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Jul 2015 · 305
Heart Fever
Eriko Jul 2015
couldn't look in the eye
those swirling malachite folds
a slippery ***** endangered
unsteady stuttering breaths
and longing back stares
one another glimpses
in longing solitude
two brains
two hands
two desolate souls
a set mind game
for those deepened in heart fever
me, a widow, a lost something
but for the reflections in talents
and abstract paintings of the world
why couldn't it ever happen to me
the charisma and adventure
of reckless youth
of uncontrollable desire
an artist's heart drinking in
all that may fall behold her path
yet why is that infatuation
and winded sweaty palms
ends slashed to lost desires
to smeared communication
and ends in cut bleeding fingertips
why is that my chest thumps in anticipation
only to be deflated by disappointment
for all I have done for myself
for the approval in parents' eyes
and golden shiny plaques
why is that I cannot possible share
that preciousness
that running into the darkness
that skipping into the starry heavens
why is that my heart's fate always
fall too short
only to be picked by up
by another
Jul 2015 · 236
Obscured Identities
Eriko Jul 2015
I have these thoughts
often for naught
my heart has fallen
to the sickening
ponder for the seas
for the scratch
of the breeze
keep the clouds
obscure the contour
of my twisted
Jul 2015 · 331
Eriko Jul 2015
an overdressed succession
to the painted infatuations
pondering stand still in front of canvases
as the mind toils with suspension
beginning to peel back those layers
those brisk moments
subscriptions in distaste
the same faces repeatedly
beaten to templates
catch a breath
smoke a little
keep those goners sustained
keep a smile
before it slips away
Jul 2015 · 372
Rivulets and Freaks
Eriko Jul 2015
No I am not a freak
a relative dancer
an ecstatic frown snuck under fog
my streak has dwindled to smog
the smoke has risen to the distant mountains
painted rivulets careened by printing presses
as the glint in gleams has faded
to creaking floor boards
contoured faces tightly ridden in barks
as my eyes gleam to the horizons and morrows
no I am not a freak
Jul 2015 · 200
Eriko Jul 2015
smear a goddesses' back
creamy wax of sunset dust
bite the scent of ashtrays
as the soul smothers
into the leaving night
Jul 2015 · 576
Fear in Nearness
Eriko Jul 2015
ten strange hands embodied by time
sands of dearth scattered like rhymes
how we fit so snugly yet exist individually
reality mouth the vitality of stupidity
and as the frothy shores
white titanium stones in course
a blood hound testing salt ridden breeze
as our existence wanders in vulnerability
a lovely delight
a sightly recite
systematically conquering our feelings
taught to stifle as causality
sea shells coarse
intricate invasions of aristocracy
bureaucracy everlasting integrity
cluster **** to drown in such blinded strife
our fabric is breathe truly
a paradox in hindsight
Jul 2015 · 269
Silent Vowels
Eriko Jul 2015
a secrecy worn
like fabrics of warmth
articulate abbreviate hurts and scorns
so that the day may be comfy and soft

shadow cloak smudging those vowels
anything that may howl
so it may not wake our minds
we have blanked out in kind

and as the jitter and glitter
fades in moonlight casts grey
our insecurities scattered like glass
how our mouths refuses to swallow
Jun 2015 · 606
Eriko Jun 2015
The moon sways
Across the beaten sky,
And lonely it goes
The day has come by
And to show what it become
Light shafts upon the ground
Gently it glimmers
And my oh my the dark withers
With gnarls of curse
And hoots tearing its verse
Wonders of the younger
May have traveled to slumber
If cure the curious
Brimming of imagination
Yes they are reckless
Yet they capture the moment
Hidden wonders within thy flourish
Shall chance
Doubtless of others' chorus  
When the moon retires  
And the sun's pierce
Is taken to its knees  
The dark will soon expire
But not in vain it will flee
Because the hours  
Will skid across the
Icing sleek sky
Twittering and chirping
As blink of an eye
A powder of dust
The old will now
Rest in peace
As the youth's endless time
Starts to tick
Soon to rest, forever
In the dirt
Jun 2015 · 223
Eriko Jun 2015
where to follow
pale sun roses gone shallow

soon to swallow
mists of morrow's farrow
Jun 2015 · 427
Eriko Jun 2015
breathe finer
breath louder
voices obscured
foggy mirrors cased  
wilder minds erased
cease the ceaseless fray
this obstructed destruction  
lead a roped hallway
a heartless willow
shrouded upon mornings
of grey chilling graves
stone heads jutted
miniscule in occupancy
of our daily living ridiculed
leave a moment astray
soak in the finer grain
follow the veins
which roam upon green hills
breathe in the finer sky
bridge the bridges
and walk the banks
scour the terrain
which have seethes to exist
devour the sights
and trace the map
fingers of atlas
before the dirt
have called back
your bag of bones
Jun 2015 · 290
Jar of Thoughts
Eriko Jun 2015
come home to a room
scattered elements and leaning towers
a pile of ******* wrought askew
as the linen bunches waves of the hour

dusty sunlight filtered through curtains
an artist breathing of thoughts gone vivid
papers pencils books and parcels nothing retains
as the artist pours over the jar of living thoughts so livid

time etches timeless, unguided and unforeseen
pastels and paint, words and typewriters
they all glitter in the eyes never to cease
like stars afar in galaxies aflame and brighter  

the world shuffles by, smacking their lips
as the artist pours over the jar of living thoughts
they may even close their eyes and fall in a ditch
no worries, this artist would rather not

the scattered papers smudges of visions
coffee cup stains and food wrappers remain
a reason there's an invisible division
between the ******* who don't

and the ones who do, unconstrained  
*sit tight
Jun 2015 · 154
Eriko Jun 2015
oh, hi there*
I was just crying
so now, close the door
I want to be left alone  
oh what's that
the reason to weep?
my friend I was dreaming
and haven't done so
*for so long
Jun 2015 · 220
Taken to Pieces
Eriko Jun 2015
living softly amidst wrought stories
the implications complications
and sighted abbreviations
halved gazes shared by millions
remember we are all
withering demands of annihilated proof
do not hide your tears
or drown those nightly sorrows
streaming to wash away those chapters
shattered shards
scattered pills
those mirrors glued to our faces
those years yearn for concrete foundation
just imagine everything is alright
bleed at the fingertips of keyboards
scratch in what is inside us all
no one is the same so remain
no one waits by the fall
individuality stemmed by
the pieces in our soul
a glance taken to chance
heightened similarity
fruits of simplicity
bittersweet sour and steaming
it's taste is different for all
scattered shards and annihilated relativity
there is that piece
taken to higher places
palaces abandonment orphanage
and apartments
it will help carry on that strait
welled deep too steep
we must all understand to sleep
and breathe a finer grain
so we may all keep what
is there to keep
carry on, my friend
carry on
Jun 2015 · 673
Tree Pose (vrikshasana)
Eriko Jun 2015
stepping onto the edge of a cliff
golden prairie brushing against your skin
the frothy seas bristle as thoughts float adrift
as waves crash onto sheer white rocks akin

breathe, you are a tree
the breeze resurfaces and kisses a melody
exhale, let the tension drain out
as the sky tumbles to commemorate your tragedies

close your eyes, you remain a tree
your roots travel far underneath
allow the space to come from within
and from the heart so shackled, so begin

balance against the tide
sightlessly gazing onto present converged  
a foot on land and another in space once denied  
open your gaze to your experiences submerged

stay, patience, let your branches grow
sleep, meditate, let your spirit heal
as the waves crash on those tumbling white stones
and an inner smile diminishes your withering woes
That sublime premises in yoga.
Jun 2015 · 621
Cycling Prodigy
Eriko Jun 2015
shrewdly depicted to hide the gracious
a wormhole warped as collectible chances
a star beaming its glowing white light
to the people whose feet have gone without sight
live and sink to repeat the prodigy
we tearful acids have plowed the ****
lashes dewed of jewels, from once
a medium embraced to fabric of joy
stumble and tumble
hobble on a knee
keep the chins held aloof
so the water won't recede
basket cases seething to sheathe
the one thing they know
that each one of them
are born to speak for all
and as this poem shrinks
words gone fewer
a cycle this is
of birth
start over
Jun 2015 · 150
Eriko Jun 2015
you sit, sit, sit, sit
in a place that spit, spit, spit, spit
you dream, dream, dream, dream
only to be rejected by reality
Jun 2015 · 255
Happy Living
Eriko Jun 2015
live a life green and swell
malachite sapphire cerulean airs in color
laugh and yearn for that delicate smile
every step united to miles
Jun 2015 · 415
Eriko Jun 2015
array of sun ray's demeanor
golden liquid entails the spur
partaking in parts of cerulean glimmer
the water trickles south of exalted runners

runners in berserk, runners as dreamers
those who wade through froths of character
concluding perchance to dig deep and climb
resonate mantras whose song have declined

no strings attached but to one's universe
solitary stars daring to dream in rhyme
concurring melodies in worlds not blind
so that their words may wield whatever in divine
Jun 2015 · 404
Painted Fray in Disguise
Eriko Jun 2015
I head out unknowingly
into the ****** of fray
the tyrant's berserk
into frisky delay
the title screams
of a monsoon champagne
as I cast about
my insecure monologue relays

kings and queens
knightly rose golds
flattering **** all over castles
we all call home

vain painted faces
poppy lemons in fertility skies
prairies danced upon
to beg for faulty mercy
in reality they stench of lies

shattered mirrors noses gone cold
tragedy struck this elegant mellow
solo trios in crowning malachite fur
guardians who seek for the murderer's slur

how mistreated, gallant fright
guardians topple bridges to hearts precise
yet I have built a fortress around mine
so I cannot possibly fall apart, concise

fog scurries, ghouls writhe, pounce in mist
the mountain and sky embrace, insist
the walls are caving, their laughter gone sour
as vain painted faces **** remove the powder

earth stretches, starkly white canoes
easing gently through streams, hello
me and my guardians, my guardians and I
we have built a garden
ruins no longer cowering in disguise
Jun 2015 · 212
Breaths and Stares
Eriko Jun 2015
leave me breath*
I cannot lie
here, in the dirt
as the sun grows cold
into pearly ashes
of starless moons
give me eyes
so those teeth bare
the midnight cannot stare
and barrel knives in your chest
the fire dances in your heart today
so leave me breath
I can't possibly keep up with the rest
Jun 2015 · 408
Beloved Children of Trees
Eriko Jun 2015
writhing thorns engraved in bark
the wood creaks as each breath clones dark
ancient thrones of malevolent sprites
thus thrusts in everglade crevasses alike

dew drops, swirls, a complexity
masks nature's generosity
authenticity aching bones lost completely
as flesh groans in lacerated deeds accordingly

quick, hold your breath
as the earth moans in discontent
ivory, savory whimsical delicacies
the thrones topples atop star ridden daisies

sigh, beloved, my beloved king
splinters etched in wooden sheathes
close your eyes, dreadful king
as the children of you forest

grow tall to die
May 2015 · 272
Waking Lover's Denial
Eriko May 2015
a relative humanity known today as insanity
festering wounds devoured the eyes of man
strolling through those concrete realities
I cannot possibly explain the beginning gone clarity

this is not a love song to my future husband
not a confession of my feelings for you
sounds crazy, wingless butterflies
dragons flutter in my stomach
enraged from the sight of you

the looks of you, those lips and eyes
how each words escape without stains of dye
I see the back of you
those glimmering arched necks
masking the loneliness in disguise

right now I just really want to caress those wounds
wipe those tears careening from those eyes
I try desperately to shift my heart away
I'm afraid you'll hurt me
that I fall spineless and sightless
but it hurts too to block my heart
from impossible possibilities  

I travel to find that drop of warmth
yet I'm addicted to the breath
that sigh extinguishing vanity
claw my way out its too dark to sleep

I know I haven't been the best
I haven't been the prettiest
yet the cure to society  
I try desperately to grasp
in my hand I wield
these words to decipher
that blood weeping from my chest

yet I stay rooted in fear
that you may betray
yet I'm still here
holding desperately to your hand
you never notice just close your eyes in denial
I am here every step of the way
until the day you let go of our embrace
we have been holding on to
since the dawn of day
Eriko May 2015
two shades of nightly murals
ingrained starkly of butterfly travels
folded together thus fluttering to skies
soaring in glimmer of stars' whispering disguise

flutter as dust accumulates in clutter
the world of man recedes upon iron
shutter, the stars give way to thundering rain
yet the flowers bring sweet sweet champagne

soar in pollen enriched air gone peppy
golden rays of sun magnificence
abruptly pain blooms in ascending gain
thus wings are lost forever to canes

fall delicately, tragically, screaming in silence
the man goes about his usual ways
yet fall to the floor, like cascading snow
flight is dead to words of stars' glow
May 2015 · 607
Running Longevity
Eriko May 2015
a desolate path
my movements thrash
lungs pump with sound
carried by the wind
my shoes strike concrete
moss, dirt, leaf-peppered path
as the sun descends
in the depths of seed

sweat trickles, sprinkles
flowering ecstasy
like salty rivulets of rain
the frothy seas whipped by wind
splicing lumps of coral terrain

blood resonates, pounding in my ears
I feel my body resonate in unity
it carries me in manifesting destiny
to mountains etched in eternity

I am running not for what I have done
but for what would become

and I'll keep on longing
for the concrete underneath my feet
the road to set me free
May 2015 · 1.0k
Tangible Redundancy
Eriko May 2015
to decipher what we are
encrypted transcriptions
in morrow's restriction
tangible redundancy
that is what we are
we run to eat
and eat to keep
this impeccable brilliance
the vision gone wary
horizons too narrow to rise
intelligence naught for
what is missed
skyscrapers and holy rollers
roaming our cliffs today
as we devour electricity
to generate more
a never ending finish
I wish to seize
our incredible neglect seethes
in our oceans and trees
try to decipher what we are
we are all drifting apart
we are nothing
but tangible redundancy
May 2015 · 5.1k
Eriko May 2015
this makeshift democracy
yearning endearing
breeding festering aristocracy
petrified on the sidelines

black hispanic asian european
the manifesting minority
which built this republic
political policy withered to marrow

echoes of Washington
fade in graves marble halls
politicians etches unsheathed
to feast in bribery sorts

the gleam of monetary value
blinded patched pockets
burning the fabric
to be later devoured
May 2015 · 493
Apocalyptic Art
Eriko May 2015
you know that euphoria
misshapen twisted circumstances
my beloved aquatic relevance
drowning in remnants abandoned utopia

a dreamless state
unfurnished minds defined
those ******* their sickening sake
of whatever hell inclines

I sit in dread
glancing at rain gone sour
with paperweight for a head
death shall toll thy hour

I have lost my eyes
the sucrose in my hearth
an addict drink to realize
this infested dearth
May 2015 · 244
Silvery Ash
Eriko May 2015
the click and clash
of wild gleeful thrash
a bruise in brain's bash
the slight silvery ash
May 2015 · 176
Thoughts to Self
Eriko May 2015
what makes us bleed, cry, yearn for the sky
is what makes us human
May 2015 · 305
Wooden Crates of Eight
Eriko May 2015
another attempt at this
this soliloquy
oh, hello
I haven't realized you were there
my feelings are everywhere
I ponder of decadency
curses, blank verses
my idiocy worthless
wander for that
drop of sanity
restrictions soon born
from nonsense jurisdiction  
thoughtless truths
aspired from fiction
try desperately to wade through
diction to carry my weight
to wade through all this hate
crates beaten blind too straight
a compass to identity
I need to find my way
I cannot possibly begin to say
how astray we are from amenity
my journey in adolescence
I feel like once before
a child of eight  
I dreamt of terrible
marvelous skates
weaving simplicity
complexity in outer space
rocket ships realities traced
now to spines of crates
drowning to the lid, lost salty straits
yet what is once
will never begin again
look at me now, eight
I live to see light of day
and end with kissing white *****
of those medallion ivory gates
filthy green dollars
as they clip my windpipes
to hush our voices gone hoarse
in constant delay
smothered so we stray breathless,
worthless in constant replay
a desolate lampshade
shattered shards of what
remained of eight year old dreams
a second chance too late
a second path too vain
my liberty to express
those wooden crates, open
constantly drift astray
in those seas of dismay
have no fear for me
the stars will now
guide me the way  
it's going to be okay,
my precious eight
May 2015 · 378
Ivory Memories
Eriko May 2015
a marble statue carved of stone  
fluttery etches in malachite graves
sweet fertility frozen once roamed
this marble statue a beloved rave

wisps of cloth transits deposits stone flesh
slivers of cloth entails upon breath
sleek shoulders rising abreast
hence majestic tragedy rendered afresh  

ivory veins, a ripples of waves
cracked splintered  hopes endeared in stone
lost imaginations wandered restlessly, now shaved
for historical miracles etched forever away
May 2015 · 241
Sea Whispers a Breath
Eriko May 2015
sea bitter tinted cerulean
forth bristle lungful of breath
frothy waft earth's flagrance
the forest rests upon moon's pearly swoon
May 2015 · 341
Shimmer at Glances
Eriko May 2015
at glances of you
in memory behold imagined
shimmery doves uncertainty domain
too risky to remain

by your side, I know
though one can never truly realize
unless courageous
like frosted shimmering snow flakes
cascading from bleached skies
oh how I wish I could reach
and speak how my heart flies
May 2015 · 466
Cerulean Petal Knight
Eriko May 2015
a girl lies amidst
lost prowess pondering wonders
cupped flower petals enriched
of possible possibilities
dreams thick foam like sea
cerulean, these petals they see
blow away in wind so slight
she trails their path follow
and awaits the petal knight
her possible possibility
endlessly too fair to seize  
pondering wonderfully
like bliss of salty seas
May 2015 · 314
Rehabilitary Crates
Eriko May 2015
a lung full of pride
and delicate wipes of strife
a lonely beloved awaits this night
for a single beam of flaming light  

oceans toil and swell intimacy
each breath preserved with spell
a single outcrop a lighthouse stood
trailing its light for those misunderstood

misfits charity they blew along north
sway restlessly relentlessly upon frothy shores
eyes filtered films fog chicanery cancer
which have eroded away fruitless dancers

a thousand chipped wooden crates
nestled bodies hidden in darkness, await
this light which beams high above sea
beholds rehabilitation the key
May 2015 · 383
Deviations Our Nooses
Eriko May 2015
possibly cannot control
the deviations of man made fright
the gleaming glint of commercial consumerism
the televised divisive specialty of food and luxury
I feel powerless over my body and mind

a fuzzy head beheaded upon weight
of assorted niches created to promise
to fatten us like contorted buttons
that our life "will become better" notorious professions

we lose ourselves in quests
credit cards billed and shopping bags filled
shiny glossy floor and florescent pale lights
trailing our every shop like ignoble ghosts

not a single vein of sanity
but collection of clots leading to profanity
a manifesting destiny to broaden our mouths
as we try to twist every crook of our limbs too stout

sized proportions frustrations and collaborations
reflected uncomfortable orthodox segregation
what is real and what isn't
eclipses over what is cheaper and what's isn't

flagrant benchmarks tightens like nooses
bestow upon despair of cellulite thighs
each Hollywood conformity adding height  
and soon we shriek denial if it doesn't tighten

soon enough
May 2015 · 270
Too Late
Eriko May 2015
a pump of gasoline
reek of Earth's inner stream
when it's too late...

silence will breed
death toll awakening
in avenge, festering
too late
May 2015 · 365
Speak of Nigh
Eriko May 2015
a field of wheat
blue scoundrel of sky
clouds pearly fond like marbles
as ravens streak unbending nigh
May 2015 · 377
Wind-blown Strings
Eriko May 2015
please, let the crickets know
their melody of wind found harps
are meant for ears
who listen to the gnarliest hearts
May 2015 · 237
Eriko May 2015
an addiction with this piece of paper
my mind toiling as ink fly like feathers
a lost attraction to the time etched so thin
as words began to bleed from wells deep within

why is it that I cannot go to sleep
as phrases of day's wight whispers in my brain
I possibly cannot shut the voices out too steep
as eyes see transfixed to the matrix of veins

inky black scrawls, trailing the sheet  
filled with idiocy, catastrophe pumped in trains
an anarchy implemented like bipolar sleet
as I cannot possibly decide which terrain to eat

so many possibilities edged on pointed ends
stick me with the blunted ends
so I won't bleed so much
as words fly shapeless as such

I am an addict to lunacy of words
cannot possibly retain all my thoughts
in one such  designated, captivated skull
a contemplative headcase, basket case
caskets crazy and full

I will never be able to put down this pen
May 2015 · 261
Beastly Ones
Eriko May 2015
stand still in transmogrification  
my thoughts are lost in constant annihilation
a puddle smooth as mirror of skies
as rain weeps under silhouetted lies

we wander astray perplexed our entire lives
never to really smooth the wrinkles frowned in despise
a circling globe of mesmerizing flights
of peoples souls awakening restless at night

we wonder and ponder
at thoughts what lie in yonder
a dreamer's dream sunlit in beauty of clouds
perhaps we wander to bury our own fire

and as series of flashes whisks astray
never fully to contemplate
why we love to drink sights so faraway
why we never see beyond certainty of date

that the rubies in waking hours
and gems of thoughtless creatures
are all and same, as one together  
systematic to the longevity with one another

for one to truly live
there is nothing but one
in unison, simply
as beastly elegance to rest desire
May 2015 · 670
plastered vinyl colds
Eriko May 2015
looking down upon us
a thousand wrinkles etched within
minds like deserts
earning for what is lost
and thoughts down too cold
to their time of older generations
their old teeth chastise our ways
the acceptance for gays
the respect of transsexuals
the admiration for their bravery
they are perfect in every way
brace for the hurt
words from the those
we look up to
the vinyl minds remain
as neglected as deserts
they remain secluded, a shell of ****
in rejection to adolescence spirit
they think so rude
we are just more vocal
more determined  
finding our place
in this cluster-**** we call society  
don't pretend
don't for a second
convince shallow arrays
merely blurry shadows
that you know what's best for us
we don't really know things for ourselves
still trying to figure out
if two plus two is really four
but only not to live
in past of your memories
you want to cast into ourselves
in a world of three dimensions
incoherently converted to six
don't try to influence our spirits
we are bolder than you think
beliefs are not blasphemy
stop comparing things to
the things used to be
its a new age
you are just caught
drifting taught on a string
behind a band wagon
riding for the stars
I'm tired and sick
of you telling me
what to do
your existence  
like plaster
new, mint condition
the skies are blue
yet as years take toll
you fall and crumble
in lack of ability
to adapt to new fertility
you will be replaced
and my biggest concern
is that I would become
just like you
May 2015 · 297
Eriko May 2015
a blazing red ****
and flaming red hair
the music bashed
bones rattled and lips preyed in chances
we sang in the electrified night
tonight, our chorus belongs
to our sights
reflected by the drops
we call classified rejects

feet stampede
hands praised in air
a tangible element
a tangible chorus
the melodies arctic
as voices run coarse

a sea of fists saluting
the red **** a humble ferocity
a single note prances
washes over a thousand eardrums
as that chorus, a thunderous clash

the heart of sound
thumps against the cage in our chests  
wanting to break
claw out of cynical throats
and as sweat trickles down our bodies
sound plasters to our skin

lights flash
a mesmerizing aurora gone rogue
like cameras of new and few
capturing the moment
of raw ethnicity
of our younger generation
in all of its rebellious reasoning

an isle of blinded birds
walked before the red ****
searching for that truce
that happy medium
away from skeptics of wrinkled faces
vessels carrying our souls
without capacity written in stone

and as that red **** thrashed
a marvelous sight of beauty
for once the generation
a thousand demographics
a thousand thoughts and dreams
tonight, we come as one
unified as winds carry us on
we will sing, we will purge
we are the younger generation

and we will remain as we are
May 2015 · 226
Lonely Figure
Eriko May 2015
a lonely figure
a collaboration of concrete illusions
a chilliness brought
a darkness cascading over
as a lonely figure stood

tiresome, a bridge stood
a single street lamp
casts its waxy orange light
a single shadow
never to be accompanied tonight

each breath sharp
a shower of vapor ice
jacket nestled, collar popped up
nose snuggled tightly
away from this chilly fright

it feels like the darkness possesses
a wight of its own
the night presses everywhere
through gaps in words
and curves in the alphabet
try not to seethe too deeply
in this mystical dream

each step falls
and echoes cynically
distant concrete lovers
illuminated with solitary rubies  
a single car passes by
and like this
under a pearly ash glint of moon
another night passes by
May 2015 · 274
Eriko May 2015
a splendid ecstasy
a festering delicacy
the joy at sight
blue marvelous skies
its own manifesting destiny

the race among stars
clouds sweeping breathlessly through
a world just created for you
my own billboards scarred
and a pelirious love affair

What am I supposed to do with you?
May 2015 · 271
My Mother's Niwa
Eriko May 2015
My mother, you see, dresses in armor
as if war waged everyday
her mind is a catapult
her expression contours
and her teeth jeers
at the end of the day she'll say, mo wakata?

sorry mother, not today

her bones juts and creaks
her body worn from strains of life
her wobbly, crooked knees strike one another
with every feeble step in strife

her cheeks cascade like eery angular cliffs
and a crow's nest of hair, wiry and black
tumbles down her head
mother, what can I do for you?

Born in Japan
and now married to a foreign land
in hands of a backwards society
who merely acts like jesting skeptics  
they treat her family as a minority
for what?

they whisper, look at her dark squinting eyes
tiny, wiry stature
and no-nonsense attitude
no, she's not cruel
she just knows better than most

but they'll never take time to look at her
or listen to her when she speaks
and at the end of the day she says , mo wakata?
I'm afraid I do not
okasan, gomennasai I say

yet grateful, I am, for the same angular eyes
wiry hair and handsome ethnicity
your iron will strives me to go farther, deeper
to explore ever crook, every
perk of what it is to be alive
I am starting to see life
with the same air of humility  

yet on those diamond occasions
when your fingernails sting of dirt
and poignant flowers barricade
the cold mess beyond
a garden of delicateness embedded in every touch
and moving with Asian maternity
stone paths weaves through
fabric of nature's vanity

her love is etched within the soil
I see her stooped body
outside my window
as she tends her garden
and at the end of the day, when she says mo wakata?

hai, mo wakata, okasaan I say

life is not a battle
but the will not to wilt away
and as you care your garden relentlessly
you were, in fact, caring for me

every flower planted in soil
no matter rain or grey smoky skies
it spreads its lovely petals
and remembers to drink in the sun
even if there is not a sun
to drink in
May 2015 · 245
Eriko May 2015
curled, pressed
a brisk melody,
loved, kissed
a rich consistency

cold nimble fingers
pressed into mine
a mantra whispering of oceans
the gleam in your eyes, the fear in your tears
a salty kiss streaking down your face
do not stray, my love
I got you.
I got you
May 2015 · 348
Four Blank Corners
Eriko May 2015
what do you expect?
In all the things I do
in such as collage of a person's dream initiation
what kind of things leave you in sweet appreciation?

who do I call, my mom?
my brother, my father, sister and that dude on the street corner
in fact a completion of four blank corners
achieves nothing but to a getaway box of concealment  

wait, that's not what I meant
to say,
to do,
what I ought to be,
*******, society
what are you thinking of me?

Why is it that your thoughts justify
that a ballroom of hot gaseous stars
rooted in a seventeen year old dream
is nothing but hallucinations of a childhood...

you make me want to scream

what makes you think any better
to take, a list of vocabulary as mode of expression
people smirk at the reflection in transition
yet in a world gone of such things
you try to mumble, stumble, tumble
on your own tongue
as nothing retreats
and substitute it with useless prepositions  

blank stares on blank fat faces
greasy slicked tongues attached to an ugly wrought of body
stop stuffing your face with social media
our lives are capable of much more authenticity
stripes red, white, and what, green?
I'll make it whatever I want it to be

you say I am wasted away
that thought, that havoc, that pleasant furnace
well thanks a lot
to you, my thoughts are burnt out
like a light bulb in a dark room of four blank corners

channeling riot thoughts onto paper to screen
composed in depths of my dead weight backpack
crumpled under the weight of text books
explaining how we should live better
and how I am suppose to be  

well it's my mission to live outside of conformity
and as words fly in class, in halls
first only to myself, then vulnerable to the audience of you...
wait, virtually the entire world?

understand these words are as raw as lemon
fueled by thoughts, cynical, you can reckon
and **** as my teenage mind, naive
just like the shadows of you and me

understand these are reflections
we are starry magicians in the game of complexity
constantly fluctuating upon gravel grounds
it stems from existence we label into nouns  
we string words together
and if nobody else ever reads this
who cares?
your name is the last thing we'll
care to pronounce
sort of needed to rant
May 2015 · 302
Eriko May 2015
Maybird, today you thought
Today you thought
But I think not
On whether you dwelt long on that thought

Maybird, a sublime spring
A sprinkle of blue
A shower of roses
Today you have thought

A clinking of ice in glass lemonade
A rush of waxy pollen
You thought, today, Maybird
And I thank you for that
May 2015 · 547
A Charity to My Soul
Eriko May 2015
I feel those stares
gnarly infringements  
a flash of photograph
a creaking doorway
a breathless hallway

I swear I feel those stares
hidden under staircases
creeping around corners
kneeling under tabletops

I press my hand into my eyes
so I can't see anymore

there are eyes everywhere
but only those of my consciousness
a doorway here, a path there
an unmarked territory
a charity to my soul
thank you, my body
for allowing to remain me
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