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Molly O Nov 2017
You make me feel like a bad taste in your mouth.
The remnants of something delicious, gone bad.
Lingering too long: becoming a nuisance.
Staining the memory of what was once wonderful.

It seems as though you’re ready to wash your mouth out,
In preparation for your next meal.
Never to divulge in such a delicacy again.

Whereas the taste in my mouth is still sweet and tender, leaving me longing for more.

Oh, how I wish you weren’t so moreish.
How I wish you would spoil and grow repulsive,
Making me forget what I ever saw in you.
Molly O Jun 2015
Two strangers entangled
On a hot Summer's night.
A mere date had been founded
But what ensued they could not fight.

Their breathing was heavy,
Their desires inflamed,
And the darkness which consumed them,
disguised all guilt and all shame.

After the first time, she pulled him close,
But realised soon his affection was ghost.
She understood this and respected it too,
For it was merely a hook up and not a lover in truth.

But still her body and soul yearned for his warmth,
She just longed for someone to combat the storm
The dark clouds cried tears, inside of her heart
Shedding loneliness, felt only when others did depart.

She needed somebody to fight away the cold
And this she temporarily found in his limp hold.

But nothing was long term,
And nothing permanent,
And she soon returned home
To feel lonely again.
Molly O May 2014
We do not consider the uptmost importance a being holds in our life,
Until its impeccable, immovable stature in our world is threatened.

Only then do our eyes witness its true beauty,
Dampened as result of its never-ending presence.

Its wonderous warmth,
Missed only at the realisation of the bitter cold it's absence would entail.

Its cherished wisdom,
Taken for granted in our times of imbosilim.

Only then does our heart ache at the thought of that gaping hole
Which would remain eternally at the loss of our dearly beloved.

Only then does our mind flash back over all the incredible memories formed due to the presence of this significant figure.

And only then do we begin to appreciate the loving, kind, unwavering presence of that forever loyal other,
That strong, sturdy admirational woman,
My truest hero,
*My dear Mother.
Molly O May 2014
How does she do it?
What has she got that I do not possess?
How can she win the heart of any man
With a casual, undignified glance.

And why do I long and yearn for him,
With such fiery anguish and reckless disillusionment?
I have done so for such a long time,
Why didn't this silly childhood crush
disintegrate along with mine?

It is a difficult thing to love the one you envy the most.
But it is even harder to hate someone
Who shows you nothing but kindness,
Someone who does not mean any harm
But simply inflicts it unknowingly.

How can you ask them to stop the pain,
When it's source is their romantic gain.
If it wasn't her it would be somebody else,
And if not them, another.
I see no end to this unraveling string of misery.

The disease of jealousy is the most bitter
And grotesque of illnesses.
Once attained it is extremely difficult
If not impossible to cure.
It is for this reason, that I worry profoundly.
For I have let this sickness go untreated for an eternity now,
Allowing it to soar through my bloodstream,and enter all vital organs,

even my poor, fragile heart.
Molly O Nov 2013
No matter how far we go,
Our baggage always seems to follow.
Trailing ever so slowly behind..

And then when we find somewhere we are content,
And we stop to catch our breath,

It creeps up into our wake,
Filling us with sorrow as deep and dark as a big swamp lake.
Molly O Nov 2013
i find it so hard to sit and listen to something I don't believe.
I feel the urge to stand up and shout and preach of the deceit.
But I must withhold my thoughts and respect the views of others,
For I would hate it if someone felt that my voice should be smothered.
But I just can't comprehend how people can follow so blindly,
How they can hold no voice for themselves, yet listen to others kindly.
Accept all they say for they are in control,without question or doubt,
Or understanding what' truly lies within their own soul.

And mind.

And heart.
Molly O Oct 2013
After the longest of times,
You managed somehow,
To worm your way back into my life.
I had been so sure that you didn't care,
And so convinced myself there was, quite simply, nothing there.

But then you went and indirectly gave me a sign,
Once again planting these thoughts and emotions in my mind.

Why oh why can't you simply tell ME how you feel?
I don't know if it's denial, pride or fear.
Whatever it is I don't care.
There is only so long I can have these feelings to spare.
Only so long I can patiently wait,
Before I get up, and shut that creaking, vulnerable, breakable gate.
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