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 Feb 2020 Marya123
Maria Etre
 Feb 2020 Marya123
Second place
Always seemed so nice
Second best
Never hurt so much
 Feb 2020 Marya123
ok okay
So many people focus on finding love
I'm too busy finding myself
 Feb 2020 Marya123
Bubbles are forming
As my breath leaves me,
Ripples on the Surface
As I go underneath.

Deep in the Sea

The sand glitters
Pears glistening
Hidden wonders sparkle
Running through my hands.

Deep in the Sea

Blue is no longer blue
Shades of black and purple
Begin to seep through
And confuse my vision.

Deep in the Sea

Calls from creatures
Songs from sirens
Rushing of water
Reverberate inside me.

Deep in the Sea

I lose sense of me
Becoming nothing
Yet still something
As I float aimlessly.

© Sofia Villagrana 2020
 Feb 2020 Marya123
your name is
forbidden in
my mouth
or in my heart
because when
i think about

i'll cry a little more,
hurt a little stronger
love a little softer
because you no longer
make me feel sober

i'm drunk on the
memory of you
if only i could chase you with pizza but shots don't work like that
 Feb 2020 Marya123
a cold, snowy night,

at your bus stop.

for a lifetime, i could stay.

holding my bottles,

i could be okay.

but i will never see you,

not your shadow, not another day.

so i will turn the other way,

a world apart,

our hearts remain.
 Feb 2020 Marya123
 Feb 2020 Marya123
i met you
as the leaves fell
and the sky turned grey

the world grew cold
as my heart turned warm

i missed you
as the leaves grew back
and the sky turned blue

the world grew warm
as my heart turned cold
 Feb 2020 Marya123
 Feb 2020 Marya123
Love's only weakness
Is also its greatest strength:
It defies reason

My thoughts on Valentine’s Day
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