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I jumped so deep.I lost my freedom.
 Nov 2016 Aprajita
You will only realize
That the moon shines
At its brightest
In the darkest of times
You will only know
That the moon falls everyday
To rise at its peak every night
That's the beauty of every downfall. You will rise.
Today, i had my thesis endorsement. I wasn't endorsed, and that means i won't be able to go for thesis defense/deliberation, or even graduate on time, but what matters is, i learned from this entire thesis experience. And glad to say that i am not at all fazed by what people may say, because i know i have done my best, but i know that God has something better for me and i will do better.

People, never give up. And never be scared of disappointments. They teach you to toughen up for the real world, for life. As for my endorsed classmates, i hope they pass defense and make it to graduation day! Overall, i am very, very happy and thankful that i have made it this far. And i will make it farther next time.
 Nov 2016 Aprajita
 Nov 2016 Aprajita
"He is so perfect", she thought.
1 month passed
"He is still good", she thought.
3 months passed
"He will get better", she thought.
4 months passed
"He won't hurt me anymore", she thought.
5 months passed
"Stop!" She screamed.
6 months passed
"Goodbye" she whispered.
 Nov 2016 Aprajita
Michael L
Autumn is fading
Trees once clothed with amber leaves
Stand exposed again
good-bye Autumn, see you next year :)
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