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On the front porch, she sat,
Day and night she tried to forget,
Love that lasted for only a bit,
Months she waited for a single kiss.

She had a type of face,
A face that belonged in victorian paintings,
Eyes filled with pride and strength,
It held so much courage yet so much pain.

Memories and thoughts graced her mind,
Like a broken record on hold; stuck in time.
They would gaze upon the constellations,
Her heart now a constellation of affliction.

Now as she looked above,
Tiny cluster of stars,
enveloping the vault of heaven.
A veil of broken glass, just like her existence.

As she gave the sky a fleeting glance,
One certain star gleamed through the dark,
And she knew it was the eyes of her lover,
Now fighting a war among the stars.
There is an emptiness inside of me.
It does not stare back.
It offers nothing,
And it gives nothing.
Deep within me, it festers,
Writhing in unnatural ways,
Shooting infinitely black tendrils
Through every vessel of my brain.
They wrap themselves around
My memories, my emotions,
My friendships and obligations,
Like eating and education,
Then yanks them all into that void,
That vast emptiness,
And leaves me as
A fraction of who I once was.

By: Forrest Jorgensen
Raw, pumped out in less than a minute with no editing.
Cruising down the road full of snow flurries
She clenched her wheel tightly because she was scared.
Scared that she might not see the moon again.
She was in love with the moon.
Every night she would write in her journal.
She was diagnosed with insanity
But in order for her to continue in society she had to write.
She wanted to prove she could still be okay
To her the snow was trying to keep her away from society.
So this was her fear
Random story I wrote
As I'm running through my dreams of you.
I see the story on repeat.
A burden lurking in the depths of my soul.
Longing for the life unlived, longing for paradise.
If they were ready.
If you were ready, when I was.
Written on the fingertips like morning dew,
The regrets of the night past.
Furling around the grass beams
The screech.
Moistening the ear canal
With slow dripping spit,
And the sun drags down the noon
Air goes crazy in the skull.
Haunting voices
Waits for the crack.
An escape
Into the sins of the dark night
Hunger like.
Title Courtesy - Winn M-B
Her blood lips and pale face was a moon in the night
He held her with gentle whispers of things unsaid between the two
The thick, dead silence of only living words
but death to strike them down with bullets hurting like swords
When they first met
He gave her a pen
She left him with words
He was her first
She was his first
A forbidden love
But she had to let him go
He couldn't take away the pain
She died with the words "You were my first, and only love, I love you"
The paper got lost in the wind.
And so did he.
The unknown is what I cower from.
I fear a watery grave.
Or would it actually be beautiful,
to watch the world float away?
As I sink to the symphony of the ocean,
and let it lullaby me to sleep,
I slip into paralysis and surrender my hands & feet.
The deep dark bottomless
untouched that is below us,
singing the song of the sirens.
The mysterious shadows that deny us
the glory underneath the islands.
The souls of the living and dead,
floating and gliding,
sinking and riding.
The waves of poseidon,
I dread.
Should I not be afraid of the shadow,
and not shriek in terror of the deep?
Is it really all that bad,
or is my mind playing games of deceit?
Have I been afraid for years,
not experiencing true beauty?
Are the fish keeping secrets,
of what the water holds truly?
What is down there, it drives me insane to no limit.
I want to see the city of Atlantis, and the mermaids in it.
Would that be my heaven?
A tale told on land?
And would the creatures of the sea,
tell tales of a walking man?
Im afraid, I am, of what's below the shore.
And to think, All I have to do
is fall off this cliff to explore.
What people on land would call my ending, would only be my beginning.
This burning nightmare never fades,
But with each step I take
A little part is pulled away,
Like a paper sheet being torn into pieces,
And a small part of an image that resides behind that paper is revealed.

Behind the burning paper world,
There is another
Made of beauty and light.
I stop so I can take in this new place
and I look around in wonder,
Oblivious to the remaining pieces of paper
Still burning behind me.

As I close my eyes and breathe in the soft,
Smoke-free air,
The heat grows again and to my uttermost dismay,
I open my eyes to the light filled world being set on fire
By those burning shreds that lay behind me.

The screaming earth shakes my bones
And deafens me with the vibrations of its pitiful death.
Heat courses through my body as the fire reaches me
And pain flourishes over my skin,
The fire that is causing it dancing with deadly beauty beneath me.

As I fall to my knees in agony,
I see the residents of this once beautiful world
Screaming in pain as they burn.
My vision blurs,
I don't know whether from tears or smoke,
And everything goes black.

Shooting up in bed,
I touch my hand to my cheek,
Which is soaked with tears.
With the echoes of their screams still ringing in my ears,
I lay my head back onto my tear stained pillow
And shut my eyes in another futile attempt
To enter a better world.
This is written from a dream I had, this poem is basically the entire thing put into words. As horrible as it was at the time, I decided to write about it because that always seems to help.
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