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Erin Jul 2020
standing at the start,
the end for some others

take the first step,
then take another

that's it,
spend some time here,
nothing to fear here,
lie down, but
keep moving, and

look around,
you are bound
to be late
right on time, too,
so, slow down, you
the view is great
on both sides
start of a series
Erin Jul 2020
And afterward,
I gather the roses at my feet,
white petals fall, splatter the stage

I lift each stem to my lips
with haste
They cheer,
but I do not fear the bite,
the taste--
earthy, metallic,

I smile at their applause, my funny heartbeat,
while slow lines of blood slide
over my lips, drip
down my chin,
juice from a ripe peach,
onto soft white petals
let's tango
Erin Jun 2020
I used to go
swallowing matches
filling up on lightbulbs,
light lunches

second degree burns
through my throat, I
coughed up blood,
splintered glass, ash

but the moths in my stomach,
they loved it, you see,
flitted around just for a glimpse,
a tiny ray,
blood-soaked wings
sinking insects
Erin Jun 2020
"good morning" every morning
and a warm smile,
a wistful sigh sometimes

unsettlingly deep
sweetly intense
dark and gleaming brown eyes
looking toward me, for me
again and again and again

he said my smile was like
a spring morning

and i was afraid,
aggravatingly afraid

cold and bemused
careful blue eyes
looking away and away
and away
I haven't heard his voice in 4 years.
"good morning" every morning
and a warm smile
a wistful sigh...
Erin May 2020
The tide rushes over her body,
and I feel it.
She starts to sink and suction
into wet sand, and
I feel it.
Anchored in,
barely breathing, but
I feel it

Erin May 2020
I recall my hands upon the earth:
Delicate, squeaky blades of grass,
soft, dry dirt beneath.
I dug in,
dark crests of that which supports life
beneath my fingernails,
earth contained
within clenched fists.
Erin Mar 2020
Not sleeping through the night.
I keep waking,
my stakes in this **** thing are high.
He sleeps through it all: the turning,
gasping, box spring
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