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hetty Jan 2019
fingers intertwined, branches of a tree
you looked down to me, greedy eyes, pollen-grained
“draw me in” my mind wanders
thighs, or beehives, succulent and alive
fragmented sighs
a deathly sting, honey on my lips
breath on skin, wisps of hair like wings
dizzy desires
“draw me in”
[in which an intimate moment is shared]
hetty Jan 2019
there are some things i will never understand.

you are deserving of the pulse that beats through your fragmented skin.
every echo of your heartbeat proves to me just how alive, how real, you are

i will never understand why the universe thinks i deserve the privilege of existing alongside of you

every flutter of your eyelid,
every flicker of your hair,
every speckled star-dust on your body,

you are real
you are real
you are real

and you are a phenomenon, a diverse wildfire, a soul chasing the wind.
my whole entire world
rests upon your breath
[in which i wished she would see herself the way i saw her]

— The End —