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Being in love
With someone—
As glass;
Being in love
With yourself—
As stone
 Jan 2019 Zach Short
Don’t miss your cold love
Miss the warmth you let me feel
About myself —
Even the pain in my chest, and the shallowness of my words and breath, are Zen if your labels are loose.

Expect more traditional haiku shortly.
I forget their names
and I din't visit them, but
they're like my children
don't **** with my children
nothing you can do
'cos when I touch myself, I
always think of you
no need for imagery, I just break out the 'ol memory reel
 Jan 2019 Zach Short
 Jan 2019 Zach Short
TaKe Me To a PLaCe WHeRe We BReaTHe iN
aND We eXHaLe
I actually am pretty proud of this poem. What do you guys think?
 Jan 2019 Zach Short
Her dumpster full
Full to the brim

My nut aroma
Fills the room
like a strong
Musky wind

So much nut
I could go swim

For who am I?

The nut king
impending doom!
don't save your cash!
it's coming fast!

the world is ending,
this I know.
Because the Bible tells me so.

So, umm...
might wanna drop a 20 in thar collection plate
On Christmas Eve I was talking to my brother

It was 2:30 in the morning

We had both been drinking.

I read him one of my poems.

That one about surviving myself.

It sparked a conversation.

The tough kind.

About suicide.

I told him I truly believed most people

Dont WANT to die

They just want the pain to stop

I told him it was a cry for help.

He told me my first attempt was not.

He said with tears rolling down his cheeks

"You were done that night."

With tears now streaming down my cheeks I replied

"I can't talk about this. Not tonight."

"I know." He cried

"Did you ever get help after that night? After seeing me like that? Did you talk to someone?"

"I couldnt talk about it. It was too hard."

At this point we're both bawling.

I wrapped my arms around him.

I apologized.

See that's the thing about attempting suicide and surviving.

If you're lucky enough

To survive

You have to witness the pain everyone around you feels.

Because of you.

I never use to think it was selfish.

Not until Christmas Eve.

I broke my brother.

6 years ago.

And he's still haunted.
Trigger warning.
-word for word conversation with my brother this Christmas eve. This was not written to offend anyone. But rather to hopefully open the eyes of those considering attempting. It doesn't stop the pain, it truly does just pass it on to the people who love you most. Stay strong, hold on.
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