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 Mar 2017 Emma DeBoer
The Silence
In elementary school
we had

We were small children then.

Now we put stuff
in our

We pronounce that as cubberds

Now think of how many times
you have added  "ies" to a word
when speaking to a small child

Do you have your sockies?

Where did you put you stuffies?


Put your backpack in your *cubbies
Mind = Blown
Your  beauty was  more then
Your beauty was never understood
Your beauty was  not just one night stand
Your beauty didn't  tell the  whole story
Your beauty was more   then just  another face
You were more then just beauty
 Oct 2016 Emma DeBoer
I spied Vicki through a crack in the Universe
and I tried to speak through the silence
but Vicki put a finger to my lips
and spoke the one word of reassurance
' love', she said, will take us both into eternal remembrance,
and that small crack in the Universe,
is our eternal moment.
 Sep 2016 Emma DeBoer
Mike Adam
What we did
You do not deserve

Let this be tinder
To fire

Young imagination

Throw me on the fire
And fuel your future
 Sep 2016 Emma DeBoer
Mike Adam
You carry words
In your belly-
Pregnant meaning

I read in awe
Raw emotion
Direct communication..

Avoid spilling
Into oblivion

Your beauty
Lights the world
Courage inspiration
 Sep 2016 Emma DeBoer
Mike Adam
I did not
Love you as I should.
That much is clear.

I could not love you
As I should then.
That much is clear.

You loved me as much
As you could.
This now I can see.

I could not love you
Then as much as I should.
This much is clear.

I love you now
More than I could have then.
I thank you more.

This much is clear.
 Sep 2016 Emma DeBoer
Mike Adam
Shadow of 99%

Spinning boundless

And this thing
I call I

This reproach
To the massive
Nothing Bhodidharma
Brought from
The east

In the vast
Uninhabitable area
Between stars
I sit

And contemplate
Blue endless sky
And fathomless
Oceans of
And you

My lost girl

With all the
Tight wrapped

Between your
 Sep 2016 Emma DeBoer
Mike Adam
Ash in the mouth
Final sprout plucked

The great plague
Eaten the planet

Fired the end stick

And notation laid with
Invisible ink

(warm stream of body
Revives the script on
Solid scroll)

Too tired for messiah

Just watching the day
The Angels clasp candles on Summer nights
They implore salvation in twilight flight* ....
Copyright September 7 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Sep 2016 Emma DeBoer
Ofelia Rose
It's been a long time since I took the dive
And now I'm so deep in this ocean
I thought I was numb beneath the water
Yet every breath I take reminds I'm on shore
But I can't seem to hold on to anything

I'm floating in these waves with the bones
Of all the fish that have died beside me
There is nothing left of what I once had
I have given too much of myself away
To all the people who've I've given the power

Now I lay quietly upon my empty bed
Where I'm reminded of how wasted I am
Lost in this haze of the death I now know
I'm nothing but the ashes of an angel
Who gave her wings for the sweet water
That never brought the sugar to my life

Now I'm left with this bitter taste in my mouth
The smokey flavor of all myself I've burned
In the trail I've chosen to hike alone
And oh how I long for the days before this
When I had all of me and purity in my core
But now I must pay the toll for losing me
In all of them who had the chance
To take a part of every bit of who I was
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