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Krad Le Strange Jul 2019
Regardless of whatever height we reach
The fall is almost always inevitable...

and yet, we still continue to take our chances
We just tighten our very grips,
Shut our doubting eyes,
hold our labored breath,
and just savor the free fall
Krad Le Strange Apr 2019
Can you tell me
where I can find these safe spaces
where vulnerability can be cradled
where disgust and disbelief are unheard of
where unconditional positive regard is the credo

Can you tell me
where I can find these safe spaces
for I have looked at different places
did not find these on half-deserted streets
nor in our family car's window seat
not in the company of old friends
who know nothing but to condescend

Can you tell me
where I can find these safe spaces
I've been stuck in the same old mazes
So, can you riddle me these
and help me find these safe spaces
Krad Le Strange Apr 2019
I am many things all at once…

I am more than just a poet
I am more than that human
Who you see muttering
Those verses, rhyming and aching
Of longing and brokenness
Of depth and hopelessness…
I am more than any piece I’ve spoken
More than any poem I’ve written

I am many things all at once…

I am more than just those “titles”
More than any predefined roles and adnouns
I am more than that kid who you used to see
Climbing up a nonsensical pedestal relentlessly
I am more than that person
Who has long been enslaved –
By words and numbers written on a paper
Life worth mainly defined by others
I have always endeavored to become better

I am many things all at once…

I am more than just taints of my past
More than a byproduct of bad decisions
More than a series of apologies and resolutions
More than a prisoner of my innermost fears
Earnestly seeking for vagaries
I have yet to forget the art of letting it be
And learn playing with blurs of probabilities

I am many things all at once…
A diffraction of Schrödinger's equation
Reflecting a quantum superposition
I am many things all at once…
Krad Le Strange May 2018
To the one who made her broken, undefined
Can I take care of the rubble you left behind?
Can I collect her pieces, help rebuild her whole
Can I have her heart, the one you previously stole
Krad Le Strange Apr 2018
"He wanted to know about the sycamore tree and seemed to understand exactly what I meant when I told about the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. “It's that way with people, too,” he said, “only with people it's sometimes that the whole is less than the sum of the parts."
- Wendelin Van Draanen, Flipped

Look at me with those hopeful eyes
with the belief that we can make it through lows and highs
walk again with me, you and your untiring feet
you made the past months more complete
let's cross some more bridge together
stay when one needs the other

Lend me your hands and your arms
and I will gladly accept to ease my qualms
For I've learned that hands will just be hands
and arms will just be arms
but they become so much more
especially when comfort and solace are in store

I have not searched but I have found
someone standing on the same ground
Thank you for breaking the trope
and for helping me breathe a brand new hope

Even if there were a lot of people who were far less
In the short time we've spent together,
I can say you are one of the few who are far more...
you are greater than the sum of your parts
you are one beautiful whole
Krad Le Strange Mar 2018
Who am I?
What do I really want to do
With this life given to me
Some nights feel like an epiphany
But most nights, I feel stuck in an endless existential maze
How I wish I can find the answer
Shall I trust Adler?
To believe in a fictional final goal
And trust that all of this will make sense
That someday, everything will “fall into place”
How I wish I can find the answer
To this seemingly never-ending struggle of mine,
To that one question of “Who am I?”
Krad Le Strange Dec 2017
Carry your stars discreetly
For what lies ahead is unknown to you
Declare your heart
To the blank space of infinity.

But leave —
Leave some parts of you
Unknown to the universe.
It is often deceiving —
its beauty being revealed when you least expect it;
its roars raging in the darkest hours of sunrise.
Leave if you must.

You are a piece of an endless galaxy,
a whole of your own infinite vision.
A new growth awaits.
Given by a friend on December 21, 2017. I am putting this up here so that someday I will remember...
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