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 Dec 2017 Fox Friend
Lily X
Have you ever noticed that, if you close your eyes, a laugh can sound like someone crying?

I’m not laughing.
Open your eyes.
Can’t seem to write much recently.
Watch out folks
We've got an uppity
Holier than you
Who seems to think he's got the right
To regulate what you do
Apparently he insists
None of us should post
Unless we've studied the poets
That he likes the most
Now, I'll admit, his taste is fine
And his choice of poets good
But knowing classic poetry
Is not what makes a poet, or should
Poetry has nothing to do
With all the poems you know
It's entirely about what's in your soul, and how you can make it show
So write, write, write
And share, share, share
Even if you've never read
Any single poet, except the one living in your head.
Being suicidal doesn't mean i'm going to **** myself

Being suicidal is having this unexplicable ache while you're living

It's waiting for your life to end, and wishing you didn't have to carry on

Having this ache, an incapability to feel happy living, doesn't mean that I am going to **** myself -

It just means I wouldn't mind dying.

— The End —