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 Dec 2019 Nadia
EL Williams
She was the sun, I was the moon.
She lit up my entire world.
I was there in the darkest times.
Trying my hardest to support her.

Everyone else seemed like stars,
Waiting for her to explode.
But, alas, I wasn’t. She was my light.
She was the only reason I was seen.

Without her, I was useless.
Just a speck in the infinity.
The moon of an uninhabited planet.
I mean, do you care about Jupiter’s moons?
 Dec 2019 Nadia
The Present
 Dec 2019 Nadia
The Present
Is a gift
To unwrap
Not to ruin the paper
But to save it for later
you are unbearable
sweetness, raindrops
falling from a cloud,

the dreams of the night
as they sing, desolate
as a lonely star, beautiful
as a glistening sea,

you are the sweetest
fire that burns full of

everything of me
cannot exist without you,
boy of love.
 Dec 2019 Nadia
Sue Collins
The stretch as she wakes up, her nose already smelling her dehydrated breakfast and first laps of water.
Her manic, jubilant rampage around the house before she drops down and naps with one paw on me.
Her luxurious fur glistening in the ray of sunshine like a silver veneer, soft to the touch as pure down.

I often wonder what she sees when she looks at me. Am I just the one that keeps her alive and kicking?
I’d like to think that she has unselfish love for me, that she would save me from some earthly disaster.
What is behind those big, soulful eyes that follow me everywhere? The tail that has its own language?

Does she know love? Memory? Sadness and grief? Can she feel joy and wonder at being alive?
I’ve asked her these questions, and after much consideration, she expressed her feelings about a dog’s life.

                     I’ve translated her barking response --
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