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Roses are red
Marijuana is dank
Subscribe to PewDiePie
"My fellow bros ,my fellow brethren,my fellow comrade,
The time has come for us to fight back. No more will we become oppressed by main stream media,no more will I take this online abuse and hatred,no more will I say ,'I am sorry ,I messed up,okay ?' ,and you know why ? I'm number one ! I am number one !
No more lame boxing matches
I challenge t-series into a saber battle like real men,I'm throwing my glove at you t-series,fight me,IRL to the death. No more boxing glove and helmets,I am talking about to the death here."
"If they won't accept my sword challenge ..
Then the only thing we can do is :fight fire with fight."
"Smash subscribe ,smash subscribe"
"What we gonna do ?"
Smash subscribe
Given above are the subtitles from the video:

— The End —