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 Apr 2020 Angel
You're seeing stars everyday
I'm over here looking in the sky for a maybe
You see the love from blue eyes everyday
I'm over here in a sea trying not to drown from being lonely
You see time as a beautiful installment in the soul
I'm over here seeing a ticking time bomb with no de-fusion
I see the opposite of what you see
Yet you're still trying to hurt me
Playing with a switch
I see the light flicker
Playing with the fan simultaneously
You see the air circulate
I see comfort from a far out place
Loving the housing
Seeing it as a forever getaway
While I see panic in a form of a gateway
 Apr 2020 Angel
Commuter Poet
A great artist once said
Art is when someone’s subconscious
Talks to another person’s subconscious
Through art
I believe this to be true
Grayson Perry artist quote
27th April 2020
 Apr 2020 Angel
i want to tell you.
i really do.
i'd love to spill my secrets, my issues to you.
yet i can't comprehend it.
i can't communicate it to you.
and the fact you could leave me.
it makes my heart a tearful blue.
you already look at me as if i'm broken.
what do i have to lose?
i want to tell you.
i really do.
yet i can't cope with the fact.
the fact your presence may fade.
vanish without a trace.
except you'd still have that key.
the key that can unlock the darkness in my brain.
this poem is in honour of my teacher who wants me to know that i can talk to him. but it's nearing the end of the year and he may not be my teacher next year. i fear that if i tell him too much i won't be able to cope that next year he might be wandering around with the burden of my thoughts i selfishly put on him without being able to do much to help me. and that i won't be able to connect with another teacher like i have with him. so, in general, this poem isn't really about telling him about my issues. it's about the fact that i might lose his presence in my life and that he's one of the last things that's keeping me sane. this poem is about loss. XD sorry for the mini rant i just needed to get this out there y'know.
 Aug 2018 Angel
Mary Frances
Like Sunflowers, your presence is bright and warm.
Like Sunflowers, your love is soothing and sweet.
Like Sunflowers, your embrace is home.
This is dedicated to my Grandmother who just celebrated her 68th birthday. She raised me as her own ever since my mom passed away when I was 8. I am ever thankful for her love and support for all of my life.
 Aug 2018 Angel
 Aug 2018 Angel
both of us
must grow
and change
at our own
i just hope
that we
will always
come back
to the same
 Jun 2018 Angel
Spongebob Squarepants

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♡ just felt like writing this cause my profile is kinda sad so yeahhhh love you all ♡
 Jun 2018 Angel
Square One
 Jun 2018 Angel

i try to make amends with myself
but i keep falling back to square one
i don't know where to go
i don't know where i'm headed
but it all leads back to:

one house

one rule

one boy

one school

one touch

one promise

i keep falling back to square one
who am i to judge
the way you choose to be alive
we are all sick of the same rules
being alive is keeping your heart pumping  

my heart keeps beating, but  
i keep falling back to square one
drawing out a map and route it blind
i don't know where to go
i don't know where i'm headed
but it all leads back to:

one stare

one house

one rule

one boy

one school

one promise

we keep chasing ourselves in circles
falling short and feeling empty
drowning ourselves in self-fulfilling prophecies
not giving in
to letting all our pain sink us down
in the middle where we can watch ourselves drown
because we are never picture perfect like Hollywood movie screens  
sometimes it needs to hurt before we catch ourselves in the pit fall  

we always fall back to square one
 Jun 2018 Angel
 Jun 2018 Angel
The state of being happy.

What is happy? –
Feeling pleasure (content).

Am I happy?

I see you;
Every day –
With another

And; I am happy?

I am pleased:
By your radiant smile.

Yet why?
Am I not happy –

I have:
An urge;
A burning desire;
A –

To feel pain.

Is this what it is,
To be happy?

To shed blood every day;
To drown in agonising pain;
To fake; every; single –

Then: I don’t want you
To be happy
I can.
You can’t –

Be happy: –
With another;
I am happy to see you happy.
At least I am 'happy'.
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