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Justyn Huang Sep 2019
Why would I wish on a star?
That’s so far away.

And you’re right here.
Another sweet nothing
Justyn Huang Sep 2019
The ones that fall the hardest
dared to climb higher in the first place.
Justyn Huang Sep 2019
Stardust, the wind or the waves,
Whatever cliche we could
draw parallels to
wouldn’t really matter at all cause

You’re incomparable
Justyn Huang Sep 2019
Her eyes, by sparkling gems
glittered in the wind
and when the beat dropped
so did that bootay
Justyn Huang Jun 2019
Maybe I have sweet lips?
Or maybe you've never met
A guy whose first wanted to
touch you with his words,
speaking through our Souls
swapping ideas, or letting
Our personalities into the bedroom before
Our bodies.
Justyn Huang Jun 2019
Finding your voice
means screaming into
All the wrong places
until One day--

You hear your echo
calling your name.
Justyn Huang Jun 2019
The longer you walk in the dark
The easier it becomes to see
The monsters for what they are

But don't stay too long, confusing
bad company for friends.
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