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i wish
i were as brave as the rain
they are not afraid to

when there is no one there to catch them...

they are the strongest, bravest and
saddest things I've known :(

-the thought "the rain are not afraid to fall" were not from me . :)
to fly,

you must learn
how to


lesson #1 from butterfly

allow the process to take
and practice slowly
only then, you can truly fly

tap or click the
#igmslessonsfromanimals tag
button to read the other lessons
Count to ten, then come find me
Tangled in the curtains, as always,
Trying to hold still.
I get so distracted by the birds out the window,
Shifting from branch to branch,
Always singing a new song, taking off
Whenever they please;
Sometimes, when nobody's looking,
I try to fly too, but of course,
I never land on my feet.
When I hear you laugh that you've found me,
I pull the curtains tight around my shoulders before I
Count to ten, then come find you.
 Sep 2015 Natasha George
Have you ever tried to hold close somebody who is crying?
You're so uncomfortable to offer
the impersonal tissue or the personal handkerchief
so you extend your hand, and shoulder, and chest
for it's right atop your heart.

Soon there is snort on your shirt you just don't know of from all the wet.
What's on your shirt is absorbed by your cloth
and is dispersed by its fabric.
There it finds contact with your skin
that is replete with pores that run very deep
but aren't armoured with the right toxins.

It stings- first sign of assault. You deny- first step to acceptance.
Your insides have all it takes to reach out.
So they do. And you, have traded iron for rust.
A binging blood can't tell that.

Your systems turning against you was just the first strand
of the crosshairs as you wrapped around me.
Salty fluid shards of me, inconspicuously stabbing into you.
The sound was switched off
to my  imagination
but you sauntered in that cascade silk of light
with sure steps,touching this,
tousling your hair, touching that
resplendent. Seductive in the setting.

You knew I was watching the sun dance
through the shadows
causing your smile
and mischief to glow brighter.

It was when you leaned over the balcony
my pulse raced with fear
and my heart stopped racing anymore.

Its only when you switched the sound back on
did I realise
your heart was also beating
between 'the agony and the ecstasy'
of the distance between us.

I take a  step forward.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 3 days ago
The sky is screaming.
What better time to be alive than now.
Love me like you do
Stab me through and through
I know I shouldn't long for you
But my heart still longs for you
I've run out of things to do
It's been 4 months and I'm still not over you
So love me like you do
Stab me through my heart so I can feel close to you
The tears I cry tonight fall  like roses on a grave
I guess it's time to say goodbye
It's long past the last dance of the masquerade
Like bullets from a gun we ended with a sudden bang
we start and we end we dream we transcend we love we hurt we never rest again
LOVE: love is handing someone your heart watching them break it and continuing to love them still
 May 2015 Natasha George
IL Mare
He had reasons
But I had none
A lot of questions
He'd become

We had memories
So we aren't really strangers
But then he looks at me
Like I'm the only one who can remember
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