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 Sep 2014 Dawn Campbell
I  miss you calling my name, while I'm right there - pulling your hair.
Getting you all hot and tired and messy.
tears in those eyes, as temperatures rise.
Make-up all over my neck, pillows, and flesh.
What started with a peck,
turned to nibbling on your neck,
Then bit your ear,
Pulled you near,
Now you are running out of breathe.
Teasing me,
This is what punish meant.
Dripping wet.
Clothes on the floor,
Bed sheets soaked in wet.
You whispered, "Hurt me!"
Said it so silently,
but so sexually.
If you shot me with a gun
I'd probably apologise to you
I say sorry for everything
Cause that is what I've learnt to do
They tell me not to say I'm sorry
Cause it's not like it's my fault
But I just want to make them happy
And it kills me when they're not.

If someone you loved had passed away
I'd probably blame it on myself
Cause everything is my fault
I'll keep my problems on my shelf
They tell me not to apologise for my existence
But what a sorry existence I am
I crave someone to make me happy
But no one out there gives a ****.

They say I need to learn to say no
But the words won't leave my mouth
And even when I am not happy
I'll try not to make a sound
And I can learn to find my voice
Or I can stay in the same place
I know I'll never be happy
If I keep putting on a brave face
So tonight I'll rest my bones
And when the sun comes up at dawn
I wont apologise for you
No I won't say sorry to you any more.
This was actually written as a song but I guess it counts as a poem still.
 Aug 2014 Dawn Campbell
another day not well spent because of you
its always you, and i hope you knew.
but you don't. you will never will.
because i will never tell.

Suddenly you showed up
In my doorstep wearing your faded cobain shirt
and your ***** blonde hair was so messy
and you seriously smell like a ******* beer.
you look so tired and you look so careless.

Its our day.
I had a flashback or everything we've done.
You smiled at me and said
"don't worry I'm not drunk. Id probably remember everything tomorrow."
probably? probably.
Suddenly I can feel it, love is slowly falling out of your vocabulary. And

its tearing me apart.
Then I realized… you're slowly falling out of my heart.
- PD
 Aug 2014 Dawn Campbell
How does she hide her shame?
How does a girl hide her wet eyes and hot cheeks
from her disapproving mother and father
How does stop her shaking lips
shaky breaths
crumpling face
pacing feet
from surfacing at the worst moment.
How does she refine her ways
to become the best daughter she can be,
the girl she once was.
The honor roll,
never grounded,
follow the rules,
love herself,
love life,
social girl
she once was.

The question could be,
when she closes the door quietly,
does she not let them fall
hot and salty
satisfying and disappointing
down her cheeks without hesitation?
Why doesn’t she let her lip shake
as she curls into a ball to try to drain
the shame from her body
in the form of her tears.

Because she does not want to be
red handed
pink cheeked
red eyed,
Because they will ask the question,
Why are you crying?
They will ask it in the exasperated tone,
like it’s the most ridiculous thing
they’ve ever seen
ever heard.
They will look down at her like a
They will tell her to stop crying,
because it will not help.
They will shame her for crying.

But don’t they know
they’re just making it
for her to rid herself of the shame
they just
dumped on her.

Because she’s only just a girl.
 Aug 2014 Dawn Campbell
I am a cocoon of sorts,
When I love, I love hard.
I work hard,
Every day,
Loving and caring, holding, nurturing.
I try my hardest to build the confidence of the one I love.
I'm there,
I'm whole,
Until one day,
The person I love,
Is so confident,
So ready,
That they leave.
And when they leave,
I crack, I break, I'm empty.
They're gone,
And I'm stuck,
Hanging there,
Like a cocoon.
I wrote this when I was sad and have never had the courage to post it anywhere, enjoy.
 Aug 2014 Dawn Campbell
My world is falling apart. I can’t see any light in the end of this long dark tunnel. The waves are flooding and I can’t find my way home. I can’t breathe. Is it all just a bad nightmare?
We shared cigarette sticks
cans of beer only
and drunken kisses
only for it to end
sooner than we expected
leaving us with nothing at all to hold between us.

For you held on to your own heart so dear
unwilling to bare it all to me

Refusing to even look at me
Look at what my soul had to offer you
For you were so afraid of what could happen between us

You cradled your heart in your hands
Holding it close to the gap where it used to be
afraid to put it back
for fear of breaking it in the process
Ironic how the only thing to sober me up is the intoxication tasted from your mouth.
Funny how all of the words I wished to say aloud spew from my mind onto this paper, but when you look at me, I'm speechless.
If I had it my way, the tears fallen from my eyes would become an ocean used to carry you back to me..
the boat that carried you would drown you in memories reminding you why we fell in love in the first place..
though we haven't spoken in almost a year, it would be as if nothing else mattered but us as I greet you at the shore..
somehow, this time as I reach for your hand, you will hold it tighter instead rejecting it like last time..
unbelievably, as you utter those three beautiful words from your once beautiful mouth, I will understand that you have loved me all along.
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