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Lynn Al-Abiad Jan 2017
لستُ لك و لستَ لي
فالبحار و الأمواج تَمُد و تَجزُر على شواطىء العالم أجمع

I'm not yours and you're not mine
For the seas and the waves lap all the shores of the world

لين اا -
- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
Aime moi comme si les feux de l'enfer s'éteindront demain.


Love me as if the fires of hell will extinguish tomorrow.

- LynnAA
Brulons brulons brulons.
Let's burn burn burn.

Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
Demi-plié. Tendu.
Relevé. Passé. Développé.
Souplesse. Cambré.
All day. Everyday.
Until I step on stage and get blinded by par lights.
Until my tutu twirls and my pointe shoes die.
Until I do my reverence and hear the audience clap.
Everything can be taken away from me
Except for my body covered in a leotard.

- LynnAA
Dreams can come true. Always.

Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
"Every time I taste your Masala tea, it is always a bit too bitter! How many spoons of it do you put in the kettle?"

Tonight I'm drinking it light with a teaspoon full of honey.
Cheers to us.

- LynnAA
Nothing but a smile :)

Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
Véritablement, ce n'est que l'ignorance des gens qui se traduit en mal.
Offerts une fleur, ils la rejetteront avec un large sourire confiant.


Effectively, it is only the ignorance of people that translates into evil.
Offer them a flower and they'll reject it with a smile ever so confident, ever so wide.

- LynnAA
Baudelaire // Inspired

Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
A silent wave in a rough sea -
Every shore you have landed on has been sending you back to the water, yet you still choose to come back thinking you can invade it.
The tide has left you be.
The sand is tired of you.
The seagulls have desolated you.
Leave the shore for those who belong to it and ebb away to a land that is your own.
You belong to the water. You know nothing but the water. Stay in the water.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
It's 1:00 a.m. and I'm suffocating on my tears, telling myself that I should save myself.
It's hard to cry without a sound, the pain gets deeper in your bones if you don't shout.
And I go to sleep, burying my face in a dry pillow and I wake up the next morning with damp hair and a damp face and I pretend it was all a dream.
Then as I try to get up, my chest weights me down back on my bed, only to realise that my heart has been feeding on my pain all night.

- LynnAA
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