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Phia Aug 2016
I won't tell you to not be sad
Because someone out there has it worse,
Because often times, there's nothing worse
Than being stuck in your own mind.
I've been doing a lot of self reflection lately...
Phia Aug 2016
We always complain about our lives
The lack of things we've done and seen,
But sometimes we forget to remind ourselves
That we are living someone else's dreams.
Not saying that someone's problems aren't important, and I will never say that someone has it worse, but just remember to be grateful for what you've got
Phia Aug 2016
Please don't fear my storms,
For they are needed in order to grow
The flowers.
Phia Aug 2016
You pulled my walls apart
And brought me out of the dark
You shined light on my heart
Right from the start.
Phia Aug 2016
And it's okay, maybe we're both a little broken,
But that's okay,
Because it turns out our broken pieces
Fit together perfectly.
Phia Aug 2016
You didn't give me a set of wings,
You simply showed me the beautiful pair
That I had never knew I had.
Oh me, oh my, take these broken wings and fly
Phia Aug 2016
My life is a never ending desert
And you, you were a beautiful lake
Right in the middle of it
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