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Stephen Star Aug 2018
I'll bring you closer
take you into me,
you perfect stranger.

With the lights down low
you can be anything,
that I want you to be.

You can be my lost lover
or the perfect person
I’ve always wanted.

Let's touch every part
of each other
and become mine for the night.
Take my mind somewhere else.

Be the clarity that I need and take my toxic thoughts.
Let’s release each other from our worries and
be free in an explosive ******,
that makes me lose my senses.

Bring me closer to the feeling
they call
Long title but like oh well haha.
If you have been keeping up with my notes my new summer romance failed miserably. The story of my life.
Stephen Star Aug 2018
Tick tock!
Tick tock!
Don’t you hear all those little noises?
Do you see the things that just aren’t right?

Oh please straighten that and make it look nice!
I hate when things are so messy and unorganized.
If I make it look better... then it is better!
No one needs to know that there was once a mess there.

There’s no reason to cause alarm.
No one needs to know.
You’re having guests over you must be your best and everything must be in order

Tick tock!
Tick tock!

They’ll be here any minute!
Oh, my! Oh, my!
Do you have everything ready and in place?
Do you have the hors-d'oeuvres all set up and ready?

Do you have the candles going?
Is everything in place?
Are the pictures on the wall and straight and nice.
Can they see the smiles?

Oh, my shirt! how is my shirt?
Is this too bright or is it too dark?
Is it too big? Or too small? Is my hair neat and in place?
Should I wear shoes since we’re inside?
Are my pants the right color should I go change?
Is there enough light in this room?
Is it too bright or too dark?

Oh, here they are! it’s time to greet them all. I hope they enjoy.
I hope they really do.
A poem of anxiety
Stephen Star Jul 2018
Give it to me all
Smother me with love
I miss it so much
And I have so much to give

I want to be crushed by it.
Suffocate me till I can’t breathe
Let me feel the love.
I crave that need.

I want to cry tears
But all that comes out are
Pieces of my broken heart that I’m so ready
to give.

But it seems no one wants them
All I do is try to give them away

“Please, sir! Here is a piece of my heart!”
“Oh, madam wait I’d love to give you a piece of my heart!”
“You don’t have to give me yours back!”
“Honestly I promise! I’ll give you all of and me I don’t need yours in return! It would be nice but I don’t expect it!”
"Please... I’ll give you every piece of me."

But they all kept walking.

Some put the pieces in their purses
And save it for a rainy day.
Some put the pieces on their cheek
Until it falls off and does not see a need for it anymore
Some instantly throw it away
And stomp on it.
Just for extra effect.

Please, someone, give me your love in return
I don’t want to give up
I don’t want to live this life without ever knowing what it’s like
To be loved.
Have a great day.
Stephen Star Jul 2018
I love you at all times of the day.
At the dawning of light,
when the blue sky starts to turn orange and red,
and when the light goes to sleep and the stars start to shine.

But I must admit to being selfish;
for I do a have a favorite time.
Though It has it drawbacks
since I don’t get to see your eyes and smile.

But when you’re sleeping peacefully
and I get to wrap you up in my arms
and give you gentle kisses on your head.
That is my favorite time.

It doesn’t matter if I get any sleep
as long as your comfortable and sleeping sound.
However, I feel selfish for this time. It’s the only time
I feel you are undoubtedly mine.

You are so busy with all the things you do
but during this time you don’t have anywhere to be
You don’t have to answer your phone.
You just lie there sleeping like a beautiful prince in my arms.

I’m not sure if you even know but I’ll protect you
for as long as I can before you have to wake up
and go once again. I don’t expect for myself to ever
have you completely.
You’re too exotic to keep locked away.

So I’ll just enjoy the nights where I hold you
hoping that it won’t be the last.
If you haven't noticed I am undoubtedly in love. Oh well. I may get my heart broken. But I can't seem to help to fall in love with the most free-spirited type people. But anyway here is a poem of my thoughts of when I was holding this said person in my arms. Again sorry if I missed at punctuation and grammar errors my spell checker is down for the moment so I am flying blind lol.
Stephen Star Jul 2018
“A flower? It’s pretty and all but they die so fast, sort of a waste.” said my love.

“This isn’t any ordinary flower, it’s a rose,” I said.

“Still a flower.” said my love.

“You’re right, but flowers represent our lives and sadly death is apart of our lives but it makes you learn to appreciate the beauty while it’s still there. Enjoy the life while you have it and maybe learn to…” I paused and then smirked

“Stop and smell the roses.” I finished by saying.

“You’re corny.” said my love.

“You’re right, but this isn’t any old flower, it’s a rose. The apex of flowers, the symbol of love in this world.” “A rose has been compared a thousand times to love, talking about how it’s thorns can ***** you if you are not careful, how that if you don’t take care of it and neglect the flower, it will die. Just like love.” I said.

I stepped closer and grabbed my loves hand.

"So in case you were wondering, I am not entirely sure where "this" will go and maybe I haven't been careful since I've already been pricked by your beautiful thorns, but I promise I will enjoy your beauty for as long as I can and I will give you all the care that you need." I said this.

and then my love smiled and my heart melted.
I wonder how "this" will end.
Thought I would try some dialogue for a change... Still kind of a poem... Right?
Well hopefully that doesn't break any rules just thought this would be a fun way to describe some feeling of a rose I had.

Also if you are curious about why I didn't give "my love" a gender is because I like anyone to be able to plug themselves into most of my writing. Especially in more romance type stories I really like anyone being able to imagine a scenario with someone they are in love with and not have that be sort of thrown off by a specific gender. Hope that makes sense. But I don't always limit myself to that rule just whatever I'm feeling in the moment.
Also "this" refers to the relationship between the two people in case that wasn't clear.  And sorry for any grammatical errors, don't have the time to really try and proofread this but I really wanted to post this and not take 10 years during the editing portion.
Have a nice day! - SCS
Stephen Star Jul 2018
I was so worried and concerned about how my story would turn out.
Or what new story that we could make.
But of course, due to my selfish nature, I forgot about yours.
Your story, and how it will play out.

You tell me your tale and the world you live in.
I’m already so frightened that I just don’t quite fit in it.

I hear your stories of entanglement and the things you deal with.
Of course, I want to help and give you what I can.
But as much as I want to be, I am merely not apart of it.

And I don’t think you want me to be.

Maybe it’s cause you’re scared.
Maybe it’s because you don’t actually care.
Maybe you don’t see this lasting more than the summer.
Maybe, maybe, maybe, and maybes are what my story is becoming
filled with.

Now I’m starting to think the worst,
my head filled with thoughts, and
now horrified I want to cut this off and
say I’m doing what’s best for me.

So I can save myself from you hurting me.
But that’s just my side of the story, I genuinely wonder
what’s yours?
so yeah here's that. A poem I wrote about my summer romance. Will it last longer? Whoooooooooo knows.
Stephen Star Jul 2018
There are days,
I feel happy,
days I feel sad,
and days where I feel lonely.

However, today, I feel nothing.
It’s a strange feeling,
because is it really a feeling?
To feel nothing at all.

Perhaps it’s boredom.
Perhaps it’s not.

I could be feeling lonely or sad,
but I don’t relatively feel filled with sorrow
and I’m not dwelling on the
depressing thoughts of my world.

And I don’t feel bothered
by the fact that I am alone.
I am not craving the need for
human interaction at this moment.

There is a chance I could be
But to be content has a layer
of peace behind it.

I don’t feel peace.
There are many things
I am worried about
but for today
I feel none of those things.
Maybe today I don’t have to be anything.
Maybe today I don’t have to be dictated by an
No form to follow no thoughts to consume my mind.
Maybe my brain can be blank for a while.
Maybe I can just exist, and perhaps that can be enough…
for today.
My thoughts and feelings of today.  A very strange day. I felt like writing something and not be worried and concerned about how it looks or that everything is proper and that everything is lined up. Just letting my poem be and not be concerned with being anything else than what it is.
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