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Nature has this innate ability to take in many sounds
both unpleasant and kind, insulated its core, penetrating deep, it unravels the mysteries, mysterious its ways, in dispersion to diversity
always bears and offers fruits, fair
Nature Inspiration moments
First thing I do when
I get to work
is hide

Because a good employee
is hard to find
You know what you want
And do what you like
That is choice

Life gives you what it likes
You do as it demands
And what is right

A balance knows
It is right
When it equally divides

It was late
Almost midnight

The owl was up
And going about his routine

The house dog tried to get some sleep
He was up all day, chasing the strays

Dreams, awake
Await the dawn
Random thoughts
The blue bird flies
Colours of its feathers
Merges with the sky

Golden ribbons shimmered
Through the trees
Blue bird, mid air whirs, catches a fly

The blue bird sings
Verditer Flycatcher, the name
That’s my name, my name, my name

Silent whispers
Purple spoke to pink
Lavender winked
Somewhat convinced
Sugar red hibiscus
From his bed of green
Sprung into the conversation
With purple and pink
Yellow blush
Nine o clocks
Had to attend the briefing
By the sun
In his next meeting
The flowers seemed not to be in a rush
All, recently bloomed
They had moments enough  
To live
They tried to make the most of it
Under the rays of the sun
Flowers 🌸 🔆🌿🌿
Written - 23/07/2021

Unmoved the pages

Stilled in a frame

Threadbare, the words disappear
Timeless grey cobblestones
Shadows in the dark
Glow in soft monochrome

Hallways and archways
Lead outdoors
Wrought iron frames uphold

Sun shines over the young
Away from the gnawing
Twists and turns

They ride into the fields of gold
Whistling into the woods
Treasures of youth unfold

The path unseen
Moulding the soft clay in fragile dreams
Marking a trail clean
Inspired by a photograph in monochrome
Street photography- Twitter
The fog comes in the way of light
The leaves and flowers, cold
Do not despair
Their beauty in the mist veiled

The fog undulates, swells
Silent slant, rays of gold
Shine upon the crimson leaves
Untouched, the beauty unveiled
Shallow waters still

Pond stork meditates upon

The pink lotus blooms
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