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Bhill May 2020
what is that, is all my sleepy brain could ask
what is that?
is my hand feeling some dampness?
is that lapping sound really there?
what is it, I had to ask again?...
I moved my hand and could feel the softness of her
I stopped
she pushes herself under my hand to be caressed
she was insistent on waking me
it was morning and time to rise
it was ***-*** walk time.....
ya got to love your dog!

Rian Hill - 2020 # 140
Bhill May 2020
rolling without physics and facts is our new normal
too much information
too much condescending information
two greatly misused weapons of the internet
information should never be communicated to the masses falsely
what to do, what to believe...?

Brian Hill - 2020 # 137
Bhill May 2020
once in a while, the worlds in sync
the battles are forgotten and everything’s pink
experiencing this wonder will take you by surprise
don't be confused, as it flashes by your eyes
the sun and clouds, will not get in your way
the wind and the rain will dance and dance all-day
the rivers and the oceans will be swimming with life
the forests and the deserts will be blooming without strife
once in a while, the world is in sync
can't wait to see this come to pass, and then, what will we think...?

Brian Hill - 2020 # 136
Bhill May 2020
self-respect makes beautiful perfect sense
IT assumes that IT can be done
the IT in our lives desires attention
IT lacks self-motivation unless IT is believed
see the self, IT will see you
respect the self, IT will respect you
honor the self, IT will honor you....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 135
Bhill May 2020
I see the sunrise
nature never disappoints
such a simple act

Brian Hill - 2020 # 134
Watching beautiful things will make this year be just a bit better...
Bhill May 2020
2020 is a puzzle of a year
the earth’s redistribution of circumstances
beyond crazy political activity
lies expressed in so, so many manners
science was told to be productive
mankind was pushed to uncommon practices
2020 will have a special place in history...
The puzzle will have pieces in place one day

Brian Hill - 2020 # 133
Bhill May 2020
your beautiful words have awoken
taken from the very senses that prevented release
hindering the imagination laying in wait
finally, a well-deserved word salad has been served...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 132
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