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 May 2017 John H Maloney
terror is feeling like you're losing everything: your mind, your friends, your family, your sanity, every single unique characteristic about yourself, and knowing there is nothing you can do to stop it

You keep your secrets from me
I have to seek them out
You keep them hidden in you pages
Tucked away from my doubt
When you think you could
and feel you should
but know you won't.
i taught you
that it is okay to treat me badly
because i always
accepted and accepted it
hoping it wouldn't happen again
but that was just showing you
that you can do it
again and again
until there was nothing left of me
and i hated
for teaching you to treat me
like i was nothing
 Apr 2017 John H Maloney
If it could be
I'd live another
Drawn out mystery

Written like
A timeless novel
Infused in love
Let misery follow

Passionate life
With dreams alive
No need to wait
For the other side

Right there and then
Just like here and now
No need to live
Up in a cloud

If it could be
I'd set you free
And teach you
How to fly

To a place
Just out of reach
Where no one
Has to die
Traveler Tim
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