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  Sep 2020 Lily
Our lover has our hearts
and we theirs

You can hear love on the wind
in stillness

if love has your heart
love has your song

and your song is of love
as love has your heart
  Sep 2020 Lily
Mitch Prax
wake up each morning
and find a new reason to
love yourself again

3:52 PM
  Sep 2020 Lily
"reach for the stars!"
i'm certain you've heard that one before.

and sure, it makes a catchy quote but
have you ever really reached for the stars?

outstretched arms, on your tippy toes, and
your forehead creased with determination.

your eyes locked on them as they tease;
playfully winking and blinking back at you.

and you swear they seem just out reach...
but that is a cruel, desperate and futile illusion.

don't reach for the stars because your best
will never be enough for them, and plus-

they're dead anyway.
but you? you are alive.

i believe you should strive towards your goals but setting unreachable standards for yourself is exhausting.

don't torture yourself with impossible goals
because your best IS good enough.
don't beat yourself up over dead stars,
because you're alive, you deserve more

and you are enough.
Lily Sep 2020
Perfectly curled caramel hair
Cascades down her shoulders,
Bouncing in time with the music.
He can’t help but savor every
Fragment of her movement as he
Traces the camera around her frame,
Capturing the dance.
She’s an actress in every sense of the term,
Her eyes sad yet powerful,
Her body hurting yet beautiful.
The music ends and she stops, breathless,
Her hair that has fallen in front of her face
Flowing up and down as she catches her breath.
“Did you get it?”
She asks him,
And suddenly he’s back to himself,
Back from the world her dance took him to.
“Definitely,” he says, and when
Her dimples break her face open,
The camera is still rolling,
For he doesn’t want to miss a second of her beauty.
She isn’t just poetry.
She is art.
poetry girl pt. 5
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