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Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
I love them too much for their effort, but I'm tired of watching them taking care of us with all of what they can't have.

- LynnAA
To you especially, my one and only R.

Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
My body scares you but I won't stop dancing.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
Consider me nonexistent, as if I belonged to no womb.
To you, I am nameless, I am odorless.
I am a mass of flesh you've never touched.

- LynnAA
Oblivion is a choice.

Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
My mind is stimulating presence in me knowing that absence is present.
Stay absent.
Your absence should be present for your presence is absent.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
The waves found the shore, at last.
Poseidon laid a kiss on my heart and went to rest and I took a walk down the shore, singing him a lullaby, wearing Rhodus' dress.
The sand is soft and warm.
Terpischore found my arm and invited me to dance with her the dance of survival. We were stepping in the water, splashing our skin and laughing so loudly, so happily, that Poseidon smiled in his sleep.
The sand lured me again. I laid on it and felt the salt drying upon my skin under the warmth of Helios.
The sound of the waves soothed the blood in my veins.
I closed my eyes and rolled in my usual foetus pose.
Hypnos found me as the sea softly landed on the shore to cover me up.

- LynnAA
The sea is a happy place.

Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
هل وردة اللّي كنّا حاملينا سوا بنصّ البحر، وَينا؟ شو صار فيها؟
فِلْتِت من إيدَيْنا و عم بجرّب إتذكّر كيف
قَوْلَك ماتت؟ غِرقت؟ أو بَركي فاشت ع سطح المَي و وصلت لحالها ع الشَّط...؟
عم بقول لحالي إنّو بركي ما سَقَيناها مزبوط، أو بركي خلّيْناها  بالشّمس لوقت طويل
زعِلت عليها، كانت جامعِتنا أنا و إنت، و هيّي الوحيدة اللّي خلّصتنا من العواصف، بتتذكّر؟
...كانت لتخلّصنا، تجبرنا نحملها سوا و نضطر نحط إيدينا ببعض
يمكن ميِّة الملح ما لايمتها و تعبت من كِترِت العواصف
و يمكن أصلاً كان البحرعم ب هوج ت يقِلنا إنّو مَيْتو ما بت لايمنا
وهل الوردة فهمت قبلنا و تركتنا نفهم لحالنا
بس يمكن أنا و إنت ما في غير مَيْة البحر بتلايِمنا

You know?
That flower we were holding together in the middle of the sea, where is she? What happened to her?
She got away from our grip and I'm trying to remember how
You think she died? Or drowned? Probably she floated on the surface and landed alone on the shore...?
I'm telling myself that maybe we didn't water her as we should have or maybe we exposed her too much to the sun
It saddens me, she held us together, you and I, she was the only one to save us from the storms, remember?
She used to make us hold her together and intertwine our hands, that's how she saved us...
Perhaps the salted water didn't do her well and perhaps also she got tired of the abundance of the storms
And probably the sea kept on raging with high tides, trying to tell us that we don't belong to its water
And that flower understood before us and left us to realize this on our own
But maybe, nothing fits you and I better than the water of the sea

لين اا -
- LynnAA
بين الموجات (۳) - إذا راحت الوردة، مشّي نزرَع بستان ورود
Folded Waves (3) - If this flower goes away, let's plant a garden full of flowers

Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
الصّراحة أهم شي بين رجّال و مرأة..."
إذا أنا بدّي روح إحكي مع مرأة، دغري من الأوّل رح خبّرها عن طبيعة علاقتنا
ّو هيّي بالنّهاية إنسانة حرّة، فيها تقبل معي و تضلّ و فيها ترفض و تفل
ما بفهم كيف الواحد بْيِقدر يجرَح غيرو
أنا كنت مغروم بوحدة و ضلّينا ۸ سنين سوا
كان ماشي حالنا
كنّا مبسوطين
كانت كل شهر توعدني إنّو هل شهر رح نتجوَّز
و أنا كنت إنطرها
في نهار بدقّلها كذا مرّة و ما بت رِد، ف بدِقّ لأهلها و بت رِد إمها و بت قلّي إنها سافرت لعَند إخواتها
ما صدّقت بل أوّل و كتير كتير اتدايقت
هل إنسانة كانت تنام عندي أكتر من ما كانت تنام عند أهلها
و حِبْلت مني مرتين و ضلّيت حدها لما رَوّحت
"ما عرفت ليه عملت هيك

"رجعت حكيت معها شي؟"

"لأ. أبداً. يمكن تجَوّزت و جابت ولاد. ليش لأ؟ كنت حلوة"

"ما دقّتلك؟"

"لأ. من وقتها ما عدت عرفت عنها شي"

"إدّي كان عمرك؟"

طّلّع فيّي بالمراية هيك و ابتسم ب لحيتو البيضا

"مغرومي بواحد أكبر منك؟"



"لكان ليه عم بتسأليني؟"

"ما رح تقلّي؟"


"ليه لأ؟"

"بلاها أحسن. يلا بنتي، أنا بدّي إفرق يمين من هون. بدّك تنزلي هون، مذبوط؟"


وقّف، بَرَم و طّلّع فيّي ابتسملي. ابتسمتله

"يعطيك العافية عَم"

"انتبهي ع حالك يا بنتي"

"... Honesty is the most important thing between a man and a woman
If I were ever to meet a woman, I would tell her straight ahead about the nature of our relationship
I don't understand why would people feel the need to hurt each other
I was once in love with a woman, we were together for 8 years
Were were doing well
We were happy
Every month she would promise to marry me
And I would wait for her
One day, I call her several times in the morning - no answer
I call her parents and listen to her mother telling me she left the country to live with her brothers
I didn't believe her at first and I felt a pain in my chest
This woman slept at my place more than she did in her own
She got pregnant twice from me and I was always next to her during the abortion
I don't understand why she did so"

"Did you ever get back in touch with her?"

"No. Never. She's probably married and has kids. Why not? she was a beautiful woman."

"Did she ever call you?"

"No. I know nothing about her since."

"How old were you?"

He looks at me through his rear mirror and smiles through his white beard.

"Are you in love with an older man?

I laugh.


"Then why are you asking me?"

"You won't tell me?


"Why not?"

"It's better this way. I gotta make a right turn now, young lady, and you wanted to get here right?"


He stops the car, turns around and looks at me. He smiles. I smile back.

"Thank you, sir, have a good day."

"Take care of yourself, young lady."

لين اا -
- LynnAA
النّاس اللّي متلو, بحطّو راسن كل ليلة عل مخدّي و بضلّو يفكرو لحد ما يغفو
People like him, lay their heads on the pillow and fall asleep on their wandering thoughts

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