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In the darkness I go diving
And I do so with a smile,
Knowing that I love you
And I’ll see you in a while.
What scares me the most
Is to love someone so much
That in losing them
You lose yourself
And yet
still end up
mourning not
your crippled soul
But them
Only them
Always them
 Nov 2020 maledimiele
Grief is a liquid
It is the tears in my pillow
Sweating you out into bedsheets
It is sickness in the morning
Whiskey in a mug before breakfast
It is the water I can't drink
It is the storm that kept me awake
The night you called
It is the rain that's followed me since
And the coffee gone cold on my nightstand
Where you left it.
 Nov 2020 maledimiele
I wish I would have said thank you,
Instead of goodbye
 Nov 2020 maledimiele
 Nov 2020 maledimiele
A mirror begs no forgiveness
When showing you the truth
So spare me your courtesy
You can't hide intent from the guilty
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