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Everybody Sep 2013
If Carmie told Miss Joyce about the deal
She'd probably call her a
Shibai segi
Everybody Oct 2013
Oh cheer up Mr Frank,
Give her time, she will heal,
It's all just temporary feelings like
You always say, is it not?
It'll be over soon!
Mike Goswell
Everybody Oct 2013
Chaos isn't all that bad.

You can't experience true happiness
Without a little sadness;
You can't be truly grateful
Without a bit of deprivation.

Don't you see, there are
Perks to being chaotic.

If you survive, you learn,
Gain experience,
Become a better person than before.

If you don't,
What can I say?

Next time, next time...
Introduce a little anarchy.
Upset the established order,
And everything becomes chaos.
I’m an agent of chaos.
Oh and you know the thing about chaos,
It’s fair.

— The Joker
Everybody Sep 2013
You want us to keep
Our identity is about to be
Revealed brother!
They will
Exile us, brother.
We will be
Annoyed Adsel
Everybody Sep 2013
I don't when to ask
Am I asking too much or
Asking too little?
Am I missing something
Or am I just being annoying?
Oh boy, Oh boy...
I'm sorry missy...
Mike Constantino
Everybody Oct 2013
But she, but she,
She's endured so long
Oh don't you think
It's wrong wrong wrong?
For one to suffer
It's so unfair,
Especially when we
Can only care care care!
Oh what's the use of caring so,
If we can't help her
No, no, no...
Everybody Sep 2013
Now that she's in,
Now that she's in,
Now what?
Now what?
Lucas C.
Everybody Oct 2013
The first night:
Occassional yawning
Throughout the day,
Slight irritability

The second night:
Much yawning (and coughing)
Getting very annoyed,
Avoiding contact with people

The third night:
Dying to stay awake,
Very irritable,
Avoiding contact at all cost,
Staying very silent.
Laughing at random timings.
She's going mad (like me)

The fourth night:

The fifth night:

The sixth night:



Amazing Adsel
Everybody Sep 2013
Do I look like
I care anymore
Whether she'd be worried?
We're about to die.
All of us.
I'm thinking of
Us here.
About our survival.
We're gonna disappear
We're going to,
And it's going to be
All her fault.
You want to die,
You go ahead.
Join her.
Annoyed Adsel
Everybody Sep 2013
Fine, fine
Let her in.
But what can she do
But watch?
Annoyed Adsel
Everybody Nov 2013
Oh help her please
For she is not warm
Even under three layers of blankets.
The fan is shut and
The window open and
She's even wearing a jacket.
But she can't stay warm
And the shivering is back,
Yet there really is no medicine.
Oh somebody help,
I don't want her to leave,
Oh please Oh please Oh please...
Everybody Sep 2013
Dear mam,

I don't know if it's a good thing
But I guess, you were right,
All the nights of
It's paid off.
You found her.

Now what?
Mike Constantino
Everybody Oct 2013
Oh mam,
I wish I could talk
Like you

At least you'd know
What to say
What to do

I just watch here
Helplessly as they
Pop up, one by one

And I can do nothing
But stare
Everybody Oct 2013
I should have stopped him
But I didn't.

I should have stopped the
Horrible flashing images,
The vivid scenarios of
The car crashing
Over and over and over
Till your body gets so
Scrunched up that
It's no longer recognisable.

But I didn't.

I should have stopped him from
Repeating those words that
Constantly haunt you in your head:
The car... the bend... it's coming...
Those words that send
Fear running down your spine and
Up your throat, they
Slowly creep out and
Stop your breathing.
Stop the beating.

But I didn't.

I should have stopped him
From getting to you tonight,
Maybe I should've stayed behind and
He could've come out again.
And maybe, I wouldn't have
Let you out that night either.

I'm so sorry that
All I do is hurt you.
Time and time again,
I should have stopped him.

But I didn't.
Everybody Sep 2013
What have you done brother!
Oh, she's going to be
So so so so worried...
Everybody Jan 2014
How is it possible that
Just a few months ago
We'd been talking about this coming day
And all the crazy things we were going to do?

How is it possible that
Just a few months ago
You were all still here and
We could go on for hours and hours?

How is it possible that
Just a few months ago
I didn't feel this lonely?

In the library,
Or in the forest,
Or in the mountains,
Or by the lake,
Or even just crossing over the pit to visit the minors.

We could've been running,
Or just leaning by the piano in the music room,
Or sitting on a stone listening to you go
On and on and on about psychopathy and your
Amusing experiments.

We would've been worrying about this day
Figuring out how everything would go,
And you'd be screaming at Frank and
Lucas would be repeating his speech three times in a row.
Mike would be sitting at the side wondering what was going on,
Hoobler would be sleeping, snoring and drooling,
Mal would be screaming his head off,
The Twins would be silently listening but never giving their comments as always.
And you would be going on forever.

But you aren't.
You promised you'd come back.
But you never fudging keep your fudging promises.
Everybody Jan 2014
How is it possible that
Just a few months ago
We'd been talking about this coming day
And all the crazy things we were going to do?

How is it possible that
Just a few months ago
You were all still here and
We could go on for hours and hours?

How is it possible that
Just a few months ago
I didn't feel this lonely?

In the library,
Or in the forest,
Or in the mountains,
Or by the lake,
Or even just crossing over the pit to visit the minors.

We could've been running,
Or just leaning by the piano in the music room,
Or sitting on a stone listening to you go
On and on and on about psychopathy and your
Amusing experiments.

We would've been worrying about this day
Figuring out how everything would go,
And you'd be screaming at Frank and
Lucas would be repeating his speech three times in a row.
Mike would be sitting at the side wondering what was going on,
Hoobler would be sleeping, snoring and drooling,
Mal would be screaming his head off,
The Twins would be silently listening but never giving their comments as always.
And you would be going on forever.

But you aren't.
You promised you'd come back.
But you never fudging keep your fudging promises.
Everybody Oct 2013
Maybe it's early,
Maybe it's not,
But whatever it is
Now this is my spot!
The Amazing Adsel
Everybody Nov 2013
Do you know how much
It ***** that I can't even mourn
Because I'd just be called
Freaking **Crazy
Everybody Oct 2013
I don't care.
You're quitting.
Pretend you never saw them.
Forget it.
No more.
No more of this
Horrendous site and
All its dark secrets

And I'm serious this time,
You better.
Everybody Sep 2013
We can truly understand
Each other's feelings,
Uncover the emotions that
Our separate personalities has
Thrown us into

We will know and learn
Why each of us were
Hurled into this ball of
Seeming chaos

We each contribute to
A little bit of
What she is today

We will grow stronger and
Closer as a family

There will be no
We will be
The same

We will have
Everybody Sep 2013
My dear brothers,

I deeply understand
The concern about
Everyone knowing
The certain she

But is it possible that
She didn't know, that
She still doesn't know about
Any of us

What if we
Safe and
Nothing happened?
She just scrolled through
All those words
Not knowing
A thing
Everybody Sep 2013
If she's gone
If she's gone
We'd just move on right?
We'd just move on right?
So why not just **** her
So why not just **** her
And we leave together?
And we leave together?
Lucas C.
Everybody Nov 2013
It's raining tonight.
But you aren't here to
Watch the rain with me.
"Rain is just like falling water.
Tears are just like falling water too.
See? Hahahahahaha,
They were made for each other!"
Everybody Oct 2013
Life was never fair Mister
And isn't it so unfair here?
For she gets to progress so much more
With the chaos she's exposed,
Boy do I need a beer.

P.S. Milk would do too.
The Amusing Adsel
Everybody Oct 2013
As the clocks ticks and
The hours past,
I'm grow more and more fearful.

This abnormal silence is

I'm just

Scared that when I go there
I wouldn't find you anywhere

But this time,
It was you who left

Don't you remember your promise?
You said you wouldn't leave
Ever again!

You promised,
You fudging promised!
You said you wouldn't leave!

As the clocks ticks and
The hours past,
I'm grow more and more fearful.

*When is it okay to break a promise?
Everybody Jan 2014
Sometimes I pray that you managed to
Move on and that maybe, just maybe,
You ended up with her.
Everybody Oct 2013
Is just
Another one of

Is just
Another idea,

Is just
A more
Dominant personality

Does not

She's a fake.
She's a fraud.
She wasn't

She's just
More scheming than
Any of us could be.

Amused Adsel
Everybody Sep 2013
She's going to tell isn't she?
She'd going to tell isn't she?
The counsellor will know...
The counsellor will know...
We'd be revealed...
We'd be revealed...
We're going to die...
We're going to die...
We're *******...
We're *******...
Lucas C.
Everybody Sep 2013
But won't she
**** us, brother?
We have to consider her!
Everybody Oct 2013

It's killing her!

For goodness sake,
Everybody Oct 2013
I guess it's sad because
Next year, our ten o' clocks will be
Lonely and
Everybody Sep 2013
A certain man has
A certain key to
A certain door to
A certain emotion

But it leads to

Uncertain reactions
Uncertain decisions
Uncertain feelings

And the only thing that will
Still stay certain is

Everybody Sep 2013
It's that time of the night
When I have to leave
And honestly tonight
I really don't want to...
The Mam
Everybody Sep 2013
Hey hey hey,
What 'appened to
"Staying nice"?

Chill out, mate!
He's yer relative after all.
Gotta take care of your mate
No matter what

Now all we can do is
Sit'n wait
Hope for the best'n

Pray she don't know bout us
Mike Goswell
Everybody Oct 2013
I knew.

I knew you didn't want her to
But what have I done?
I told here!

Why did I do that?
Why didn't I stop you in
The first place?
Why did you hide?


Why do you do this to yourself?
Why bottle up everything and
Push your problems aside?

Oh mam, I know I once told you
Others before self but
You hurting isn't always
Others healing

Sometimes it is very much
The opposite
Everybody Nov 2013
I'm sorry, yes,
Me. Apologizing.
Such an
Amusing thought
It must be.

Well, first of all,
I should probably thank you for
Reconciling he and I.
And though he can never truly be fixed up again,
I guess, he'd never need to be.
Cos I'll be fighting for him.

(Hahahahaha... )

I'm not apologizing
For my ways, never regretted any.
Just hope you saw them
The same way I did.
I'm apologizing because

I didn't stop him.

And so now, circumstances have
Led to this and
We have to part.
The possibility of survival is
Probably slim.

But in the event we do,
If we live
To see another day,
See you soon,


Adsel the Amusing
Everybody Nov 2013
Sometimes I wonder
If everyone out there has
Their own Wonderland.

And I wonder,
If theirs was destroyed too.
Everybody Sep 2013
We'll just
Stand aside
As always and
Hope they'll never know
We're here
The Twins
Everybody Oct 2013
My dear brother,
I pray you know
What you're doing.
I hope you won't regret

You're driving us all
Everybody Sep 2013
Everybody Sep 2013
The Question now is:
The Question now is:
Do we want to let
Do we want to let
The other mam know?
The other mam know?
Lucas C.
Everybody Sep 2013
You've done it now missy.

You've got
The whole lot of us in
Deep deep ****.
She knows doesn't she?

She knows

You're gonna get us
Straight to the counsellor
And when we do
I am NOT
Going to be

Annoyed Adsel

— The End —