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 Sep 2014 MoMo
Tark Wain
At this point I know it's over
They've told us where the plane is heading
I've always thought I'd know what to think if something like this happened
But I'm lost here
I'm not thinking about my beautiful wife
Or my daughter
My parents who will outlive me
Or my friends who are off living their lives

I keep thinking about the mailman
No really I do
How he'll have to go around tomorrow
Passing this tale of tragedy
Gracing my family with statistics
Thousands dead thousands hurt
I feel bad for that mailman
For he will never truly understand the pain he will bring

This mailman does not know my name
He does not know my wife, my daughter,
The man next to me,
My first grade teacher, my first girlfriend
He does not know my dog
He does not know my true dreams or my hopes
My ambitions, my musings, my innermost thoughts
No this mailman only knows he is passing out the paper

Delivering news to millions who do not want it
 May 2013 MoMo
Wolves and Lilies
A black bird peaked
On my blue window pane.
Its eyes are ****** red
And wings full of taken dreams.
It flashed a smile,
One that was not warm or bright,
Only dark and haunting.
Dare not to wink nor blink.
For I have seen on its eyes,
A warning told by sight.
It's waiting for me to sleep
Under these old yellow sheets.
And perhaps sing one last lullaby
Before its silver judging claws
Steal my breath.
 May 2013 MoMo
 May 2013 MoMo
Wanted: her words!
Her inspired, breathless,
Sighing words
Needed for motivation
Desired for an elixir
Of broken hearts and corrupt minds

Wanted: her words!
Her mellifluous panacea
Breathing life into the inanimate
Defining the undefinable
And finding felicity in the fugacious

Wanted: her words!
Her intransigent, sagacious,
And judicious lyrics
Publicly educating and passionate
Privately  life's denouement
Her words are wanted
 May 2013 MoMo
Jay Wasnothing
Tell me, where does your smile go when you exchange it for a frown?
Does it really just get turned upside down?
Or does it go into the blushing bride’s wedding gown?

Tell me, where do your tears go when they dry?
Do they impatiently wait for another blossoming love to die?
Or do they happily absorb into the ground with a simple, heartfelt sigh?

Tell me, what happens to every child’s innocent wish upon a shooting star?
Do they fly towards the sky, only to get struck by reality’s speeding car?
Or do they follow you around, waiting to heal heartbreak’s cold scar?

Tell me, why does a hug seem to make all your worries and woes disappear?
Do they only temporarily take them away, quietly waiting to make them reappear?
Or do they really and truly take away all your uncertainty and fear?

Tell me, will the touching moments you have with a friend ever cease to exist?
Do the icy lips of reality make them disappear with her deadly kiss?
Or does the caring hand of dreams and make-believe write them on its forget-me-not list?

Tell me, was the beautiful friendship we had never meant to be?
All the words that slip past my lips don’t agree with yours,
Every second of my time with you is starting to feel like a long list of chores.

Tell me, what will happen next in this tragic story of you and me?
Old poem
Copyright 2013
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