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 Apr 2018 Eve
Ignatius Hosiana
We don't care about today
but hope for a better tomorrow
someone told me that kind of hope is
the greatest source of sorrow
for we're locked up behind
glittering window panes
and through that tint we
find freedom in our chains...
unless we're color blind
Yet again am told hope is a good thing
that life's just the way it is
it's a bee, now and then it's going to sting
it's going to shine, rain or freeze...
We pray for a clear sky
albeit the cloudy comes with a blessing of rains
we'd rather say hay while the sun shines,
stuffed than share with
a hungry brother that pines.
We forgot what really matters
with  many broken hearts,
and a million souls in shatters
everything hurts,
the world is busy grieving...
I once read
funerals are not for the dead
but for the living...
We're all faithless
that's what we're believing
can't repent, we're all sinners
so who'll do the forgiving?
 Mar 2018 Eve
Elizabeth Squires
late in the afternoon
a storm hawk
sounded his prophetic tune
within his blood
an inkling of the weather
which would prevail
his clarion call
went o'er the landscape
from a vantage point
high in a gumtree
it reverberated
so liberally
inside the hour
on the hills
and in the steep ravines
gullies rushed
in fast moving streams
he knew the weather drill
he knew it well
when skies would
spill a raining
his predictive powers
sensed moisture
being about
hence his calling
in an innate vein
 Mar 2018 Eve
 Mar 2018 Eve
How long I have waited
To see your face again
Lying here beside of you
This is what love should have been

My hand caressing your face
Looking deep into your eyes
Beautiful golden locks
Forget all the terrible lies

I knew I would feel you again
Never has my heart felt so strong
A moment to never let go
It feels like it could go so long

He never stood a chance
As I speak beautiful words
That smile is plastered upon your face
My speech becomes more slurred

It seems as though you have nothing to say
Lying there staring into my eyes
I hoped for at least a few words
But I get nothing but my sighs

As my tears fall upon your cheeks
Your face becomes a blurr
Wipe as quick as I can
I knew this would occur

Blood covers the night
Painting the picture red
I had my final goodbye
Even if it was only a picture on my bed

The razor has made its mark
For all the world to see
Scorn my path if you desire
But no one has been me

Cut after cut the blood flows
And the pain wipes the thoughts
Into the darkness the soul slides
With longer and longer sleeves hides

It seems with a broken heart
Sometimes you go too far
The flow doesn't stop
Not enough strength for the car

Kiss thy foul blade
Give it praises unto God
For the gift has been given
Now hide thy pain under the sod
 Feb 2018 Eve
Elizabeth Squires
little raindrop tears cling
to the carnation's petals
like spray on pink cheeks
 Feb 2018 Eve
CJ Sutherland
 Feb 2018 Eve
Paul Butters
 Feb 2018 Eve
Paul Butters
The essential me.
My soul and spirit.
Never to be broken.
For I am who I am
And no-one else can live my life
But me.

No gods, emperors or kings
Can rule
Inside my head.

Sure, I can bow and scrape
To my “Superiors”,
Yet in the confines of my mind
My thoughts and feelings remain
My very own.

Inside, I have Attitude
And Assert myself fully.

You may well brainwash me
With ideology
And all manner of social-controlling stuff
But you will never eradicate
The essence
That is Me
Indeed I.

I may have little power
In this sordid world of ours,
But in the Universe of Planet Paul
I am effectively

Without me,
Without my Mind,
My Id,
There would be no Life
In any place
For Me.

Without this Life
There is no World or Universe
As far as I
Am concerned.

For Me
Whatever I do not experience
Does not exist at all.

Think me selfish if you wish
Or Egocentric
Call it what you will
I have to say it
As it is.

Just be grateful
That in the end
I am a loving soul.

Paul Butters

© PB 26\2\18.
Self Assertion!
 Feb 2018 Eve
Ashly Kocher
Only a true man

Can carry your heart

That is still beating

Within your chest
 Feb 2018 Eve
Ashly Kocher
 Feb 2018 Eve
Ashly Kocher
The truth in life
Lies behind
Ones true self
Being true to yourself always
 Feb 2018 Eve
Ashly Kocher
 Feb 2018 Eve
Ashly Kocher
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room...


Guns don’t hurt, wound or **** people

People with those guns

Hurt, wound and **** people...

         So very sad news

Happening throughout our world....
I may spark some controversy but our world has been hit hard and something has to be done. I am NOT saying ban guns, I am NOT against guns just make stricter laws and rules and better security. Just sad.
 Feb 2018 Eve
Ashly Kocher
 Feb 2018 Eve
Ashly Kocher
I live vicariously
     Through the eyes
             Of a child’s

Only finding
     The good
        In the human race...
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