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efni May 2023
are my ears popping
as real as the brown boy
peeping and making
his way around my vision
only in broken steps

or as the reflection on my
special metal friend of a friend

the silhouette meeting upon a cross
efni May 2023
the heat rushed to my head
while the dark trickled up my leg
rolling down when yours only needs to go up

the moonlight isnt the only one
efni May 2023
we sat together
in line and in silence
as time becomes tied
a noise errupted of
thoughts and prayers
self-claimed prosephies
but what if this noise is relative

if he scratches his nose,
and i do the same will it be
mimicry or mockery

the passenger's seat is not to be seen by me
the only seat meant for me is mine
efni Mar 2023
don't fix your stare
on bars before the
shooting stars

it won't last forever
watch just as much
as you can

there's so much more in the far away little
efni Mar 2023
i can't collect your love
there's simply no more space
for square kisses in my circle heart
so don't let it be emptied for
"my own good"

if you're a good guy what am i, love. loved.
efni Mar 2023
don't refuse the hate
you have for me
it keeps the loose thread
on my old socks
from being torn away

comfy and worn only ever so often
when it gets a bit too cold
efni Mar 2023
Hannah, please, stop allowing


to be the sole muse of your poetry
and your past
to be the muse of her through you

but that's not your name, is it

and that's not who you are.

call me by your name and I'll call you by mine
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