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 Oct 2015 Brianna
His Heartbeat
 Oct 2015 Brianna
           the soft,
                      of a drum.
           and fall,
the intake
           of August air,
           of pain
and grief.
"Why is the ocean blue?"

I took in a salty breath before I replied.

*Well, wouldn't you be crying all the time if the world expected you to carry all its sadness?
Not the topic of the gossips
or the spiders in your head
I'll watch over you unconditionnaly.

I know I am your nothing,
but you will be my everything,

not the main theme in your readings
nor the titles of your specialisms
in your heart, my name you're engraving

I am not the reason for your smiles
or the itchiness for your laughter,
for you, I would walk a thousand miles
though  bones broken hereafter.

© Sylvia Frances Chan
Copyright Protected
Tuesday 20th Oct 2015-13.26

Love ever meant to never end
but in most times it is facing its premature death
what an unkindest earth this death !
With over a million stars in the sky,
There is only one I want,
The one I want to see each night before I close my eyes,
The one that completes me,
The one that makes me feel loves,
You are that beautiful star,
My one and only,
I love you..
For the one I love
 Oct 2015 Brianna
Hanna Mae Mata
When the moon stares on earth like this,
when the vastness of the sky fondles
too well on my loneliness,
when the horizon limits me
with only you to wonder about,
I wish I'could hear your voice
even from an unfathomable distance
even just in a kiss of a minute
- perhaps to see if you're doing well,
Even though I need no further clue
that you’re doing great without me.
And my wanting to hear your voice,
is more of me
not doing well without you.
 Oct 2015 Brianna
 Oct 2015 Brianna
Night kisses on the roof,
We're drinking up the view
Please fill my glass with a million more stars..
So I can find the courage to spill out the truth..

Long ago I was in love,
Well that's what I thought it was..
5 years is a long time to know a person,
And 5 words was all it took to break that off

So, "how did it all fall apart?" You ask.. And, "Was the fall worth the hurt?"
I'd give 3/4 of my heart for, just a quarter of hers..

But that was a very long time ago,
So let's move this along..

My first year at college ******,
I never thought I'd amount to much
11 months is a long time to care for someone,
Even when those last few months,
We fell out of touch..
But with this girl I felt so safe..
Brown hair green eyes cute face
I said goodbye 2 nights after my 18th birthday,
.. I thought this time my heart deserved a different kind of break

"... So how did it all fall apart?" You ask, "do you still care/ love her?"
I'd give 3/4 of my heart for, just 1/4 of hers..

But i'm not on the rooftop with her, right now..
Oh i'm with you,
And this is where we are..
Singing the blues..

When that sun rises over you
Won't you tell me your stories too?
I'll give both halves of my heart if..
You give me all yours too.
So this is my favourite thing I've written... Ever.

Hope it makes you guys feel something too. It is very personal though, and quite hopelessly romantic somewhat hahaha.
 Oct 2015 Brianna
Cath Williams
Being with you is like choking on the harmless air we breathe,
Like seeing through the reflective glass that lines your walls.
Slowing down on an open road with the whole world just in our reach.
I don't know what I'm doing,
Or even how I'm doing it.
One day this is what I'll be missing.
Maybe not you, or us, or the things we do,
But the way I feel in this second knowing that you're happy.
I'm not the cause and I don't mind, this feeling is enough to hide the pain I'm really feeling.
A temporary solution at the least, but solution nonetheless.
You deserve more than the happiness I cannot provide you with.
 Oct 2015 Brianna
shall i ever leave this place?
shall i ever learn to run?
shall i ever climb the window?
shall i ever cross a lake?
shall i ever dig the ground?
shall i ever drive them away?
shall i ever give up?
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