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 Oct 2017 Jean Garnet
 Oct 2017 Jean Garnet
Who's the real blind in this world?
People who lost their vision literally?
People who shut their eyes when it comes to love and reality?
Tell me, Who is?
 Sep 2017 Jean Garnet
You never knew what you can do
If you use this thing out of the blue
It can break or make, but never ends
For words can **** you with just one said.
 Sep 2017 Jean Garnet
 Sep 2017 Jean Garnet
Black and White,
That's all I can see,
I am tired of it,
So I paint it with red using my wrist.
 Sep 2017 Jean Garnet
 Sep 2017 Jean Garnet
My dream is to fly,
Elevate my feet on the ground,
That's why I followed the voices inside my head,
I flew in my room,
With the rope who made my dream come true
Suicide entry #2
 Aug 2017 Jean Garnet
He's too tired of her dramas
That's why he shuted her out
She's too tired, begging for his love
That's why she finally leaves him behind,
This is the ending of their journey,
The last stage of their love story,
For they never listen to the heart, of one another.
Communication is the best tool for every relationships
 Aug 2017 Jean Garnet
I hold you everytime,
I kiss you every night,
I hug you every hour,
You are my one and only man

But honey they're laughing at me,
Saying I'm a fool
For loving a man who's made up of words and bind as a book.
 Aug 2017 Jean Garnet
She never wish to be save,
She never wants a prince who's riding a white horse,
She never chose a crown and dress,
For she is the knight who's going to save herself.
 Aug 2017 Jean Garnet
 Aug 2017 Jean Garnet
My heart is cut into two
One for me, one for you

I bleed of love
If you return the same love

I bleed of blood
If you break the other half

I do not know if it's magic or what
But still I live with a broken heart
Lunch-break poem.

— The End —