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Gabriel Jun 2019
Take me back
not to undo my scars
but to learn more about myself
How to carry my own burden
to drown my sickness
before it drowns me

I wish I could go back
and redirect my life
back to when living was basic
and math was the only problem
with a solution
****** up
  Jun 2019 Gabriel
whenever someone asks her “ why are your hands shaking?”, she always responds “ I’m still waiting for his hands to ease mines” , and I guess that, that is love,
knowing that only his touch could calm her agony.
Gabriel Jun 2019
Inside my mind
you'll hear me scream
                                                 Will you be the one to break the silence
Or the next name that I shall yell?
Gabriel Jun 2019
I can't love you , my hands are not ready to hold a stranger
     Millions of possibilities yet only one can save us both
         As beautiful as a rose there's no reason to remove your roots
   As quiet as night yet your voice echoes my head

Id rather have purple knuckles than a Purple Heart
No more games of love you can't even win
  Jun 2019 Gabriel
Mary Velarde
when was the last time
you reached into a mirror
to get a grasp of someone
other than a stranger?
Gabriel Jun 2019
F-or the father who left us empty
U-gly is a man that breaks his vows
C-ared less for the best yet cared more for the mistress
K-issed my mother on the cheek you let her hang on the cross          ............just for you to satisfy your lust

Y-our lies echoed on the family table , denying every sin
O-pened roads that will lead to burnt bridges
U-nderstanding the lie to never noticed the truth

My father, this is my message to you
Gabriel Jun 2019
A ***** glass is short
yet can contain the strongest liquor

Just like my words
I seldom speak
yet my words will always weigh you down.
Another round at the liquor store
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