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May 2021 · 160
Sparrow May 2021
They told me that this world is ending soon
That it is too polluted, too violent for life

So in the quiet dark my lover and I created;
I spun the work of God within my womb
Tiny bones, silken hair, eyes to see the truth

I fought through the barrier of here and there
Brought him down to us with defiant hope

“Aren’t you afraid?” they ask with mouths full of fear
Don’t they know, it has always been
that every beloved thing can leave?
May 2020 · 138
fate is not a cage
Sparrow May 2020
when you first kissed me
all starlight and fireflies,
crackling embers, trembling hands
our lips found each other and
coyotes howled in perfect time

for so long I thought that meant something about fate, about us


the magic was just me
I am the one who grew up in that forest nurtured by the trees, running barefoot through the sun streaks

sitting quiet as the birds sang circled around me;
cradling hurt, that soft broken creature and sipping rain from the jewelweed

that power was my electric need wild in my veins, in the roots around me and in the wanton caress of breeze in my hair

you were simply
Sparrow Apr 2020
I walk toe-to-toe towards the water, the pier casting its shadow overhead

“but do you know, the sharks feed at dusk?” the nameless boy staring says

I tip my head back and laugh loud, blonde hair flowing to my waist

and throw my clothes off in the sand running naked to the edge

I dip a foot then jump into the sea, swimming out where I can’t hear his screams

dorsal fins do not scare me; I rather be alone with the marine life anyway
Mar 2020 · 92
Sparrow Mar 2020
dearest damsel,

do not wait for a knight with a sword

you cage the fiercest warrior inside you

unlearn every tale you’ve been given

you will know how to slay the dragon
Mar 2020 · 84
my forest is dying
Sparrow Mar 2020
I remember when monarchs, luna moths and dragonflies filled the skies
I remember scooping handfuls of salamanders and crawfish from the creek that’s run dry
I remember rolling in the autumn leaves and climbing to the tops of pine trees,
sleeping with the horses in the hay and never fearing Lyme disease
the cougars, wolves and black bears didn’t need to travel this far south
the sky was clearer when the moon was full and the fireflies were out
Feb 2020 · 100
Sparrow Feb 2020
sometimes I feel sorry for those who aren’t a little bit touched by
madness wondering if they have even experienced half
the layers of the soul
Feb 2020 · 92
Sparrow Feb 2020
“I don't pay attention to the world ending. It has ended for me many times, and began again in the morning.”
Nayyirah Waheed
Feb 2020 · 84
challenge authority
Sparrow Feb 2020
my heart is always with
the rebels & revolutionaries
the protestors, the protectors
those who demand freedom
from the busted machine
Feb 2020 · 69
Sparrow Feb 2020
you loved me my whole childhood
when your son could not
you valued presence, humor, stories
I hold them in my heart

last night you came to slow dance
in my kitchen, in my dreams
you didn’t say a word- could you?
at least tell me ‘you’ll see me’
Feb 2020 · 90
Sparrow Feb 2020
I wonder how many have run from God because they were offended by the godlessness of a man or church claiming to represent Him?
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