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 Dec 2014 Elise Law
Why is the ocean blue?
The ocean is blue because water absorbs colors in the red part of the light spectrum. Like a filter, this leaves behind colors in the blue part of the light spectrum for us to see.

Why do people you love get angry, till their fragile veins bleed out?
They care, sometimes, too much.

Why do I feel like this?
Perhaps, your eyes said a shy hello to his.
And both of your lips refuse to say Goodbye.
Hihihihi there!
How was your day, lovely soul?
I started learning how to play guitar! Eeek, it's definitely a little hard for my little hands and fingers to kind of move across the strings. :')
But, hey! Just gotta keep on trying.
 Dec 2014 Elise Law
Plastered wet t-shirts against bare skin, sun-shine evaporates H2O into transparent bubbles of ecstasy.

Bruised tailbones from

                                             f a
it­'s just your heart giving way to gravity.

Let it.
Hello there lovely!
Man, have I MISSED writing. I hope you all are well.
Whatever it is, chin up and go go go!
You can do this.
I got some news for you, you and you,
a) I just did my Biology Final today.
b) I got told that I attained the position of Vice-Captain in my high school!
c) Taylor Swift's 1989 album. Sigh. *fangirls*
Good morning, Good Afternoon or Good night & Sweet dreams, where-ever you are!
 Aug 2014 Elise Law
The beauty of a woman
is in the poems she's wrote,
the dreams she's weaved
and all the stories she's told.

The beauty of a woman
is in the adventures she's taken,
the lives she's touched
and all the minds she's awakened.

The beauty of a woman
is in the caring she gives,
the sincerity in her laughter,
and the passion in her griefs.

It's not the expensive clothes she owns,
her body size, the diamonds she's worn.
Measure not the beauty of woman in gold,
for the beauty of a woman is reflected in her soul.
Dedicated to all women out there with an amazing mind and a beautiful soul. We are the gift of nature, soft enough to touch the core of others and strong enough to protect that and those important to us. I love you all. Believe in yourself and the world will believe in your power.

I'm honored to have it as the daily poem.
 Aug 2014 Elise Law
Emmalee May
Love letters are just pretty lies and wishful thinking.

2. There's a difference between loving a person and loving the attention they give you.

3. Hearts are resilient
 Aug 2014 Elise Law
Sari Sups
I want to tell you I could love you.
I could make you happy.
I could make you fall apart on the
bedroom floor,
helplessly and desperately proclaiming
that our love was more
than the nights of
raised arms and oceans of threatening depths.

But fifteen is an age when all of this
is just a dream,
a cliff where the jump is even more
dangerous than everyone says it to be.
Fifteen is the age when I believe,
that my hands have grown rough enough
to take yours
and maturity and age
have always been our similarity.
But fifteen is just another name for
"You're too young."

I cannot promise you that a wedding ring
would worth more than
the freedom to love the women
of taller heights and wider hips
for their lipstick is much darker
than the lip balm I use to
smoothen the dried skin.

For I do not know what it is like
to slide the glass between my fingers
and to taste the golden bubbles
freeze my teeth.

I do not know how to light a cigarette
or how to inhale the scent and death of rebellion.
I do not know how to let the ashes fall
unto the tray without burning my skin
and dirtying my nails.

I do not know how to make you want me,
how to dress and turn my curves
into mountains you wish to explore.
I do not know how to turn my tongue
into a weapon much deadlier
than the wind.
I do not know how to make you
feel beautiful.

So with all of the worlds streets, corners and
dimly lit bars,
I am nothing but a little pigtailed girl
with a lollipop in one hand and a poorly written
love note in the other.
And there you are,
as tall and as handsome as I've always seen
you as
with no time to look down,
only straight ahead.

But I guess, thats okay.
The heels would never have fit me anyway.
 Aug 2014 Elise Law
The soft, gentle pitter patter of rain lulls
unspoken wishes
a quiet, mellow

As, the beads of rain curve into something bigger,
the reflection those glassy orbs hold become

Her eyes once vague.
Now lucidly clear.

Lightning cut across the sky, dotted with stars.

A brilliant spark.

Enjoy! x
The first time we met, your eyes glinted in the afternoon sunlight.
I pondered,
I adored,
I loved your shy personality.

Then when I got to know you more,
I was hooked.
Your lovingness, your care, your optimism,
had me thrown into pirouettes.

We laughed, we hugged.
We talked, we cried.
We shared our secrets and our lives together.
We were complete.

Until that one moment, when you pulled my heart strings too far,
and left me to throb in pain.
My heart aches as it harrowingly beats.
And tears roll down my flushed cheeks in rivulets.
Just a little bit of time.
Wait until the hands of time strike the hour of the full moon.
Let gravity take its natural course.
Let us fall into each other's warm embrace.

And let the moonlight glisten over your hazel iris,
as we close in,
towards the apogee,
of our first kiss.
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