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 Oct 2015 ajp
 Oct 2015 ajp
She was there smiling for me
Cherish the ones that are there for you.
 Oct 2015 ajp
Mayah Seals
Eyes always full of tears,
And I never know why.
 Oct 2015 ajp
I Love You More
 Oct 2015 ajp
I guess I won that stupid fight of "I love you more."
 Oct 2015 ajp
Parker Louis
I'm not good with words
they always come out wrong
but I'll write you a poem
because you keep me supported like my unswept floorboards
you have that wonderful smell of old ***** books
I want us to get together like cars merging into one lane of traffic
You're prettier than a third grader's sloppy cursive
You have a shine kinda like how people shine after sweating in the heat
you're more attractive than an icecream truck to suburban little kids
Your eyes are greener than lettuce
and your voice is more captivating than ****** pop music on the radio

Here's your poem
I told you I'm no good with words so yeah I'm not sure how to end this
Intentionally trying to write an awkward and unromantic poem is hard.
 Oct 2015 ajp
Parker Louis
You used to like the word **** until it was screamed at you with sheer malice
You used to like green tea until a mug of it was thrown at you and it shattered against the wall
You used to like smoking until a cigarette scorched your skin
You used to like letters until one was never sent back
You used to like adventures until you got lost
You used to love me
You used to
2/22/2014. I wrote this while at a friend of the girl I was dating's house  when her mom yelled "****"t (Which to me is sexist and shouldn't be used) and it made me uncomfortable and inspired this.
 Sep 2015 ajp
dancing auburn
 Sep 2015 ajp
i love you.
you, my friend,
are something
something different.
you, in some sense,
        saved me.
like bright lights
on warm water reflecting
I found myself,
in spite of my love for
auburn love in the depth
of winter is what we are,
I love you in colors
I can't describe, see or even
though as seasons go
feelings seem to, I suppose,
and once again here we
go around and around,
dancing numb hoping love
is still vibrant and radiant in
no longer dull,
in black, white or stubborn
I fall and I fall, into the
rhythm of our waltz,
we spin in circles
around the issues of
I love you and
I've loved you but yet
   I lost you.
 Sep 2015 ajp
bright eyes
 Sep 2015 ajp
bright eyes
messy hair
falling fast.
and stare.
you catch
my eye,
   b  l  o  w
a kiss,
take my
and here
we go.
bright eyes
into the stars
falling fast
but thin air.
 Sep 2015 ajp
 Sep 2015 ajp
Everything he does is art,
He changed my dull world into a rainbow,
He simply splashes his paint around
Just like how he painted my now beautiful days.
 Sep 2015 ajp
K Alexys
clear cuts
 Sep 2015 ajp
K Alexys
she drags the razor blade across her skin
watching as the first layer splits.
the blood dont rush like in the movies
Gotta give it a few seconds,
gotta know what you're doing.
tears rush
beat the blood
ah, there it is,
vibrant and reflective
as the wine bleeds a little more than she expected
the blade comes off of her arm as she cries
"that really hurt" as she lies
truth be told she doesnt feel a thing
the tears arent real and neither is she

this is her story
the girl isnt me
the girl is a ghost that i sometimes see.
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