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  May 2020 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma
Days of uncertainty await many
Days undefined lived by many
Days together / apart lived by many
Days never to be forgotten / remembered lived by many
Days that bring days are the days that many have been living
Days beyond, to look forward to are the times and days wanted by many
What are these days

Every Day
Positive thoughts and energy would take us all to the days that are meant to be
  May 2020 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma
In your mind
There’s a place
You often drift away to

No eyes peering at you
Oblivious to the crowd
Aware unabated

The din outside
Puts a rest to the one inside
The music silent, faint

The rhythmic beats
The pulse felt, makes sense
The heart awake
  May 2020 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma
It’s the quiet, of the calm
That quietly exists
With the rage, of the storm
Non displaces other

As, the dark of the night
Never replaces
The bright shining sun
Eternally, they live
Lost within those desert sands
Trenches deep on war torn land
Uncertain days .now fear abounds
We're guns and bombs the only sound.
Children hungry with not much to eat
Walking on streets no shoes on their feet.

Young folk are so disillusioned
Within a world faced with confusion
Promises that never come true
What's mankind supposed to do
Let's hope one day this story will pass
And peace and love will forever last.

Now it seems we have to stop and think
For life as we know it is on the brink
Let us see if the tide will turn
And hope that lessons will soon be learned
Those foggy times for now are here
We hope one day the fog will clear.

Let's stop for a while and take controll
Now possitive thoughts must be our goal
No longer fill our minds with fear
There is a light that's very near
The picture now paints better things
Like beautiful flowers and butterfly wings.
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