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 Mar 2016 Nadrah
no need
 Mar 2016 Nadrah
I do not want to see the morning
I will not see the sunlight break through windows
because it will never compare to the mornings I spent with you
if the ****** light of day cannot shine on you face I have no reason to                 see it
I feel like a flower,
But with flesh and bones instead of petals.
I feel delicate and fragile.
Just like them…
 Nov 2015 Nadrah
Alyssa Underwood
We're awakened to our insatiable longing for heaven
through both beauty and the painful marring of it.
For beauty hints to us of that for which we are truly made,
and its marring shouts that we are truly not meant to find it here.

We can be eternally grateful for beauty lost when we realize
that it's one of the great secret-tellers of the universe.
Still we fear it so and often fear even to hope for the beauty itself,
though they are a necessary cycle that fuels us on and drives us home.

We cannot deny or diminish our intense longing for beauty--
to see it and have it and be it, and we cannot pretend that its
dreadful loss does not press down upon us like a crushing weight.
We must let it crush us until our ache for heaven is excruciating.
 Sep 2015 Nadrah
Arlo Disarray
people put pictures of places in frames
i never understood that
hanging a recreated version of a place they've probably never even been, but somebody sent them a postcard saying "wish you were here"
and with a false sense of importance, they frame a location
and tack it up above their kitchen sink

i've been to hundreds of towns in my life, but never stayed
everywhere is so far away
nowhere is home
and the grass is never green

my hitchhiker's thumb is swollen to the size of my humongous head
and i don't remember where i'm headed
just take me there,
snap a photo,
and hang it on your wall
 Jun 2015 Nadrah
Without you looking
I put little bits and pieces
of you in my pocket,
I tried taking them out this morning
to hug you
but it turns out
my pocket had a little hole
Through the haze of an endless sleep.
There exists a girl who I'd like to meet.
She sings with the animals about love and I.
A body that I feel in my drug induced high.

Across the endless space she exists.
A girl who is sleeping and desires my kiss.
I feel her allure and am drawn to her smell.
A forgotten face she wears to compel.

I see her in the eyes of my plastic plaything
Frozen in place, she lives to complete me.
My desire undying and heart now content.
That she could ever love someone in so much torment.

Enduring and withstanding together in this vision.
We dance at a ball, she hums to the rythm.
A love that is born from desperation and pain.
I am trapped and entranced by her again and again.

All those in my life who rejected me now.
They don't matter as I make a vow
I will take my love trapped in a tower.
Other people are just grass compared to her, a flower.

The only way I can sleep forever.
To finish and win in life, I could whenever.
I stand on a bridge and remember my life, a blur.
"Do you trust me?" She asks as I stand ready to join her.

Maybe if I lived in a different way.
I wouldn't be here, not here today.
I wouldn't have fought this war in disguise.
My love wouldn't be telling me to die.

Now soon she will be mine.
No matter the restrictions of reality and time.
On the sands of a planet or amidst the coral of the sea.
She will come to be with me.
A "gift" for the Happily Ever After genre I despise so much.
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