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Akira Chinen Apr 2018
Come with me to the fields
where flowers dance like living flames
and we have no need for our human names
and we will stay until
eternity has gone and went
and we will keep the treasures
of all our love well spent
Akira Chinen Apr 2018
Dead men have their grieving wives
and oceans have their graveyards
and all I have left is an empty sky
and time barking at my heels
and I wonder what happened
to the young man who once painted the night
with the stars from his dreams
as he slept upside down from the smile of the moon

I wonder if he’s dead

I wonder if I killed him

because he was better at imagining love
than I was at talking care of it
I wonder if I pushed him from a high cliff
and quickly retreated before his screams
became a flat thud of crushed bones

I wonder if I buried him under dirt and fear
under the obligations of failing to try
I wonder what could have been
if I had gone right instead of left
on one of those long cold nights
when the road was going nowhere

I look in the mirror
and nothing stares back at me
not even a ghost
just an empty world
inside an empty room
trapped inside empty eyes
that have lost their color

and I wonder if
he is still better at imagining love
than I am at taking care of it
Akira Chinen Apr 2018
Most people are blissfully unaware
of just how much we are all alone
one by one by ourself
drifting though the day to day
   just another night


letting the world turn
into something disturbingly ******
as everything spins out of control
bullets fall from the sky
and we brush off the deaths they cause
as if it is just a light drizzle
no need for an umbrella or panic or change
everyone is breathing in and out

   in and out

      in and out

         in and out

******* without rhythm or reason
other than to pass the time
and pretend that we’re still human on some level
but no one stops to notice if there alive
or if their heart is still beating

as long as we make the right noises
it’s close enough to love
the abuse that is
anything to keep ourselves
from the appearance of being lonely


our numbers keep growing
as the population only knows how to expand
death cannot keep pace
with the rate we procreate
and we will devour this earth
down to its core with our ignorance and greed
and then where will

go without us....

                           it will go on and on and on

and it is hard to argue against
that it will most likely be better off without us
Akira Chinen Apr 2018
I won't do ******
that **** kills people

Beautiful people

and everyone
on ****** is beautiful
until their not
and by then it's too late
their already dead

The art was already there

in their blood
in the sound of their heartbeat
in the canvas bleeding out
  the visions of their pain
in the strings of their guitars
   screaming out their despair
in the late hours

  of rehearsal                

   of creating          

           of dreaming  

It never came from the needle
or the poison
or the high
and it's so easy to get lost up there
where nothing is wrong
above the clouds
free of the human misery
that sobriety so often swims in

who wouldn't want
to get hooked above the world
just watching everything spin
spectacularly out of control
without any of the pain
or worry of the difference
between whats wrong or right
or the longing eyes of the homeless
or the desperate pleas of the hungry
or the roaring booms of war
or the ****** hands
of mans sickening greed

and when the devil
has such a warm smile
and kind eyes
and promises of everything
that feels good about feeling good
who the **** would want
to come back down
to the hell we've made
of living on earth

as normalcy is the complicity
of turning a blind eye
to anyone ugly with suffering
including our own reflections

and if that's the price of addiction
why do the math
if the answer is finding a cure
to feeling good
and being chained to gravity
and the ground
when it's easier to reach up
and swim in the flames of the sun
and dance to the sound
of Lou Reed singing from the moon

about perfect days

and rock and roll

and dancing with someone
who just might be Jesus's son

but then I remember
that **** kills people

Beautiful people

and everyone is beautiful
until their not
and by then it's too late
and their already dead
Akira Chinen Mar 2018
Broken we sit and dream alone
in a world that won’t stop turning tragic tales
into melancholy doses of strange beauty
and the winds only whisper of love
to the lost that have never known
the way or comfort of home

and the road is deserted of everything
but heartache and dim scattered moon shadows
and somewhere in the dark corners
of hidden forests creatures lurk
with false promises and bad breath
pointing out suspicious short cuts to happiness
with the path littered with the bones of dead innocence
maybe some of our own
maybe some of the ones we left behind
on the way to adult maturity and shame

as if believing in ourselves so little
wasn’t enough of a burden
we had to make a list of the what not to do’s
when it comes to finding pleasure

this is ok

that is most definitely not

and if it feels good you better not do it
because it feels good
only do it because that is the way it is suppose to be
and if it isn’t
you’ve been warned
that someone or something or some sick and perverted god
is watching and judging and jerking in horror
at all our sinful acts
and the list has been checked
and the video watched twice

and it’s all the same over and over again
pawns without a board or a square
pretending to be kings that love queens
and queens that love fools
and fools that love themselves
with fists grasped in self gratification
building castles that crumble
as we sit alone in broken dreams
Akira Chinen Mar 2018
I weep for man
I laugh at mankind
and my heart breaks for humanity

We are so far removed from ourselves
separated by ego and arrogance
blinded by routine and normalcy
spinning cogs walking in circles
as the world turns into a wasteland

Our hearts become nothing more
than empty graveyards
hollow and empty sound in our pulse
white noise blocking the transmission
of our dreams

Puppets safe in their cages
the masses only move with the flow
educate them to repeat repetition
never teach them to think
line them up one by one
ducks on the pound
waiting to be hunted




The only currency worth dying for
Life has no value on wall street
only the Dow and the Jones
and the Smiths and the Wessons
bullets and lead
over the teeth and the smiles of children
coins and cash
over the blood and bones of innocence
cold lifeless steel
over the warmth and sound of a heart beat

I weep for man
I laugh at mankind
and my heart breaks for humanity
Akira Chinen Mar 2018
She wore a black dress made of the fire
and art of poetry
and she glided gracefully as she tip-toed
from star to star
with her soft hair spilling out and over the sky
painting the night the color of dreams
she danced within the gleaming
silk indigo flames of eternity
out in the dark where
no one could watch her move
and even though she
was far out in the darkness
way up high where no one could see her
and my eyes could not trace
the outline of her form
or make out the shape of her smile
I knew she was beautiful
I could feel it in the space beneath my ribs
and in the sound of my heart beat
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