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Abeer Jan 19
Standing on a starting line without anyone left to explain this
This cypher written from top to bottom in a tongue I don't speak
Or feel compulsion to study, still written well in meaning
I heard this quote, it stuck me under my sleep
Like honey dripping over a bee's dead body
"I know how to be perfect but there's comfort in my panic"
I felt it slipping under my skin, a touch
To tell me it's okay to be not okay
To just run from coast to coast
Looking for yourself in everything
Abeer Jan 11
Wish you'd stick around
Wish the end of all that ends
Wish this start of spring implodes in love
Wish the prices of groceries go down
Wish you'd like me now
Wish the past doesn't have a bomb on its neck
Wish I'd stop worrying and daydreaming
Wish the world could see me
Wish I could not unsee destiny
Wish I could marginalize fantasy from reality
Wish I could control condensing droplets under my eyelids
Wish the happy sorrow and laughing about it
Wish the definition of tensor was simple
Wish the matrix was not so difficult and it had symmetry
Wish you'd stick around
Wish the end of all that ends
Abeer Dec 2023
Can you see it?
Can you witness the swing?
Of such hollow cradle
we share, build a world on, call it stable
I saw emotional disarrangement
And felt so pretty
It was holding onto my leg,
Like a kid who is worse than me
The cigarette between my
Teeth are longing to perish
I don't smoke
Because my reflection is calling it quits
At the end, a tree with white sap
And broader leaves
A crying violin,
Sounding in the fantasy of my little bleed
A little misfit, a rebel
Amongst drunken kings and queens
Abeer Dec 2023
a trousseau, vailed bride
the summer sunshine, friends
butterscotch ice cream, expensive wine,
a friendly dog inches apart, a creepy aunt
a chocolate fountain. Some childish jokes
a heartfelt speech, heart-bound love,
pulled aside by the groom, for hugs and laughs
being very sweet, softly they hold my hand
recharging the social battery, enjoying the back
socializing with fearless child, in way better clothes
at the end, kisses to all who could take
left with nothing but the sweet envy
for a wedding day
Abeer Dec 2023
when we are asleep, I dream at nigh width
an empty room so large, yet nothing filled with
the garden and jolly smile behind which
the empty room lurks beside the breeze of breath

the saddening of a clown when he finds his wife died
along with his child in hand who smiled like
fresh-picked daisies, with eyes that cried
towards the pass of his limited time, in the room

the room were perfectly aligned, a job well done for Sarah
The architect, slowly shes burnout off it, in a pit where
she bruises herself, and her bones each time she's not enough
when the room is done, we will find her dead with no blood

this equation is not holding still, the despair for mathematics
or detain of truth, something philosophy introduced with tricks
but when the funding is over or when you naturally give up
you might be a fool to hang yourself, just join the room
you might just be what we are looking for
Abeer Nov 2023
search for reason, a time well wasted
well rested
but I think it spilled from the palm of
my hands, drew by myself
twisting of bones
juices under crushed flesh,
my eyes caught the culprit
a debt,
and all that we tossed around
I knew a person, let's call her Rain
(a stupid name), a beautiful name
when she comes around the thing
that causes her pain
she crosses the uphill and ciphers
to some degree and the next day
when the thing is sleeping
she hugs it, and thanks it for the power
and a time well-rested
not wasted
I guess evil is okay when asleep
Abeer Nov 2023
a pause is when we stop talking, remember that
pauses are important. you should pause in the middle
I should not avoid the mirror
the face, myself trenched in only ugly feeling.
ironic, because in any public transport, when I see
beauty, I recognize a feeling, a chance as it grips away
discontent, bruises in my flesh, not physically, leads to
metamorphism into a cacoon like Jerry
in that episode of Rick and Morty, powerless but friends
with the smartest person, who is now dead
think about the forbidden energy gap in thoughts of negative,
emotions of everything and everyone, who said
things, unheard, boundless by the measure of the height of dread.
I must be dreaming because I wish we were dead,
I wish you were here, to see the poem as it unfolds
(chronic pain), nothing is left that brings me hope
but the chance to leave everything and start a new life, back from
the cocoon and face me
but I wish we were not dead
the forbidden energy gap is the energy difference in the valence and conducting band of any crystal, the concept is used for describing the conducting of electricity under an electric field in metallic crystals and semiconductors
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