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  Nov 2017 Viany
Kaye I
she's a song
you'll never hear
because you never listened.
  Nov 2017 Viany
Angela K
I want to sit cross legged on your rib cage
And write poetry
whilst I listen to your heart beat
echo hope
sing life

I want to walk through your soul's halls
- A museum of things you keep dear -
And hope to find my heart pinned on one of the walls.

I want to lie on my back
On the sands of your mind
Where I have a clear view of your sunset
And hope to see your ghost
right next to mine.
  Nov 2017 Viany
Angela K
don't use me
as your broom
to sweep up your feelings for her
under rugs
cause every time we kiss
every time we touch
i can feel her coarse dust
rubbing through my skin
Viany Nov 2017
I am a foreign woman
Expressing myself to you
In a foreign language
These words are your words,
Yet somehow reside in me
Viany Nov 2017
I envy the arrival of the moon... for when the moon makes its appearance, darkness forms and silence grows. When the moon makes its appearance, my mind is restless
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