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651 · Jul 2017
Trying To Write a Poem
Another Poet Jul 2017
It's late, around 1 am
There aren't any whispers
Hushed night
But you can see a small light coming out of my room

Seeing myself wrtiting this poem
It's all transparent now
Εnunciating each feeling on the paper
It's all so vulnerable and sensitive

Deafening thoughts inside my head
Trying to escape
But all the gates are closed
Nobody in, noone out
540 · Jul 2017
Burning Desire
Another Poet Jul 2017
I love when you talk to me
Your voice is calm
Like the summer breeze
Knocking our windows

It is not about what you say
It is about how you say it
I can hear every letter coming out your mouth
Watching your red lips

Your colour of your voice is warm
Like the sun above us
And I want to touch your little tongue
Just a little so I can feel your burn
498 · Sep 2017
Nothing Lasts
Another Poet Sep 2017
Our connection was intense
Our kiss was toxic but sweet
The colour of your eyes was like autumn
I was so keen
I was all in

Our bond was strong
Filled with pure alcohol
And when I got sober
I saw clearly the end
You pointed it out for me

I followed your arrow
I followed your footsteps
And you led me to the exit
Now I need a compass
To get the hell out of your soul

Nothing lasts forever, doesn't?
392 · Jul 2017
Drunk Summer
Another Poet Jul 2017
Take a sip and think
Take a sip and stare
The crowd, the beach, the trees

Alcohol makes everything better, doesn't it?
Taste the sweetness of your drink
Matches perfectly with the sunset

Intense but savorous the flavor is
You sitting on a swing
And waiting for the moon to rise
Hi everyone! I'm on vacations and I just described my relaxed and productive afternoon! Drinking cocktails and writing poems! Have a wonderful summer you all beautiful people
380 · Jun 2018
Another Poet Jun 2018
Hear the voices outside
Don't be fooled by the laughs
People come and go wearing it
But there not feeling it

They can't feel the joy
Only emptiness and addiction
They cover it with this big smile
Don't be fooled
368 · Sep 2017
The Wind Game
Another Poet Sep 2017
The wind has something unique
It is invisible and visible at the same time
It blows you away
It has immeasurable strength
You can hear the whistle coming as it shaves gently
The walls and windows

Did you shiver? Or did you scare?
Did you feel the cold breeze inside you?
Look deep
The wind is not your enemy and neither your ally
But it may take you to another corner of a town

Depends on you
Choose your needs, your desires
Take a lane and start running against it
Claim yourself but also remember
You can always change your direction
Just follow the arrow where it points
349 · Jul 2017
Lost And Found
Another Poet Jul 2017
I never said to you, I’m scared
Thought my heart would brake again
Cause my life was such a mess
And you lie next to her

Don’t try to save me, I don’t care
Myself and I we’ll find a way
Close the door behind you
And run away again
283 · Aug 2017
End of the day
Another Poet Aug 2017
Can anyone tell me
At the end of the day
What matters the most?

We live each day having a purpose
To become better individuals
For us and the society right?
But what happens when you come home at night
And you lie down on the bed
Thinking about your day
Experiences, people, stress, boredom

I tell you what matters
That you survived
264 · Jun 2018
Ordinary Life
Another Poet Jun 2018
I do not write anymore
Maybe my emotions are gone
Or there are no thoughts
Living my ordinary life

But tonight is different
Alone and fragile
Sick of anything ordinary
Hidden figures inside my head

The fall is slow
My feet are cold
But you can see my eyes burning
You can feel the thill

Just an ordinary night
With flames inside me
264 · Oct 2018
Another Poet Oct 2018
Mama, I wish you knew
All those times I exposed myself
Didn't want to get hurt
But here I am
So broken again.

Mama, give me a hug
I need you more than ever
No more tears to cry
I won't close my eyes
I won't let it go

Mama, I tried my best
Do not let anyone else inside
Don't want to see
Don't want to feel
Just keep going on.

— The End —