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May 2015 · 330
Self Loving
Eriko May 2015
a girl blows out a candle
and the darkness envelopes
silhouettes pressing in corners
comes rushing in, cursing, hissing,

this girl sees herself in the mirror
cropped hair, bare neck
brown eyes, full lips
and she screams in frustration
not at herself
but at the world which bustles around her

ceaseless, ruthless, a consistency of paradox
as greed shapes in form of monetary crosses
and twisted women urge less for best
until skin melts away to bone
and bodies transmitted into test scores

this insignificant girl
fights her battle day after day
and weeps the joy out from her veins
she has learned to blow out the candle
and to realize she is nothing in the world
nothing but her image of self love
May 2015 · 267
School's Implicity
Eriko May 2015
No matter how hard I try
To wade through the mass of bodies
Their presence press too closely
And those gleaming white floors eat up my feet

Sleet, reek, I possibly cannot eat
The knowledge up so fruitfully
Shoved into our face like sheep
When was the last time you left me any sleep

I gouge out those door handles, yet they standstill
It appears those we praise--
Resents us
Try not to burn us out like a candle
As I sit in your synthetic realms
You call knowledge
May 2015 · 190
The Last Chapter
Eriko May 2015
a cascade of bullets fly
as holes are drilled in those of few
an infestation in the field of rye
somehow I wish I knew

that the golden stalks sway misshapen
and the cry of voices wilts askew
a love affair with streaking ravens
picking at those whose blood runs blue

the eery yawn, I shield myself
and reach out for those nimble fingers
the inky spell, wading through stress of oneself
as beautiful we are, we remain as sinners
Apr 2015 · 134
Eriko Apr 2015
there once was a girl
who stood alone
and while realities clashed
she wondered how long she'll last
Apr 2015 · 280
High Ways
Eriko Apr 2015
highways arched
and seamed the cloudless sky
and as coffins forsook their march
thousands of souls drifted in lies

frightful winds whisked their laughter
their life, their high, the light from their eyes
a Shadow crept, soon after
as bodies fell from the sky

thud, thud, the bodies broke cement
and  sweet red slathed thickly over ground
thud, thud, the bones crackled an icy descent
as skeletons eroded to their gravel mounds

forever, graves enriched seethes
to this day a shrill of knives
an icy brute stripped of teeth
which gnaws our everyday lives'
Apr 2015 · 257
Eriko Apr 2015
I cannot
Even begin to say
How my heart flutters
at the sight of you

Yet I am still here
Far away
And never able to
Embrace you
Apr 2015 · 268
Eriko Apr 2015
mesmerizing eyes
dancing smiles on crescent lips
a treacherous mountain top, I fall
for the likes of you
every single day
Apr 2015 · 1.4k
Eriko Apr 2015
two opaque eyes
stared in front of me
like two pearly moons
they swirled in milky ways
as I realized
they were what have become of me

quickly, I ****** my arms out
morning spring dew fluttering in
through these cracks of conformity
the piercing chilly wind
woke the life once of me
Apr 2015 · 410
Eriko Apr 2015
The grey wept all around me
As my feet sunk into cement
I clawed and fought,
Yet the stone reflected cynically

Soon my soul began to welt
As thoughts stood rigidly still
I froze glaring at the shell
Which have enveloped me  

The grey the began to pelt
And the cement cracked before my feet
For the clouds began to bleed
Like rain weeping from the sky
I think what I was trying to take a different approach to conformity. It can be difficult to break out of, and yet when we do break out, we sometimes become frightened. Maybe its because we see ourselves truly for the first time.
Apr 2015 · 229
Eriko Apr 2015
A crestfallen tomorrow
Glittering welts of beaten flesh
This angel fell from sorrow
The day the sky wept afresh
Mar 2015 · 500
Emerald Green
Eriko Mar 2015
an emerald lake
gleaming under light
a shadow envelopes
its crestfallen wight

the creature resonates a shrill
and the adolescence withers, so frail
beaten by the tyrants of modern drill
the wight thirst for Mother's milk

and while the dank shadow
beats the surface of emerald waters
the shore begins to weep of sorrow
with eyes trailed by that of fathers

the storm brews and the wight lays
concealed, nonexistent, and cold as stone
where has gone the golden ray
and the emerald green where the youth once roamed
Mar 2015 · 396
Eriko Mar 2015
A blistering, scorching day
Air a delicate buoyancy
A rattling, raspy day
The breeze scents of pollen melodies
And clatter of crystal-cold lemonade rays
The Earth swoons with boundless fertility
Mar 2015 · 807
Eriko Mar 2015
Rosy red cheeks shrill as roses
Their laughter ripples smooth as honey
And crummy fingers sticking to their noses
The youth stampedes over quiescent duties

And with their tiny, spiky teeth
And eyes which devours everything
They don't hang their pride like wreaths
For what can be said, they're always smiling

And a splash in a shimmering puddle
Red boots soaked thoroughly for good
With frosting instead caking their lovely riddles
They may the wiser of the rue
Mar 2015 · 366
My Own Way
Eriko Mar 2015

Swiftly, the golden liquid entailed the burrowed shadows crested within the grooves of earth
The grass jeweled of impeccable brilliance
The air sighed its silvery rush, a singing river kissing the bare of my neck, my cheeks
The curves of soil swelled with intimacy
And shadows thrown upon the land spilled in grooves as inky as distant space
The sky unburdened its fury sorrow and emblazoned
A vivid turquoise, a tangible race among the heavens

And swiftly.
Swiftly I lived among the breezy bliss, the spilling of heavenly light
And the fury of the sky so clear, so blue
My feet carry me so far, so anew
I drink in the golden brilliance of the sun
And roam the beauty with a steady gaze

I breathe, I sigh,
I see, I choke
The sun smiles, its radiance spilling
And lifting the rusted film drowned from a weight
—that is, a weight I know too well—
A weight hidden within the roaming waves
A weight, washed ashore upon tempest burdened of a woman’s cowardice, isolation and fear

I see, I choke
I believe, I don’t
Swiftly, the brilliance returns to the depths of the sea
The cold brews
My breaths are sharp, short, burdened with ice
My steps fall aloof
And I fall

Shut my eyes and there is nothing I can see
Nothing to tell
Feel the earth upon timid, outstretched fingers
And nothing befalls
The wind howls, and I curl in a naked groove
Where you are
I will be, gone, gone, away
Anywhere in between, take me
Will you emblazon my world as once forth?

And as I quiver within the frozen ashes
And swim within the depths of my misery
Will thy hour come upon me?
I keep afloat yet my feet dredge
And I wonder upon the path,

And forever, I will wait
Forever I will wait,
For that golden smile to cover me in sweet melodies
And to roam my eyes upon the emerald blades once again?

And forever, I may wonder,
Entranced in grace,
Quietly, silently,
Yet peak bravery, courageously
I may desire your light
But I will take my own flight.

Will you return into my arms?
Will you kiss the nape of my neck, as once before,
In a distant memory?
Nay, I say, I have grown.
I will pave my way, wield my own destiny
I will leave you
Yet cherish the memories I have gained from you
And carry my own heavenly stars
Forever in my heart.

That is my way.
And only my way.
After you lost that someone. Gain your own feet; carry your own light.
Mar 2015 · 186
Eriko Mar 2015
I seldom see my face in a mirror
--only the could have's and should have's--
And all the things I ought to be
So that it muddles with what truly lies underneath
I am afraid to draw any nearer
And see what have become of me
Mar 2015 · 302
Eriko Mar 2015
I close my eyes
And the ache recedes through
These words lop-side, so distantly, unknowingly
Into increasing, massive

My mind reverberates
With the echoes of memories
And with every blink through time
All is lost in increasing, massive

The curves of this pen
And the ink left behind
My conscience pruned into lost corners,
My presence grows faint

And I am left staring through
The remnants of my artifacts
And all that is left is increasing, massive
Mar 2015 · 482
Grey Pearls
Eriko Mar 2015
The graves of echoes
Where voices lost askew
Smothered into pearly ash
All the things we behold
Is thrown away, like trash
Mar 2015 · 359
Weltering Sky
Eriko Mar 2015
A boisterous sky shattered with white
Boundless dew drops of blazing stars
Streaking stealthily through
--A sprinkle of thunderclap--
The noise rolled profusely, so anew
Mar 2015 · 1.3k
Eriko Mar 2015
A shadow of night
Hope festering among stars
My heart clutched in
The palms of my hand
As thoughts wield into luminous scars

A lost affection resurfaced by light
A habit, that is
Whispered as time etches Her might
And through the weight of Her fists
Need not to dwell for what is missed

So I collected the remnants of my heart
And began to ask from my very vain soul
What yet that is not the light?
I turned the coals from my eyes into rubies
And my heart opened to the entire world

— The End —