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Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
Sur le bout de mes orteilles, je sautille au-dessus des écumes de l'océan
Ça sent le jasmin et les amandes
Le soleil effleure mes veines et l'eau salée éclabousse ma peau


On the tip of my toes, I hop above the foams in the ocean
It smells like jasmine and almonds
The sun skims my veins and the salty water splashes my skin

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
طلع الهوا
و البحر قام
و الورود ماتو
و القمر رجع هلال
و الشّمس عم بت غيب بكّير
و إنتَ ماشي على هاوية
و أنا لاحقتك
إيدي بإيدك

The wind is blowing
The tides are high
The flowers are dead
The sun is setting early
You are walking on the edge
And I'm right behind you
My hand in yours

لين اا -
- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
I'm driving on a road that leads me to your house and I feel your presence on it and the prints of your tires.
You fill up my head. Now all I can think about is what if I call you right now and tell you that it's easy for me to reach you.
But I don't. Because I have to find home. I have to go home.

- LynnAA
"She didn't know whether she was running away from something or running to something, but she admitted that deep in her heart she wanted to go home."
- Beatrice Sparks

"I knew then that I wanted to go home, but I had no home to go to--and that is what adventures are all about."
- Trina Schart Hyman

100th poem.
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
Just like you woke up one morning to lose your job, one day you will wake up to realize that probably this isn't where you want to be:
This isn't the only language you'd like to speak, this isn't the home you'd want to live in, this isn't the country you'd want to die in, this isn't the man you can sacrifice immense things for, this isn't the emotional spree you'd like to feel, this isn't the job you'd want to spend the rest of your life in, this isn't the freedom you are looking for, this isn't the only amount of knowledge you'd like to acquire, this is not your only family, this is not your only adventure...
And life will come back to your mind:
You revive a desire to study abroad. You believe you're living in your new rented studio in Prague, you see yourself studying by day, waiting tables in the afternoon and sleeping under warm sheets you bought yourself, at night. You live the adventure, you believe you left love here to find it again there. You know it'll be hard but you'll love it. You'll grow, you'll take care of yourself, you'll love, you'll cry alone at night, you'll learn to survive, you'll laugh with new acquaintances. You'll be stronger. You'll be independent. You'll be who you've always wanted to become.
This is why, always believe, that no matter how hard life can hit you, you know, in the back of your head, that this might not be the life you'd like to lead anyway. So hit life back harder and embrace your little dreams, construct them brick by brick and then go live them.
Never be afraid of letting go. Never fear starting anew. Life is full of surprises and if you haven't had any yet it's because you're only living the wrong one.

Be free.

Your Desired Life
- LynnAA

Cheers to life and its blows.
Cheers to the future.

Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
يمكن البحر ما بدّو يوصل ع الشَّط
و لا بدّو الأمواج تطلَع من المَي
و لا بدّو رَغْوتُه تطبش بالصّخر
و الرّمل يكون قَعْرُه
و لا بدّو زراقُه يعكس لون السما
و الملح يطَعّم مَيْتُه
بس هيدا البحر،  هيدا جماله، هيدي قوته، و هيدا سحره
و أنا بحر
أمواجي مزروعة ورود
رَغْوتي طعمتها فنيليا
لوني أحمر نبيذي
قَعْري رقصة معاصرة
مشاعري شَطّ
قلبي صخرة
و ملحي حلاوة الطّفلة اللي فيّي
و يمكن أنا منّي مطابقة لمواصفات البحر
بس هيدي أنا، هيدا جمالي، هيدي قوتي، و هيدا سحري

Maybe the sea doesn't want to land on a shore
And it doesn't want its waves to grow out of its water
And it doesn't want its foam to disperse on rocks
Nor the sand to be its bottom
And it doesn't want to reflect the colour of the sky
Nor the salt to taste its water
But that's the sea, that's its beauty, that's its power, that's its magic
And I am a sea
My waves are planted with flowers
My foam tastes like vanilla
My colour is wine red
My bottom is a contemporary dance
My feelings are a shore
My heart is a rock
And my salt tastes like the sweetness of the little girl I hold in me
And I might not be easily identifiable with the sea
But that's who I am, that's my beauty, that's my power, that's my magic

لين اا -
- LynnAA
Que la mer nous avale dans l'immensité de sa profondeur.

Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
Ça sent la vanille et la noix de coco.
Allons danser ce soir.


It smells like vanilla and coconut.
Let's go dance tonight.

- LynnAA
Les parfums demeurent à vie.
Perfumes abide forever.

Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
ملح البحر نشَّف ع جسمي و طلعت ريحتي خشخاش منقوع بالموج

The sea's salt exciccated upon my skin and now I smell like poppies drenched in waves

لين اا -
- LynnAA
العطور فَتّاكة - Essences are annihilating

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