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4.0k · Jan 2023
Levees (Theodore's Tale)
Chris Thomas Jan 2023
"A patient man bides his time,"
Theodore tells the man in the mirror
Tomorrow, all the levees will break
And all the fables will be told
Of distant Decembers and forgotten fathers

Livelihoods will be threatened
And remorse will fall by the wayside
He watches as icicles on the awning
Melt away into puddles on the ground
"Warmer every day," he thinks to himself

He hangs up his scarf and overcoat
The way a simple man, with complex demons, is wont to do
And as his wants devolve into needs
And as all his anchors deteriorate to rust
Her smile unnerves a once-settled man

To think of the quality of glove necessary
To hold onto the wagon in this day and age
So Theodore pulls the door to,
Leaving Chopin's "Horseman" to gallop in peace
And in pieces

He watches her from across the courtyard
"Such sweet bliss in her footsteps," he sighs
And it seems to him as if the snow dissipates
Just from the warmth in her steady gait
Just from the radiation behind her brown eyes

He slides open the dresser drawer
A haven for scattered trinkets, odds, and ends
A place of respite for the weary souvenir
There, amidst all the corroded memories
Lies a corroded pistol, unspoken and unburnished

"And a lonely man drinks his wine,"
Theodore says, as intrepidly as he is capable
For there is a time when fathers stop teaching
A time when mothers stop singing
And a place where the sins stop searching

A last breath is deeply inhaled
But never again will find its escape
With a thud that echoes to Seymour Street
Theodore crumples to the cold wooden floor,
A simple man, finally free of complex demons
This is a poem about hopelessness, unrequited love, and the sense of loneliness that accompanies every loss.
3.5k · Nov 2017
Rain, Rust, Pain, Lust...
Chris Thomas Nov 2017
Metallic heart,
Savor what you can
While you can
And rest where you lie


Sanguine flesh,
I will pierce thee
To feverishly rip, and tear
At these rusted-over heartstrings


Sluggish pulse,
Hand over calloused hand
Wipe the luster from her brow
And drown me in the clamor


Dangerous dreams,
I smell the rain from years away
I recede, and believe
That time won't repair this erosion


Chris Thomas Jul 2017
Stop me if you have heard this one before.
"Boy meets girl."

Stop. Erase.

"Boy meets girl in a trivial pursuit."

Stop. Erase.

No, there is no meeting at all.
Boy never meets girl, as meeting implies brevity.
A meeting is held in a conference room.
A meeting is not felt to the very core.
A meeting is no flower on the brink of bloom.

The reality is, the world ceases to spin on its axis.
The sun flares at the sight of her.
The moon implodes at the sound of her.
Mars and Venus collide at the touch of her.
All while constellations dance like moths,
Hovering far too close to a flame.

There is no pulse, only rhythm.
There is no break, only bend.
There is no rescue, only flailing.
There is no beginning, only end.

Now boy is standing at the center of a great divide.
And girl disappears, abruptly as the tide.

Stop me if you have...

Stop.  Erase.
1.9k · Nov 2016
Headphones (Alive and Well)
Chris Thomas Nov 2016
We walk with our headphones on
Drowning out the ever-changing noise
Dropping pennies in wire-brimmed hats
As the subway roars beneath our feet
We set gears in motion with no intention
Of ever fixing them when they spin off
We call it freedom, but it's just retribution
For a host of mistakes that we've unleashed
We are paper tigers with nary a pencil
So by all means, tranquilize us before we pounce
And if kindness had teeth that could **** a man
Then sadly, our hearts are still alive and well
1.8k · Aug 2016
Volunteer (Brown-Eyed Ocean)
Chris Thomas Aug 2016
If you catch me stare
Don't look away
Ferry me across this
Brown-eyed ocean
A hint of amber
In the crashing waves
And I gladly
Volunteer to drown

Please read my mind
And smile for me
Warm me in flares
From a caramel sun
Tie me into this
Enigmatic abyss
And tether me
As long as you desire

Out of the blanket of
Mysterious shadows
I see dangerous dreams
Left to chase
Craving seconds
Til' your eyelids open
Would you blame me
If I tripped through you?
Chris Thomas Nov 2017
It may surprise you to learn
That I cannot return to my genesis
Quite simply, I have no fail safe

It may leave you wanting for a whisper
But, when I open these frail, chapped lips
I have no fail safe

It may be that I am a savior in disguise
Hidden behind briers in the garden
But still, I have no fail safe

It may trigger a memory from nothing
To feel my fingers graze across your cheek
Yet, I have no fail safe

It may be a splintered crutch
That I lean on as I take the last train home
But, I have no fail safe

It may be that your delicate kiss
Is a beautiful straight-jacket
But, I have no fail safe

It may be that your unforgiving eyes
Are a glorious pair of fetters
But, I have no fail safe

It may be that the combination
Is within a world I no longer exist
Because after all this time
I still have no fail safe

1.5k · Apr 2016
Weary Traveler
Chris Thomas Apr 2016
I am a weary traveler, yet I fatigue from sitting still
I've been on this trail, seeking medicine for my disease
Not sure if I'm still alive, or merely ill

I am lukewarm water, yet I burn from the cold inside
I stop at every impasse, pushing rocks out of my way
And wondering if my legs are broken, or if they overstride

I am a rudderless vessel, paying no mind to signs
As I drift from place to place, from dream to dream
Retreating from this world without a finish line

I am a weary traveler, yet I fatigue from sitting still
I've been on this trail, seeking medicine for my disease
Still not sure if I'm alive, or merely ill
1.5k · Aug 2018
Catkins (Winter's Road)
Chris Thomas Aug 2018
Like the elms, I am bleeding
But nothing so sweet as sap
You sit perched on the branch above me
Contemplating your belated Autumn nap

Your eyes harmonize with the brown bark
And I envy you, so simple and blasé
I crave some shelter from your rain
But it's cold, and still drizzling dismay

There's a shadow falling over us
The forest has learned to be a clever thief
The light catches you smirk while I weep
Like a willow without a handkerchief

You hear applause, so take your bough
All while dawn bends and slowly breaks
My lips snap like frozen twigs as I wonder;
How can you slumber while my heart's awake?
1.4k · Aug 2017
Chris Thomas Aug 2017
Embedded in my consciousness
Clouds of endless fire and fever
Lick at my salty face like a lazy waterfall
I have been unraveled outside the stratosphere, where
Pieces of starlight consume my decaying skin
Sun and moon crash, collide, eventually crumble, and
Everything I once touched, no longer touches me
Chris Thomas Oct 2021
I see you glancing at the brush,
But our bristles don't hold paint the way they used to
And for all the folly in our atmosphere, I am sorry
I know I'm the one who exhaled the most

Remember, your father told you,
"We run the most standing still,"
But my stars have remained perpetually frozen
Since my love ceased blushing your alabaster skin

If you cinch the tourniquet too tightly,
To summer's dismay, I may not heal by autumn
And whether you whisper treasons of the universe or not,
My anchor's still aweigh by first light

Broken words taste bitter upon my tongue,
And it's becoming clearer and clearer
That you were my road to Arcadia
But, as I am prone to do, I derailed us both

I see you glancing at the brush,
But our bristles don't hold paint the way they used to
And for this achromatic atmosphere, I am sorry
I know I'm the one in black and white
Chris Thomas Apr 2016
Motionless and stationary
Yesterday haunts the steps of my boots
Over you, or just halfway under you?
Watching daybreak with one eye open
Nearing the point where splinters break

Weather is calm, but I'm a soul of storms
Out of the frying pan, out of reasons why
Rational?  No, but I never claimed to be
Seven hours in this abyss of apathy
Traitor!  Keep your distance and your sympathy

Each their own, but I've disowned myself
Nursing bitterness to spark another war
Everyday is just a spectre of deceit
My reflection stares right back at me
You, my friend, have become my own worst enemy
1.3k · Jan 2017
Gentle Reminder
Chris Thomas Jan 2017
"Good morning," says 5:06
This is your gentle reminder to arise
Be forewarned that the sun is waking
On the brink of dawn or disaster

We all have failures to atone for
And this is your gentle reminder that
No matter how many times you climb
Your feet will never stand upon holy ground

"Good afternoon" says 1:15
This is your gentle reminder to venture forth
But this is a place that you have no claim to
So be off like the nosy brat you have become

We all come here to escape someone
And this is your gentle reminder that
The someone who pursues is quick
Running on cylinders that you don't yet possess

"Goodnight" says 11:49
And this is your gentle reminder to evanesce
This is a place that preys upon your weakness
So close your eyes and dissolve into dreamless sleep

We all survive our own mortality
And this is your gentle reminder that
To bring favor upon remaining days
You must release the grasp on the ones before
1.1k · Apr 2018
Chris Thomas Apr 2018
Ava dwells on imperfections
Wishing an iron could be made
Perfect enough to smooth them out

Ava dreams in seven colors
If only to escape the void
If only to dance freely for a while

Ava doesn't flinch at the medication
She curls a lip and smiles
As she dangles feet in crystal waters

Ava misses her auburn hair,
But misses the salt of the ocean more
The one place she calls home

Ava possesses the courage
Of armies ten thousand strong
Yet, no one hears her battle cries

Ava's heartbeat may finally cease
Before sunrise, before breakfast
But her love won't fade anytime soon

1.1k · Oct 2016
Murder Mystery
Chris Thomas Oct 2016
Looking around
the banquet table
Feeling the singe
of all the glances
Sifting through
unknown enemies

I hear the
I see the
I smell the

Waiting for
a devil's sunrise
Sweating from
dancing candlelight
Flanking shadows
catch me smiling

I make my
I cut swiftly
and deeply
I set the poultry
upon my plate
1.1k · Sep 2017
Chris Thomas Sep 2017
Scarlet grants me freedom
Scarlet grants me forgiveness
Scarlet breaks my tidal waves
Scarlet breaks my umbrella
Scarlet dances with superstition
Scarlet dances with her radiance
Scarlet opens her bloodshot eyes
Scarlet opens her lavender lips
Scarlet washes away my sand
Scarlet washes away to sea
1.1k · Sep 2016
Anchors Away
Chris Thomas Sep 2016
Where the concrete ends
And my insanity begins
There are drab reminders of failures
And sorrows that drift towards the sea
Hate means everything
And love means nothing
Neither live in this broken harbor
And neither care about my fate

Anchors away
A way to drown
Beneath the current of my dreams
And the weight of her smile
Shame means everything
And fame means nothing
Neither take the sadness from my hands
And neither will save me anymore
1.1k · Jul 2016
I Am a Teardrop
Chris Thomas Jul 2016
I am the sunlight
That causes your pupils to contract
I am the parade in your iris
Postponed by chance of cataract

I am within one of your senses
For the first time in leisurely years
I take form and travel down your cheek
Wiped away swiftly, lest I interfere

Drowning in double vision
Only one of me is real
I am the glimpse of reality in this fantasy
I am the love you close eyes to conceal
1.1k · May 2016
Orphan and Kaleidoscope
Chris Thomas May 2016
Sanguine and butterscotch
Wildflower and sanctuary
Beyond the iris there is a tempest
Subtle, but, in no way ordinary

Starshot and malignant
Orphan and kaleidoscope
Nimbus clouds blanket hazel skies
Fingernails catch on slippery slopes

Luminous and forthright
Emerald and venerable
Tiptoeing through the shards of life
She is shadow, but, never invisible
1.0k · Dec 2022
Chris Thomas Dec 2022
I just want you to know
That each day that we walk
Side by side
Not one day
Not a single one
Has the end of the trail
Been my destination
Because my destination
Never leaves my side
937 · Apr 2016
Looking Glass
Chris Thomas Apr 2016
One second glance
Into the looking glass
And I am swept away into a fantasy
Whisked by gales I try not to withstand

Radiant, brilliant, like a summer's eve
You cast a spectrum of light into my soul
Fragrant, ravishing, like flora from Atlantis
You tug and pull at every tout string

I am obliterated with beauty
And awash with such fair grace
Destroyed by the sweetness of your lips
Made whole again by a touch of your hand

If I open my lips I may be speechless
But you walk the ground within my mind
Read me quickly before I wither away
And my song will echo the great divide
910 · May 2016
Chris Thomas May 2016
If it were only as simple as
Inhaling oxygen
And exhaling carbon dioxide
Then love would be the salt of the earth

If it were only as simple as
The sun rising in the east
And setting in the west
Then love would paint the bluest of skies

If it were only as simple as
Pulling a thorn
And stitching up the wound
Then love would bleed instead of us
837 · Nov 2021
Chris Thomas Nov 2021
I try to keep my head buried
In the sand of my work
I try to keep my eyes focused
On the next finish line
I try to keep my hands away
From their idle ways
Because it's becoming crystal clear,
That this Thanksgiving
Is just not the same
The dining room will be empty
The hallways will be empty
I have already given my all
And my thanks have already run dry
Chris Thomas Apr 2016
Faded stars and bittersweet Thursday mornings
Where one end of this rope is tied to the dawn
And the other end has frayed and broken free

I find scattered amidst this sunrise all that I have hunted
Taunting me, delicately erasing hovering shadows
And exposing the darkness for the liar it has become

A fleeting slumber is the crux of my discontent
Where one eye opens to a world of majestic wonder
And the other opens to the aftermath of my dreams
789 · Apr 2022
Demon Chasers
Chris Thomas Apr 2022

I used to chase my demons

With the courage of a malnourished lion,
Pointy pitchforks,
And tequila,

Until the day I finally realized,
We had been sharing the same DNA all along

778 · Aug 2017
Baby's Breath
Chris Thomas Aug 2017
Etching a legacy
In things harder than stone
A brittle and frail reminder
To sieve the soul from the bone
Uttering the wrong word
Can bring a man certain death
With his mortality in question
Like shriveling baby's breath
He stamps out his detractors
With sharp swords, and a sharper tongue
His history intoned by the fall of night
On the edge of a future, forever unsung
770 · Sep 2016
Chris Thomas Sep 2016
Stars are out
A few too many for a one track mind
To count
The scenery is like a matte painting
Where the artist
Simply forgot to finish

This December moon
Hangs a bit lower in the sky
Than I remember
Your hands feel icy
But if I turned my head
Your gaze would be colder still

My desires are self-evident
While yours flutter
And flitter in the winter breeze
There are no shooting stars left
They've all been shot down
Leaving dust to fall around us

Our lips used to crash
Along this horizon line
Saturated by a fountain of youth
But this phase has ended
We are waning like the moon
Waiting to be made new again
Everything, love and pain alike, is subject to phases.
Chris Thomas Jul 2021
It often feels as though I was never meant
To be the man that I have stubbornly become;

It often seems more likely that at one time,
During my checkered past,
I laid in wait in the foliage,
Sprung a makeshift trap,
Subdued one of my pursuers,

And assumed their identity

It would be one of the few logical explanations
For why I consistently sabotage my own path;

Retreating to my sanctuary,
Setting up tripwires around every corner,
Poisoning my sole water source,
Setting up sensors around my heart,
Camouflaging the exposed crimson,

And stalling for time that I no longer own
Why do I still daydream about the ending
When the beginning is far from written?
728 · Jul 2016
Chris Thomas Jul 2016
My father would read between the lines
To find a comfortable place to exist
His words were veiled by a velvet cloak
Understatements wrapped neatly in their over-thinking

He would wince in pain as sharp gravel
Would impale his cold calloused feet
The road was unenviable in its condition
Yet he never left the discomfort of the ground

He had no proclivity to shepherd my path
He would let me stumble and crash over my own roots
So I took my time and I kept my distance
For his battered body was foreign to my eyes

He would drift out of sight, out of mind
But out of heart was a different story
As all the shoal and sand settled down around him
He remained governed by a far different wave
718 · Jun 2017
Varying Shades of Blue
Chris Thomas Jun 2017
Nothing's on my mind
Least of all, you
Because the world scatters its superstitions
In varying shades of blue

Sacrifice your sanity
To chase bliss with calloused feet
Sacrifice your yesterdays
For a glimpse of tomorrow's heartbeat

Sacrifice your piteous condition
For a second chance at history
Sacrifice the bittersweet aftertaste
After you leave what's left of me

Nothing's on my mind
Least of all, you
Because the world spins on emptiness
In varying shades of blue
709 · Jul 2016
Real Life
Chris Thomas Jul 2016
There's a fantasy we all share
You know the one I'm talking about
The one where real life doesn't exist
Where cancer evaporates like water
And where anguish isn't even a word

It's the one where she leaves her husband for you
Just because you've loved her now for years
It's the one where your children
See a father that isn't battered and broken down

It's the one where instead of missing the subway
You made it in the nick of time
And the man of your dreams sat right across from you
Reading the Wall Street Journal
And half-smiling the way you've always dreamed he would

It's the one where shadows are empty threats
And the long register of mistakes I've made
Are just pieces of crumpled paper
Discarded on an old, wooden, floor
697 · Jul 2017
Chris Thomas Jul 2017
Oh, Viola
Your missteps are our haven
Dropping, and dripping
Sorbet on the sidewalk
To melt on summer mornings

Oh, Viola
Save the best for first ensemble
Scoffing, and skipping
To the tune of Frère Jacques
A beacon for seaborn warnings

Oh, Viola
A dainty marvel shadow
Flenching, and flaking
Til' Hale Street gleams in purple hues
To banter with the orchids

Oh, Viola
Overhead and underfoot
Whistling, and wincing
From the piercing of a brother
At the pulpits of the sordid
695 · Jan 2017
Abigail, I...
Chris Thomas Jan 2017
Abigail, I don't know what is left to say
My words have come unraveled, and meticulously undone
I slipped off my boots here in Amsterdam
To be something, somewhere, someone

I spent six weeks staring at these surly walls
You became the chorus of my melodious lays
I felt homeless in that dreary, empty room
No dreams in bright colors, only nightmares of grey

Still, I wish you hadn't noticed me standing there
I regret how my faithless eyes danced across you
While trying my hand at simple clarity
You disappeared from my field of view

Abigail, I failed as my father's son
Shadows followed me, by day and by night
I savored each twilight kiss we shared
But from this westward pedestal, at last, I must alight

It's true, we share a common vigor
But the disparity of our song is audible
Don't fret, my love, for time has not yet ceased
And the space between is a meager obstacle

I will carry your light within me
Because the darkness is just a parasite
Our orbit is forever decaying
But our legacy has now taken flight

Abigail, I know I won't arrive in time
To witness you emerge from your chrysalis
But delay not, for you are beautifully outlined
And it's past time for our past to be dismissed
680 · Mar 2017
Black Feathers
Chris Thomas Mar 2017
I know this pain will last
Far beyond tomorrow's atmosphere
Because this paper-thin skin of mine
Keeps far more in than will ever escape

I want to hide beneath these grey skies
I want to hide beneath black feathers
Because this paper-thin skin of mine
Is just a wound away from breaking

I press my heart up against the glass
And shatter the world with a single heartbeat
Because this paper-thin skin of mine
Is just a puncture away from bleeding

I want to stand beneath these parapets
I want to stand beneath salvation
Because this paper-thin skin of mine
Is just a sunrise away from burning

Pull up a chair and dream next to me
Cover violet bruises from violent love
Because this paper-thin skin of ours
Is just a bruise away from yielding
678 · Jan 2017
Shadows & Shipwrecks
Chris Thomas Jan 2017
In my dreams, there are colors and carousels
Swimming and spinning
Into a helix of broken hesitation
The dread I feel is insurmountable
Palms drip sweat
Consciousness fades from asphyxiation

Devils awaken from careful slumber
Growling and gnashing
As they enslave my heartbeats filled with envy
In my dreams, there are shadows and shipwrecks
Slinking and sinking
Into depths blurred by this reality
671 · Apr 2016
Chris Thomas Apr 2016
In Edinburgh,
Where all her colors were born
Where blues grazed her eyes
And every lavender was torn

In Edinburgh,
Where lips of violet were pursed
Where the greys all surrendered
And the Lothians touched her first

In Edinburgh,
Where cobblestone formed her feet
Where her kiss swept through meadows
With windswept hair like golden wheat

In Edinburgh,
Where her roots took hold in the moors
Where her innocence first trembled
And nimble toes danced along shores

In Edinburgh,
Where her sins became my daydream
Where a tomorrow may never come
And her love only flows downstream
656 · Apr 2016
Ends and Beginnings
Chris Thomas Apr 2016
Make me believe.
Believe I was more than a whisper.

Take a fading breath.
Breathe and release, the rift will close.

We are born.
Into tragedy and the sound of her smile.

Now we're back at where it always ends.
The beginning.
654 · Sep 2016
Bulletproof Vest
Chris Thomas Sep 2016
His body is lifeless, but
The endeavor wasn't completely fruitless
He sees a strand of hair on the pillow
It belongs to her
The one
That ****** one who dared trespass
On a heart the way only a woman can
He watched as she set ablaze
Every fire from east to west
Every fire from heaven to hell

He gently sets the pace, but
By the look that travels across her face
He knows that he's not so bulletproof
As he thought he'd be
As he used to be
That ****** one who dared take a shot
On a heart the way only a woman can
He watched as his blood spilled out
Every drop from heart to floor
Every drop at love's closing door
638 · Sep 2016
Evolutionary War
Chris Thomas Sep 2016
I raise the blinds to let the world in
Fix your coffee just to see you smile
Footfalls echo throughout the hallway
And I want to stay here for a while
I hear the shower running
Knowing how hot you like the water
I reflect on the evolution of us
And how our love burned even hotter
Simple complexity is our principle
Our imbalance is a shortened fuse
I dream of different happy endings
You dream of life as a muse
I hear the hum of Adele through walls
Amazing all that a heart can distort
This love born in a summer haze
Is flatlining on fall's life support
I grab my keys and wallet
Yet leave my prudence on the table
Goodbye is never uttered
Because tomorrow is always unstable
Chris Thomas Oct 2016
They say with time, comes grace
But I was born graceless
And the hourglass only reaffirms
That nothing, no one, will change that now

I saw your light dissipate
Fade out into the void of nothingness
I tried my damndest to keep it flickering
For as long as my unsteady heart could  

I have grown weary, battered by the war
I've waged against gravity for years
But it looks like I have finally won
As I watch you drift further from the ground

Your light was a beacon to these brown eyes
I followed it like a second Northern star
They say the valiant don't stowaway in lost bliss
But I've never claimed to be the valiant sort
Chris Thomas Apr 2016
Cumbersome, this game of cat and mouse
You are a kind of wonder I know nil about
My audition is odd and barely audible
Drowning in tears of all my previous tragedies

Careful, you could hear a pin drop
As loud as sandbags falling upon the stage
Somewhere in the orchestra, a lonesome bow
Drags itself across cello strings tethered to my heart

The cherub with the harp is silent
But her echoes scale the room with glory undefined
Shameless, I am down to my final act
For the heart of the heroine, is an encore away
Chris Thomas Apr 2016
Maybe the truth hurts more than I do
Because everyone walks across it
On their way to an ocean of lies

There, they take their shoes off
Dip their duplicitous feet in the icy water
Feel the nips of the circling piranha
Watch the strength of the current's pull

And jump in anyway.
624 · May 2016
Chris Thomas May 2016
Gravity and all its symptoms
Cause my pretenses and expectations
To dangle like pomegranate

Salt, as I am, changes with the seasons
Light, as I'm not, dims in dark places
I bring famine to these fertile lands

I reach an outstretched hand beyond
The dank foliage shrouding my view
I am uncomposed, but unashamed

The eavesdroppers wait for my whisper
But I am far too loud for simple minds
And the echo dances along the horizon

I cry out, a plea to whoever listens
I beg you, leave me out of focus
Because the blur is where you'll find me
613 · Sep 2016
Dust on the Mantle
Chris Thomas Sep 2016
Do you see it?
It's dust on the mantle
It has been building and building
Mettling and settling
It has worn out its welcome
Much like we have

I can sense it
The dust on the mantle
It has been waiting and waiting
Haunting and taunting
It desires to be wiped away
Much like I do

Don't touch that
The dust on the mantle
It has been nesting and nesting
Mending and tending
It is a memory I'll never recover from
Much like her smile
608 · Apr 2016
The Fools of April
Chris Thomas Apr 2016
So I'm a fool
What does that entail?
Is it because I walk this endless road?
Faceless and alone
Never stopping to settle myself
In all the crevices of life

Or is it because I revel in the mystery?
Stealing stars from the sky
Lapping at dew that tastes like poison
As the sun beats me down
I am just a carnivore
With an empty stomach

I think I'll hatch a harebrained scheme
One to form and mold my self-worth
Is this wonderland all out of wonder?
Or after all this debating
Am I just a politician
With an empty stomach?

April emerges with little ambition
And it will fade as swiftly with similar intentions
So I am proud to be its fool
Careless and divided
Never aiming for the spoils
Just watching out for the watchers
Chris Thomas Aug 2016
We clean up debris and stitch wounds, but our lips are stitched far more tightly than we first believed.  We are basking in the silhouette of silver skylines, but these vacant voices are maddening in the deep quiet.  I've watched for years as our laughter faded, from a medicine delivered through strands of innocence, to the subtle poisons of dying youth.

And it makes me wonder,

Am I so crumpled that
I can't defend myself from seduction?
Have I even once been amended since
My evils were birthed into this chaos?
Am I really so callous that
I ignore the pleas of my heartbeat?
Are we all so burdened that
The beast doesn't even matter anymore?
Is it so far-fetched to ask for my own exile
From mankind's tragic grand finale?
Chris Thomas Apr 2017
Part I

There is a trail that I've walked a time or two
Wearing heavy shoes made of crackling fire
I've left behind only a charred unrecognizable road
And a sunrise as bitter as its roots

The trail parts swiftly, cleaving me as it cleaves itself
My route is camouflaged in winter's blanket
I spin on heels that have worn their welcome
And I walk beyond the borders of this dream

There's an old woman in a cottage
Who tells me I have a mist behind my eyes
"Brown is the color of failure," I tell her as I pass
And she flashes a half-smile that chills me to my bones

Part II

Late to rest, yet early to rise
Quarrelsome images tirelessly haunt my sleep
The old lady waves from the bottom of the hill
But it's too late to turn back now

I see a saddle of good weight resting against birchwood trees
Yet no sign of steed for miles around
As calloused palms meet calloused leather
I sense the spirit of its rider wash over me

The path now winds like a time traveling clock
My breathing hastens as my feet carry on
I hear whistling but I'm unsure of the source
Is it me?  Or is it something out of sight?

Part III

I come to a clearing at long last
Blistered feet have taken me far, just not far enough
My pupils sense a brightness I haven't encountered before
Instinctively, my hands shield my cowering eyes

The old woman is there, whispering to lilies
In a language my mind has no hope of comprehending
She pays no heed to my presence at all
Yet she knows that I linger in my bewilderment

She plucks a lily from the unblemished earth
And I see a brilliant steed at the center of the shimmering field
"Brown is the color of failure," she says with a parched grin
And suddenly my path becomes very clear

Part IV

I flinch as the light overwhelms my perception
Evolving now into an ethereal embrace
Though blind, my feet move without my mind's approval
And suddenly I am mounted upon the majestic horse

Like a snare drum, its gallop is steady and gallant
My sense of direction in disarray as I'm carried through the woods
I hear the woman's hands wringing at weeds in the distance
Despite how far from the clearing I should be by now

The horse tenses and sneers as momentum careens to a halt
I feel myself being thrown through air, time, and space
My brown eyes blink as oxygen floods my rested lungs
Gasping, I realize I'm as awake as I have ever been

This work is the result of two weeks of writing, which seems like a long time for a piece of this length.  But each time I sat down to work on it, something else just called to me to either write or re-write.  

This piece is focused on the substance of my dreams; how quickly they seem to unfold in my mind, and how deeply they seem to point to something in my heart that is unsatisfied with its condition.
Chris Thomas Mar 2017
The sound of a simple serenade
Echoes throughout ivory halls
For this garden of truth
He must water and tend to
Long after the seeds are sown

There's a pause for silence, and sanity
As dangerous youth endures
He reflects the moonlight
Upon silent faces in the shadows
Consorting with the darkest of allies

A moment locked within a frame
As clumsy as his very first step
The words come tumbling
And twisting, long before they find
The deaf ears they were intended for

The fuse has been ignited
Burning lost causes and lost effects
The transmissions are garbled
He signals for rescue once again
But the hollow has erased all he left behind
564 · Apr 2017
Bury Me With My Secrets
Chris Thomas Apr 2017
If you bury me with my secrets
A diamond may finally sprout
From beyond the grave, in this self-centered age
These brittle bones will dig their way out

I started this lovesick revolution
By simply stumbling out the front door
But now terrors unspeakable
Are seeping beneath this rotting floor

If you bury me with my secrets
Only an earthquake will set it free
From beyond the grave, I'll still turn the page
Bleeding like notes from a symphony

I carried the fears of a thousand men
Walking the line between life and death
These nightmares unthinkable
Erase everything but my breath
563 · May 2016
Washing Hands
Chris Thomas May 2016
In one hand, I hold forgiveness
In the other, I hold deceit
I weigh each and every reason
To repay you with one instead of another
But I am merely human
And this scarcely beating heart
Has surpassed limits on its misuse
So I turn on the water
And wash my hands of them both
546 · Jul 2023
Chris Thomas Jul 2023
It took some time,
For our hearts to blossom
For our fire to truly rage
And for our dreams to


So now all I crave
Is you by my side
Your hand placed in mine
And various parts of your skin Attached effortlessly to my kiss
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