reach you through the distance
I miss you baby and these words
They've become gibberish
I used to be so good at speaking
When I was sad
But after the gift of you happiness
Became what I was use to.
Now what am I to do
Without any words worth saying
without you.
Jun 2013 · 508
And I Love You Too
Even love my flaws,
My stupid
Stretch marks
That I despise
You love,
Because you love me.
Jun 2013 · 496
Summer Away
My heart will ache
Will twist up in pain
For everyday
I cannot hug you
For each kiss I cannot
Plant upon your lips
My heart will yearn
Only to be left
To be without you
Yet another miserable moment
For each second
Each moment
That you aren't with me
Know I love you
Know that no matter what I'm yours
Never give up
Because summer will end
And our love will be reignited.
Jun 2013 · 581
Typical Poets
Poets are almost always sad
But that's because
We've been hurt
We've suffered
We've endured
But most of all we've persevered.
Jun 2013 · 724
Bad Day
Somtimes life takes a wrong turn
And I forget why I'm alive.
Jun 2013 · 442
That Look
Ignited from lust and desire
I pull down my shirt
So you see
Bare bits of me
And those beautiful eyes of yours
Light up
And I can tell your admiring parts of me
I never could
You want me but for now
We settle for you burying
Your face somewhere just below my heart
I smile
Satisfaction clear
I love that look
Uncontrollable lust mixed with your undying love
Its just perfect.
Jun 2013 · 639
Stressful Times
The overwhelming bits of life
Prevent us from
Hearing the waves crash onto the shore,
They prevent us from peace and serenity.
Jun 2013 · 491
If Not Now Then One Day
Today I Kinda needed a friend
But instead I'll be yours
And give some advice

Be happy
Let me
Hug you
Because in the end
It all be okay
Never give up hope
Never stop fighting
And just keep looking towards the future
Keep looking toward the light
In the end everything will work out.
Jun 2013 · 209
To Love and To Hold
Just hold me in your arms
And tell me it'll all be okay.
Jun 2013 · 7.0k
Love At First Sight
I remember the day
My brown eyes met yours
And I knew
That my heart
Would love you

....Because it had already fallen....
Jun 2013 · 232
A Promise
All I know is that I'm a little lost right now
A lot like you are so often

All I know is this ring on my neck
Is a promise
That I would rather die than break

A promise that I'd one day
Be your wife
No matter what happens along the way

This is me
Telling you
That my heart has always been yours
And that I'm never letting go
The vows we'll one day take
Are already in affect for me

You see I vowed the day I fell in love
That no matter what I'd find a way
To make us work
To make sure
That in the end
You will be in my life.
Jun 2013 · 187
Anything For You
With hope in my heart
I'm willing to fight for us.
Jun 2013 · 614
She Called Me Strong
She called me strong

How wrong she was

I can still see my scars

They sting sometimes

Just to remind me

I was weak

I still am

I heal just to be reopened

Torn apart again and again

There are wounds you do not see

But that I feel

I fight

But it doesn't mean I always win

No one can win all the time

Everyone is weak sometimes

I'm sorry to tell you

That your pain

Will remain

And if it does go

It will return


Is a part of life

Being weak

Is a part of being human

We can't be strong all the time

And for now we'll remain

The weaklings that we are

We remain


And that is our greatest feat towards strength

We'll go on.

We'll survive.
Jun 2013 · 214
I Can't Take It
I can already feel
The blood rising
To the surface
Of my skin

I can already
Feel that old ache
The pain
The loneliness

I can already
Feel what it'll be like
Without you again.
Jun 2013 · 279
To Love And To Hold
Hold me
Like you do so well
Rub my back
And kiss my forehead
Be mine always
For you are the only one
The only one
Who makes my heart
Jump and skip
You are the only one
Whom I have ever
Truly loved
Or truly wanted
You are my past
My present
And my future
You are my
Soul mate.
Jun 2013 · 400
Magical Places
"Your eyes are glowing"

I know
And yours as well
As you admire me
I love it
Love the very idea
Of this little town
Something draws me in
The pure beauty
The little shops
The sea just moments away
Oh how I love the sea
My eyes fixate on its movement
I love it here
With you
In this place
That feels
I do not like conformity
I stand tall and fight against it.
May 2013 · 641
The Lord, Our Savior
God has been there
Even in darkness
He listened to my prayers
And even now
He saves me from
Minor catastrophe
I have little faith
In the holy book
But for God
I have all the faith I need
He guides me to safety
He and my love
They rescue me
They try and help
My life to be
They help me through
This rollercoaster of life
I was once confused about religion
What way was right to live
But now I know
None of it matters
As long as I stay true
And never stop believing
In God.
May 2013 · 190
Blinded Poet
No I didn't see
You should have just
Pointed it out to me.
May 2013 · 724
Destiny And Us
I was born to
Forever be with you*

Because unlike you
I very highly believe in destiny

I truly do believe all my mistakes
All the ****** up things that have happened to me

Was a part of destiny
My mistakes led me back to you

Again and again
It wasn't that we had met and weren't

Meant to be
it was simply that the time was off

I was vulnerable
I was weak

You were stronger
You were still to young for the love I held in my heart

So I believe in destiny
I believe that each moment of torture

Was carefully planned
So that one amazing day

We'd be reunited
And the fates

Made it so that we lasted forever
Mistakes and all

We had grown finally
More mature

We had learned what true love could be
Destiny knew and we followed its path

As soul mates typically do
Now our past is behind us and our future awaits.
May 2013 · 369
Making Careless Poets
I've created this ripple affect
I don't know where it started
Nor where it'll end
And I have yet to determine
If this ripple is bad or good.
About me referring this wonderful site to people who aren't actual poets and don't care. Also about those who were told about it and aren't good people.
May 2013 · 636
Bad Dreams
I Hate the type of dreams
Where I'm once again
Degraded to a worthless *****
While all I'm doing in reality
is staying faithful to you.

The worst parts aren't
Even how I took it numb
And for absolutely worthless things
But then trying to tell myself
It'd all be okay
I didn't have to tell you
I'd forever hold in that ache
Because I couldn't lose you

Yet I know I could not keep
My tears away
When I were to meet those eyes
All evil commited would come undone
Then you'd see just how bad
Your dream girl can be.
It was just a dream I'm venting from.
May 2013 · 669
Dream girl arises
Jolted awake as always
But then I see
Your body
Lying beside mine
And it all seems
Every moment
In my life that I've
Suffered feels
So worth him
My future husband
The man whom I
Could not bare life without
My heart settles into this peaceful image
Of his arms wrapped around me
And never letting go
And then I sink deeper and the image of us holding
Our childs hand comes back to my mind
And it just all seems
Life with you is
All I could have ever wanted.

You are my dream come true.
May 2013 · 784
I love you
I love you
I love you
Never forget me
Never forget me
And how
I love you
I love you
More than anyone
Ever could
Or ever will

*I love you
I was thinking about serenity too.
May 2013 · 394
You like to ask me
What do you want?
And all I ever think is
May 2013 · 504
Fire Of Love
In your arms again
It was like my world set fire
But this fire did not burn nor demolish
Only illuminate
It brightened life for me
Gave me strife
Gave me a reason to fight
For both of our lives
I vowed I would always love you
And I have yet break that vow
My heart loves you more
Than yesterday
And more than two days ago
My love has grown
And has become a part of this fire
I feel your arms wrapped around me
I find it's much easier to see this way
Because the fire of love burning within our chest
They meet and together we burn as bright and beautiful
As the northern lights.
I don't like it. I forced it and I feel like it needs a last line.
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