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Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
I don't miss you.
I crave your presence.
Being with you annihilates dystopias and makes me believe in utopias, for your heart is the kingdom and your embrace is the land and I get lost between being your princess on the throne or a peasant on your fields.
But it wouldn't really matter, I'm in a utopia; and the only way I might encounter a piece of hell is when I'm not inhaling the scent of your neck.

- LynnAA
Love, always.

Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
Ylang-Ylang. Viscaria. Protea. Orchid. Magnolia. Lotus. Hibiscus. Gorse. Gardenia. Englantine Rose. Dandelion. Daisy. Cherry Blossom. Campanula. Chamomile.
Pure. Peaceful. Innocent. Flowers.
Flowers don't hurt. They only do if you want them to.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
Un tissu dentelé, couleur rouge-sang, effleure ma peau et fait frissonner mon être.
Mon amant à l'autre bout du tissu devore ma peau de ses yeux et extasie mon existence.
Ne me touche pas de tes doigts.
Enveloppe mon vagin du tissu rouge et exhale ton souffle dans le creux de mes seins.
Mes lèvres sont pulpeuses à force de les mordre.
Le bout de mes seins sont saillants.
Mes poils se redressent pour s'aggriper à toi.
Je me perds.
Je me laisse aller.
Mon corps bouge imparablement. Il devient le tien.
Je m'abandonne à toi, les yeux fermés.
Je ne veux que sentir.
Tu m'enveloppes.
Tu poses ton coeur sur le mien et nos pulsations se synchronisent.
J'inhale. Tu inhales. Tu exhales. J'exhale.
On fusionne.
Plus. Encore. Davantage.
Plus. Encore. Davantage.
Plus. Encore. Davantage.
Plus. Encore. Davantage.
Petite mort.
Je t'aime.


Lace cloth, blood red, touches my skin and quivers my being.
My lover on the other end of the cloth is devouring my skin with his eyes and rapturing my existence.
Don't let your fingers touch me.
Wrap the lace around my ****** and exhale your breath in between my *******.
My lips are pulpy, I bit them too much.
The tips of my ******* are protruding.
My little hairs straighten out to reach you.
I get lost.
I let myself go.
My body moves unstoppably . It becomes yours.
I abandon myself to you, my eyes closed.
I only want to feel.
You enfold me.
Your heart meets mine and our pulsations synchronize.
I inhale. You inhale. You exhale. I exhale.
We merge and blend.
More. Further. Anew.
More. Further. Anew.
More. Further. Anew.
More. Further. Anew.
Little death.
I love you.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
Talk to me. Touch me. Be with me in the same room.
You never got to know me. You don't know me. Don't assess me.
Erroneous. Biased.
Don't avoid me and start drawing images of me you created in your head.
Don't wish me away if you have never been near.
Don't disappear and believe I'm still the same.
Don't hide behind walls and look at me through a hole you carved yourself.
Stand before me. The view is better and clearer up close.
And I have a tulip for you.

- LynnAA
Take them both.

Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
Flowers don't hurt.
Flowers are soft and elegant.
They are wild and rare.
They're delicate and addictive.

Flowers fill your heart and tickle your nostrils.
Flowers heal your pain and feed your love.

I'm holding a flower right to your heart.
Breathe in.
Let the petals caress your nose.
Let your eyelashes hold the petals.
Let your skin feel it.
Close your eyes and feel.
The flower resonates with your heart.

Flowers don't hurt.
And I'm giving you my flower.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
You got used to my absence.
My absence doesn't affect you.

- LynnAA

Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
I dance to feel my body
I dance to live in a lively skin
I dance to feel love and give love
To feel pain and take pain away
I dance to feel pleasure, sadness, ecstasy, tiredness, short breaths, fast heartbeats, sweat, elegance, strength, beauty...
Dance is beauty.
And I want to make you feel beautiful.
I want to pour my love into you and twist your pain out of your fingertips. I want to twirl around you and make you feel a soft breeze, make you feel me from a distance. I want to leap into your arms and trust you to catch me. I want to slide my body so close to yours and burn with our fire.
We will dance and only stop chest to chest, close enough so that when we breathe in heavily, our chests will touch and our hearts will collide, and my breath will combine with yours, and our lips will start to close in on each other as our fingers intertwine to pull us closer and closer as I wrap my body around yours and you wrap your body around mine and we lay on the floor, you on top of me and we twist and turn and move in perpetual sensuality that will keep us dancing to the rhythm of our breaths and heartbeats.

- LynnAA
So, will you dance with me?

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