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Colm May 2021
I wish this mood upon a puddle
And then find myself drying
When it does not last
What a gas
This is
Deter Me Not Set (7)
Colm May 2021

No ocean says, "I want to give way to a strong and crashing love." It doesn't have the time to burn and not churn. It has already landed on the shore, and back again.
Deter Me Not Set (6)
Colm May 2021
Can anyone find me
A single mind of true solidarity
Which sounds as good
As the nothingness of speech
Which I predict upon myself

Both seamless and unendingly

Until I am reminded that
I am alone again
And all too intimately
Standing close and contentedly
With no-one in particular

Maybe my one is meant to remain?
Deter Me Not Set (5)
Colm May 2021
This truth be told to the world
Gray skies come for us
All beneath one and the same
None ever escapes from rain
Deter Me Not Set (4)
Colm May 2021
Saying it isn't feeling it
And feeling it isn't breathing it

Breathing it isn't living it
And living it isn't being in it

Being in it isn't believing in it
And believing in it isn't seeing it

Seeing it isn't abiding in it
And abiding in it isn't contentment in it

And the act (therein)
Doesn't begin without the feeling of it
Deter Me Not Set (3)
Colm May 2021
Just a look is all it takes to keep
My mind from drifting off again
Into what promises tell me
And yet my heart knows not will be
An eternal sleep

Just a second alone
With those eyes of yours will find
Within me burning like a freshly struck match
A fire so humble and a wisp so keen
To been seen for an instant more longer than sleep

Just to tarry with you here, my love,
Is beyond that of the summer afternoon dreams
Deter Me Not Set (2) .
Colm May 2021
No second ever existed
Without a human mind first
Trying to tie at knots and count creation
Deter Me Not Set (1)

This is a collection of works written in a vary familiar place. Albeit three, or maybe four years after one of my initial revelations. This place is like an office to me. And I am thankful to be able to think, here by this oak windowsill.

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