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Braylee Beard Nov 2014
Stones are collecting in my stomach,
weighing me down to the depths.
I won't struggle this time.
I'm just too tired.
Let the water be my air.
Let me feel it in my lungs.
Braylee Beard Nov 2014
Please be careful,
for I am a poet
and words mean just as to much to me
as your actions do.
  Aug 2014 Braylee Beard
Ashley Lopez
Sadness without a reason is the worst because how do you solve a problem without a cause?
Braylee Beard Aug 2014
It's unfortunate to say
that I've always done my best work
when my skin was the canvas
and when the drawings would scab over
and slowly
fade into permanent marks.
Braylee Beard Aug 2014
I'm not fond of the water,
but I swam in the ocean
because I figured that
if I couldn't drown my demons,
I might as well join them.
Braylee Beard Jul 2014
One time I got told that nobody would ever like my writing
because it was sad and pessimistic
but she was wrong
because there are so many people
that are just like me
and find beauty in the darkest people
and fall in love with the saddest of them all.
Braylee Beard Jul 2014
Made up of complicated thoughts and worse actions
Sins that I won't repent
Love that is unrequited
Dreams that will be followed
No matter how many mountains stand in my way
Broken bones that still ache
Shattered glass stuck in my scars
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